Recent content by badhorsey

  1. B

    Sanwu '3000mw'

    After hearing a lot of good things about Sanwu, I bit the bullet and ordered a blue 304 model rated at 3000mw, with 2 x 3.7v lithium batteries. The outcome was a little disappointing.... The batteries appeared to be rechargeables, and not fully charged at that. The laser itself – solid, heavy...
  2. B

    laserpen aimed at apache helicopter -- arrest followed

    Hah hah - now there's a thought. Ship over a bunch of laser pens with "Danger - do not point at helicopters" written in Afghan on them, and modify missiles to home in on 532nm. That would end the war in about a week.
  3. B

    laserpen aimed at apache helicopter -- arrest followed

    Maybe, just MAYBE... you don't want to point a laser pen at a helicopter gunship, crammed with detection equipment, piloted by trained observers, and armed to the teeth with missiles...
  4. B

    Violet-emitting laser pointers now commercial.

    I've actually ordered two - a 5mw and a 100mw. I'll report back when they arrive...
  5. B

    Violet-emitting laser pointers now commercial.

    Better yet, DealExtreme are chopping them out for a mere $23!
  6. B

    Boeing's airborne tactical laser

    You can just see some kid in a Manchester housing estate pointing his 20mw greenie at a plane... the WRONG plane... "Permission to return fire?" "Ooh yus!"
  7. B

    Green Laser Hits Police Chopper Pilot In Eye

    I think you've hit the nail on the head, here. These reports tend to be of the flimsiest variety, seldom citing details and perpetuating the myth that a handheld device can do anything up to and including blowing up a planet.* I'd like to see a report on this - surely it generates enough...
  8. B

    Green Laser Hits Police Chopper Pilot In Eye

    You know, these stories bother me. There have been about a dozen so far this year with variations on the green laser / police helicopter / commercial airliner etc and they all have one thing in common; a near-superhuman feat of aiming a laser with startlingly low beam divergence. Consider: The...
  9. B

    Vital Spirt - are they still good???

    I used to buy Leadlight 105s from them, before they started coming with APC built in. I would vouch for Vitalspirtit unreservedly - very good customer service, great comms and fast delivery.
  10. B

    Blu-Ray drives that rock for lasers

    How dare you! I'm a one-forum sort of guy!
  11. B

    Blu-Ray drives that rock for lasers

    I'm considering getting a few Blu-Ray drives to take apart for the diode-y goodness within. Any recommendations for bulk (well, around five) buys? I'd rather have the drives than the assemblies since I'd put at least one of them into my PC...
  12. B

    100mw Greenie for £20?

    Noted with thanks. I read the reviews after posting and decided not to buy. Still - the unmodded 50mw version is not a bad buy for a cheap greenie.
  13. B

    Australian laser laws - what is the latest news???

    It's fair to say that tabloid journalism is not a career that requires a solid grounding in coherent optics...
  14. B

    100mw Greenie for £20?

    I'm tempted by this beastie: I've bought quite a few of the DX 100mw red lasers, which I thought were excellent value for money, so may go for one of these... or even three, given the discount!
  15. B

    Home hologram kit

    You're right, of course. I've since found out that the supplied laser outputs at 635nm, and my HeNe outputs at 632.5nm, so it's eminently do-able... Maybe I'll order some film and see how I get on.