Mateminco S03 Quad Emitter ( 4 x XPG3 )


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 15, 2009
Melbourne - Australia

Mateminco S03 1 x 18650 ( 1 x 16340 / 1 x 18350 )

Let me get right to power draw :
What I measured
Lowest - 0.01 Amp
Highest - 2.07 Amp
TURBO - 4.34 Amp

What we have is a compact or small form factor 4 x XPG3 ( Quad emitter ) pocketable flashlight with USB recharging capability . Now I have to say that my sample had no physical issues . Everything was where it was supposed to be and worked as it should . But I did read a few reviews that were border line scathing , so I would suggest checking out the other reviews out there . The only thing I have to mention ( call it a complain if you like ) is the very high current draw in Turbo mode . 4.34 Amp is a lot and all that current is very quickly reconstituted into heat ! If running this light in the short form ? I would highly recommend avoiding TURBO .

Speaking of TURBO :
This light features a very trick shortcut mode to TURBO ! It's essentially a momentary TURBO mode . You press and hold the button mode for TURBO and as long as you hold the button down you get TURBO output and as soon as you let go the button , the light turns off .
To enact such shenanigans : Turn on the light and press the button 5 times . To disable , turn the tailcap to lock out the current .

Funky Flashing ! :
I was clicking the switch like a monkey with terrets ! And some how found some sort of beacon mode ? Maybe I just freaked out the flashy ? There is no such function in the instructions …

Modes :
One click to turn on or off
Click N hold to ramp
2 Clicks to turbo ( from off )
Batt Check - 3 clicks / First set of blinks is for volts an second set for tenths … So 4 followed by 2 would be 4.2 volts
Lock out : 4 Clicks for on and off
5 clicks is : Tacticool mode : or Momentary Turbo

This is not a thrower , but a very nice light that throws a wall of light . I really like this style for a walking light as there is very little reflected light … But ! A really large area is lit up in front of you making walking at night as easy as at day time . Also inside your home it does the same thing . So much easier to see everything due to the lack of a hotspot and reflected light . Just ramp to the output level you want and be happy . Again , not a long range light . But quite simply a short range master ! Out to 50 + Meters it will let you what is out there in front of you . As far as walking lights or indoor lights go , very hard to beat out this light .

Accessories :

Wrist strap - This is a really swank one … Soft N comfortable .
Orings = 2
Belt clip … Very firm .
Glass Breaker - Steel and Pointy … Should hurt like a SOB if used on … ?

Conclusion :

I for one really appreciated :
One click on and off
The ramping
Single 18650 format
Power output
Build quality

Yeah , I saw some harsh reviews on this light or is that : They were harshing on it . And the criticisms were justified for the sample they got . Which is why I say , got check out some more . But the sample I got , well it puts a smile on this dial . Again , I found it to be a wonderful walking light . The one click on one click off is just perfect and being able to ramp to the just so light level is sweet . And I can see where the momentary TURBO could be very tacticool … Pumping 4.34 Amps just as you need it without any muss of fuss might be just what the situation requires .

What I didn'y like so much was the 4.34 Amp on Turbo . It's nice , but the heat it produces is … Hot stuff ! If you only run it for 5 or 10 seconds , ok . But this is a small light and that is a lot of current . So just be aware of the fact that this light is a hand warmer ! ( Or burner if you over do it ) . Still , operating in the standard ramping levels , it really is good !
Do you need to go short ? I'm quite happy running a single 18650 . But for those going smaller ? Avoid TURBO and be aware that this light can pull current . Last word - I really like the one I was sent to test / review . ( But read other reviews - Cos they did harsh on this light )

I would like to thank .................... for sending this light for review = Thank you !