Recent content by RWT1405

  1. RWT1405

    EV charging cables cut by copper "recyclers"

    What many of us have said, over and over, is that if you want an EV, you should own an EV, own what you WANT to own What many of us have a problem with, is the government FORCING us to own EV's Many of us have NO desire to own an EV, at this time Why is this so difficult to understand?
  2. RWT1405

    From the "What were they thinking file?!?"

    I second that Thank you @Mister Ed
  3. RWT1405

    From the "What were they thinking file?!?"

    Well said kg!
  4. RWT1405

    From the "What were they thinking file?!?"

    Do you actually look at what you write/post? My post was about your profile picture, which now leaves me with even more concern
  5. RWT1405

    From the "What were they thinking file?!?"

    To add to Lips comments, is anyone else concerned about letschat7's profile picture, after he has made comments about dating underage girls?
  6. RWT1405

    Solarforce Prices Ridiculously High?

    WarriorOfLight beat me to it When a business goes "out of business", what is left of their available products, can increase in value Solarforce, overall, had many good products, at an affordable price This has caused the value of many of their products to increase on the used market
  7. RWT1405

    More EV fires after salt water flooding

    So your EXPERIENCE is watching videos? Why is it so difficult for you to answer direct questions?
  8. RWT1405

    High quality pocket friendly UV flashlight?

    Streamlight use to have what you are looking for, but it seems they don’t make it anymore. I did find this, Inova X5 UV, perhaps it might work for you. Good luck in your search.
  9. RWT1405

    Anyone using 16340 KeepPower P1634U2 3V battery's

    Yes, I'm well aware that M31 series drop-ins are 3 V max To be clear, I do NOT use MD2, or SF 6P's for my M31 series drop-ins, so that is NOT an issue I use the correct bodies for the drop-ins I use I have MDC 1CR123, MDC 1AA, and MDC 2AA bodies for my M31's I've been using Malkoff's since...
  10. RWT1405

    Anyone using 16340 KeepPower P1634U2 3V battery's

    Thank you md17! That is exactly what I needed to know! I have had a pair of the KeepPower P1634U2's since Aug. 2023, but have only used them in StreamLight 1L-1AA and a 1L I have had NO problems with them thus far But is much easier to replace those StreamLights than my Malkoff M31LL's and...
  11. RWT1405

    Lumens and cheap flashlights

    Friends, don't let friends, buy cheap flashlights You ALWAYS get what you pay for If you want cheap (junk) flashlights, you'll get cheap (junk) flashlights I wish you luck in your search, however, I can't offer you anything further as I don't purchase cheap flashlights
  12. RWT1405

    Anyone using 16340 KeepPower P1634U2 3V battery's

    Great advice kg! I purchased a pack (2) of them last Aug (2023) and have been using them in 2 of my StreamLights (a 1L-1AA and a 1L) without problem. The StreamLights are easy to replace, and much cheaper, than my Malkoff M31's. I'd just like to make sure before using them with my Malkoff's...
  13. RWT1405

    Anyone using 16340 KeepPower P1634U2 3V battery's

    with any M31 (3 volt) drop-ins? I would like to use them, but just want to make sure there are no problems with them.
  14. RWT1405

    Need 800 lumens for 8hr

    Best of luck to you in your search However, I do not believe what you seek exists at this time
  15. RWT1405

    Quote of the Year (IMO)

    "If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a...