Recent content by HighlandRanger

  1. H

    Oldest LED lights you own

    Surefire L1 Digital Lumamax - has to be at least 20 years old. Still works. I have the L2 and a bunch more right up thru the P3x fury.
  2. H

    US Made Flashlights . . .

    I just looked again - nothing says made in USA - they were on a Youtube channel and introduced as made in usa . . . . I guess I should have known.
  3. H

    US Made Flashlights . . .

    I know Princeton, at least some of their stuff is engineered here made in China which as far as I am concerned is made in China.
  4. H

    US Made Flashlights . . .

    I have a lot of old Surefire . . . . but it seems like they lost their edge, have Maglites but their specs largely aren't current . . . recently purchased a Malkoff, very nice, Elzetta look nice as well so they are on the list. Anyone ever heard of Sol-Tac...
  5. H

    Teslas quit charging in cold

    So gas stations are public works? I had no idea. Are they like parks? That would be a surprise to the owners that pay to build and upkeep them in spite of ever onerous regulation. And we can fix everything with a backhoe and cable? Is the cable magic? It doesnt need to be connected to a power...
  6. H

    Teslas quit charging in cold

    I remember my Dad saying the same thing - all delivery trucks in nyc were electric at first right thru the 1930s, then all switched to gas.
  7. H

    Teslas quit charging in cold

    Electric cars arent just transportation, they are a religon now. Would not park one in my garage. BEtter for pollution? Please. The electricity comes from the same fossil fuels and requires heavy metal batteries. This is about control not pollution. Wake up.
  8. H

    Malkoff Hound Dog Super - - - 3 18650's?

    I noticed that the text on the Malkoff web site seemed to indicate you could use three 18650's with this light - now that I received the unit it seems only two fit. Is there some extension piece I missed buying? Or did I misread? That aside - the light is plenty bright, not sure it is worth...
  9. H

    Battery Education - new cells accepting different levels of charge?

    So I am finally moving to 18650's for everything going forward . . . . bought several sets of new Keeppower 18650s - the protected 3500 mah variety. Put them in the charger for the first time before use and when they both finished, one said something like 2160mah and the other said 2650mah...
  10. H

    TkLamp Flashlight tester

    Interesting - might be worth the $300 to see which lights meet their claims - Saw it from this youtube video:
  11. H

    More EV fires after salt water flooding

    From what I read it was a few billion with estimates of the real expense in the trillions . . . . with somewhere around 280 million cars in the US, and the estimates for grid improvements ranging from $2000-7000 per electric vehicle . . . . well, Biden needs to check his math either way. I don't...
  12. H

    More EV fires after salt water flooding

    I saw a piece on the dramatic depreciation in these vehicles - some of them losing half their value or more in their first year of ownership. Not to mention the dramatic slowdown in sales once people realize the narrow use case for these things. Bottom line, neither these products or the...
  13. H

    Re-tooling - Best Manufacturer for use of standard rechargeable batteries

    For now I wound up putting new heads in a bunch of 2 and 6 cell maglights and buying a bunch of rechargeable d-cells as well as the maglight clip holders to place around the house. Hopefully the size makes them less attractive to not be in the clip when I need them. Not as bright as a small...
  14. H

    Recommendations for a Surefire Sidekick replacement...
