Recent content by ks_physicist

  1. K

    Direct diode pointer, line gen lens?

    I am looking for a direct diode, not DPSS, green laser pointer in the <5mW range. I know they must exist but the absolute sea of cheap, questionable DPSS pointers may be obscuring even my best search terms. This is for a specific application, throwing a good visible line on a tabletop gaming...
  2. K

    More precise laser power meter?

    Hi all, I have been using one of the very cool laser power meters from eBay, which is a great deal -- but it only reads to milliwatt precision. It actually reads in watts to the thousandths place. It's great that it has range, but I would like to have more precise measurements, perhaps of...
  3. K

    40W Laser Tube No Idea How To Wire Up

    You know about the danger, the invisible beam, the instant ignition of paper/wood targets or objects accidentally in the beam, the danger of both specular AND diffuse reflection at these powers, and the need for appropriate lab-quality safety precautions whenever using a laser of this type...
  4. K

    Laser-Pointer Danger

    Did you read through the laser forum prior to posting that? I'm not saying you're wrong, but even a brief trip into the forum would find many posts on eye safety, aircraft incidents, legal and illegal acts in various jurisdictions, etc.
  5. K

    Cheap, reliable, low power laser for indoor presentations

    I teach, and wanted a very eye-safe (and documented) laser to use in my classroom, both with the room lighting on and off. I purchased a <1mW 532nm (green) laser from Atlasnova. Look at Atlasnova's website under "Green Laser Pointer with Feedback", there are <5mW and <1mW options. Remember...
  6. K

    Looking to add a blue/violet to my collection...

    I have several reds in the 670 to 635 range, a couple of HeNe lasers, and a couple of green DPSS lasers. I'd like to add one blue laser to my collection, primarily to use during the demos and labs with diffraction gratings and prisms. In class, I use the <1mW green pointer I bought from...
  7. K

    Violet-emitting laser pointers now commercial.

    The_Led_Museum, I am very anxious to hear your report on the DX 5mw unit.
  8. K

    laser etching plastic?

    I'm not sure that handheld laser etching is the best option. What about a battery powered Dremel with an engraving bit? And if you do etch, white is a pretty bad color to pick. It is white because it reflects light; ideally, you would want to pick your tags and etching laser to complement...
  9. K

    Reccomend me a small LED torch for nurses

    Nurses probably aren't going to want something that is seriously bright, because there are two main times I could see it being used: Checking on a patient/equipment while the patient is asleep. You don't want the room lit up like daylight. Checking pupil response. Again, you don't want a...
  10. K

    Got my first quality laser today.

    67 nm you say? From Wenger, you say? lovecpf
  11. K


    A safe would be ideal, although the cheap (sheet-metal) safes are almost worse than nothing--they say "hey, there's something in here" but they won't withstand an attack from anything more aggressive than a shoe. If you're not comfortable keeping it around right now, what about a bank safety...
  12. K

    Practical reasons for owning a laser?

    I use them for lecturing and presentations, for optics demonstrations and labs, for Lissajous figure demonstrations, for small deflection measurement, and anything else I think of. Haven't done holography yet, but it is on my radar.
  13. K

    Food Pictures Part II

    Oh, wow, I am so very very hungry now.
  14. K

    Want to own your own piece of history?

    It seems to me that she could do a much better job of raising money if she were to, say, take one of her dresses, have it cut into 2" x 3" strips, and auction them off with a signed certificate of authenticity. People would be arguing for years over what part of the dress they had.
  15. K

    What's your color IQ?

    Scored 24, took the test on a cheap 15" Mag Innovision monitor (actually pretty nice monitor, but $$$cheap). I'm in my early 30s, male, and no known color blindness. The chart shows errors mainly in the center blue/green and a little bit in the red/blue.