Recent content by jerry i h

  1. jerry i h

    Can't decide between flashlights

    In true CPF tradition, suggest you buy all 3. Then, tell us which one you prefer. :devil:
  2. jerry i h

    just got my Klarus MiX6 Ti

    Re: EDC report - very nice indeed sorry to resurrect an old thread, but here is an update. this has been on my keychain for over a year. when I first put it on my keychain, I put one of those L92 in it. **unlike the Illumina or ITP, the head is still super easy to twist. no detectable thread...
  3. jerry i h

    lecture on lithium cell internal short-circuits

    I found this nifty lecture titled Lithium-Ion Battery Safety Study Using Multi-Physics Internals Short-Circuit Model at this link (opens PDF file): Sadly, these are only the slides. It takes some patient study to understand...
  4. jerry i h

    Boeing 787 & Li-Ion batteries vs recent fires

    Great link: primer on the electrical system of the 787. I noticed with great curiosity on page 4 that the 777 uses a NiCd battery pack but at 24 volts. I calculated that a 32v one would be about 35# more, about one carry-one and golf bag full of clubs. I was about to question the wisdom of this...
  5. jerry i h

    Boeing 787 & Li-Ion batteries vs recent fires

    Hallelujah. Where that one of the Boeing engineers understand that. As far as I can tell, Li-ions will, a small % of the time, spontaneously vent with flame, no matter what you do. Boeing, rather than choose a different, safer technology, are stubbornly staying with the same solution, but add...
  6. jerry i h

    Boeing 787 & Li-Ion batteries vs recent fires

    This is an interesting article, describing the (unsuccessful) efforts at putting out a lithium fire in the 787's lithium-cobalt battery pack with conventional fire extinguishers and water.
  7. jerry i h

    Boeing 787 & Li-Ion batteries vs recent fires

    From this link: NTSB still seeking root cause of Boeing 787 fire OK, anyone care to explain?
  8. jerry i h

    Boeing 787 & Li-Ion batteries vs recent fires

    Beg to differ: being insufficiently developed is not the problem. The problem is that some goofball engineers want to take advantage of high energy density, but refuse to consider that a small % will spontaneously vent with flame, no matter what you do.
  9. jerry i h

    Boeing 787 & Li-Ion batteries vs recent fires

    I looked carefully at the photos of the battery pack, and they seem to be all simply wired in series, w/o any sort of wiring so that each cell can be monitored independently. FAA likely to OK Boeing battery testing in days - sources :sick2: I find it disturbing that Boeing's solution is to...
  10. jerry i h

    Boeing 787 & Li-Ion batteries vs recent fires

    Re: Battery Fire NTSB Briefing - JAL 787 Uh-oh... U.S. Officials Fault F.A.A. for Missing 787 Battery Risk seems that the Boeing engineers did not bother to tell the FAA that LiCo rechargeables have a bad habit of venting-with-flames, and that this can spread to the next cell that it is...
  11. jerry i h

    Boeing 787 & Li-Ion batteries vs recent fires

    Re: Battery Fire NTSB Briefing - JAL 787 In the McMaster catalog, I found this interesting thing: Lightweight Quick-Charging Lithium Batteries It looks similar to the 787 cells, but of course this might just be coincidence. Anyone know what's inside? I am hoping that it has plates, since it...
  12. jerry i h

    Boeing 787 & Li-Ion batteries vs recent fires

    Re: Battery Fire NTSB Briefing - JAL 787 :crackup: I mean... :poke: anyway, wait just a doggone second: Is he claiming to be an expert in battery chemistry who has done this before, gave custom specs to GS-Yuasa, and that they made the li-ion cell to his specs? It seems more likely that he...
  13. jerry i h

    Boeing 787 & Li-Ion batteries vs recent fires

    Re: Battery Fire NTSB Briefing - JAL 787 From an article in FlightGlobal : ummm...those of you engineers, sounds like one of those non-answer answers you give at a dog-and-pony shows where you get an uncomfortable or inconvenient question? In any event, Elon Musk's Dragon9 space shuttle that...
  14. jerry i h

    Boeing 787 & Li-Ion batteries vs recent fires

    Re: Battery Fire NTSB Briefing - JAL 787 Oy...
  15. jerry i h

    Boeing 787 & Li-Ion batteries vs recent fires

    Re: Battery Fire NTSB Briefing - JAL 787 Here is very cool CAD drawing of the battery cluster, including the internal construction of the Li-ion cells. Here is a very interesting picture showing the battery pack cover. Most press photos cut-off the covers at the bottom of the photo. I did not...