Recent content by Poppy

  1. Poppy

    From the "What were they thinking file?!?"

    Mr Fixer, I like your edit. I believe that much of what Mr Trump is guilty of can be found in much of corporate America. Perhaps he more than most, I don't know, nor do I care. What frightens me about the future of our country is Trump's dictatorial bent, and the similarities to historical...
  2. Poppy

    From the "What were they thinking file?!?"

    Like I said... I don't have time for this. I'm watching for Jewish lasers starting forest fires. Gotta get my garden hose ready.
  3. Poppy

    From the "What were they thinking file?!?"

    Trump found guilty of 34 counts in NY trial. What kind of precedent does this set? Trump can be tried and found guilty of inciting the Jan 6 riot, and get thrown in jail for trying to overthrow the government. If you hire a lawyer, who you later find out is a scumbag and steals from you and...
  4. Poppy

    How's The Weather There ?

    Tucson, AZ How often do they have power outages there?
  5. Poppy

    there are some Jokes

    @tex.proud , This post put a smile on my face. Carry on!
  6. Poppy

    Quote of the Year (IMO)

    Oh... Trump's Presidential absolute immunity is indefensible! I get it.... I agree!!!
  7. Poppy

    there are some Jokes

    I am glad that you remembered this situation well enough to tell it. I hope that you remember it 10, 20, 30 years after he is gone. Build memories, and keep them.
  8. Poppy

    Quote of the Year (IMO)

    The authorization of the use of deadly force is standard operating procedure. The X-President's location is known -at all times- He is protected by the secret service. He was not even in the state of Florida at the times when the search warrant was initiated. HOF, as a CPF brother and friend...
  9. Poppy

    Quote of the Year (IMO)

    Yes we may have vaccine injured people, but we also have many unvaccinated DEAD people. Do you have a solution for the homeless and those who are on drugs? How about one that won't cost money? I agree that it was a terrible intelligence failure. The same intelligence network that Trump relied...
  10. Poppy

    Quote of the Year (IMO)

    No sir: When you made the above statement "humans are given even a little authority sans accountability will always produce tyranny." you inferred that those with greater authority without accountability will always produce tyranny, even greater than those with little authority. That's when I...
  11. Poppy

    Anyone else SICK & TIRED of hearing about "AI"??

    I've found that when I ask a question in google chrome that the first response ia an AI generated synopsis response. Sometimes it is good... other times it would be a waste of time to read it to the end. Unfortunately at a meeting I attended, the presenter said that there are times that the AI...
  12. Poppy

    {{ Stuff that just works }}

    Re: Shoes I believe that each manufacturer models feet and creates a footbed that they believe will be comfortable for the most feet in each size. My feet are 10 1/2 to eleven and I have found that New Balance shoes fit like they were made for me. I once had a pair of Puma running shoes that...
  13. Poppy

    Quote of the Year (IMO)

    SO your statement of fact: "even a little authority sans accountability will always produce tyranny." Doesn't pertain to higher levels of authority? Do you mean to say that higher levels of authority, with LESS accountability will produce LESS tyranny? Like Hitler and Stalin?
  14. Poppy

    Quote of the Year (IMO)

    Said another way... Allowing Presidential authority with "Absolute Immunity" will always produce tyranny. A corollary to the above is "Absolute power corrupts absolutely."
  15. Poppy

    Butter and Bread and Sandwiches Oh My! (II)

    Life is getting easier, now that my grandson is doing more grilling.