Oj bit the big one


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 28, 2013
New Mexico, USA
Context. Context. Context.
Yeah not easily discussed sufficiently on this format. iacchus was possibly stating his opinion in a somewhat pithy/concise way.

Our 14 year old son knows that it is possible that law enforcement, medical people and others may have malicious intent, but will hopefully never encounter that.

We have also discussed certain laws that are essentially miscalculated, and that a prudent person would not always strictly abide. For instance, west Texas speed limits are fairly rational given the wide open terrain. Yet entering New Mexico, the speed limit goes down to a comical level for seemingly no reason; same wide open, see-for-miles land. He knows that going over that law is something I do but will definitely slow down if possible enforcement shows up.


Aug 27, 2006
....We have also discussed certain laws that are essentially miscalculated, and that a prudent person would not always strictly abide. For instance, west Texas speed limits are fairly rational given the wide open terrain. Yet entering New Mexico, the speed limit goes down to a comical level for seemingly no reason; same wide open, see-for-miles land. He knows that going over that law is something I do but will definitely slow down if possible enforcement shows up.
Oh, there's a reason. Speed-cameras. In NYC, you knock down the limit to a ridiculous 25mph. on city streets. Have that limit enforced by cameras. But have them set to activate the moment a driver goes by at 35 mph. Assuming everyone will go over 25 mph., the Authorities "generously" give a bit of leeway. That way when they nail you doing 35mph. or a tad over, you have no defense if you want to fight the ticket in court.

Which, if you do; means taking a day off of work, so you lose a Day's Pay. And no judge is going to side with someone that was caught on-camera. So, you already know you're going to lose. But the Authorities make things easy on you. It's only $50, they give you nearly a full month to pay the ticket, they give you several methods you can use to pay it, and they won't put points on your license after paying the ticket.

Those idiotic speed limits are nothing more than revenue generators for the greedy pigs who run the city. Preston Niblack ~ Commissioner of the NYC Department of Fiance. Biggest legalized Thief in all of NYC. And I bet you that if you ask him about it, he'll swear he has no clue what you mean. Funny how those limit reductions are quietly installed in Working-class neighborhoods, and usually high up on polls. So that drivers can't see them. Excuses made that it's to save lives. But those neighborhoods had no rash of deaths, and the limits used to be 35mph. So, if you didn't know, and always did the limit.... enjoy your massive bundle of tickets during that first week or so.

Forget using a gun and walking into a bank. The smart thieves get themselves appointed as Commissioner (not elected), and walk into their office.
Mar 12, 2010
Pacific N.W.
Yeah not easily discussed sufficiently on this format. iacchus was possibly stating his opinion in a somewhat pithy/concise way.
True that! 👆

west Texas speed limits are fairly rational given the wide open terrain.
Someone once stated: "Driving across Texas at 65 mph is not a journey, it's an eternity."


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
speed limet should be 80 mph . i never worry about speeders i worry about drunk driver or druged drivers.. me i ride 2 mph below the speed limet. i aint risking a ticket .not worth it.


Aug 27, 2006
speed limet should be 80 mph . i never worry about speeders i worry about drunk driver or druged drivers.. me i ride 2 mph below the speed limet. i aint risking a ticket .not worth it.
That's the other thing that ticks me off. You get impaired drivers piloting 2-ton bullets who can easily, violently end the lives of innocent drivers.... and they get a minor slap on the wrist. Maybe a handful of years in prison at most for killing other drivers. And, if they just badly injure someone, they might get zero time in prison.

Yeah, alcoholism is an addiction. Thing is, there are times when even the most degenerate alcoholics are sober. But still choose not to get help. Choose not to do anything about their addiction. That's the part no one talks about, for some bizarre reason.


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
its so scary in eufulla Alabama which i have to go like 4 times a week .not sure what up there. soon as i figure out how to get to walmart with out driving thru i will.. . here in my town in Georgia are sheriff and deputy's do a dang good job. . ...it truly is a diff world when i cross the bridge. not even 1 mile away it like a diff country. maybe Alabama is kinder to drunk drivers i don't know.. ..maybe its because they have way more people living there.. if we get a grocery store i will reduce my time going there..i dont care if they drink but i want them to stay home ..i wont even ride my bike after 1 beer..


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
ps some one needs to make app for dash cams that can detect drunk drivers then contacts the police to make sure there not impaired


Aug 27, 2006
You're a good man Raggie.
I very rarely drink outside of social settings.
Either there's a Designated Driver picked out in advance, or I drink at home and stay there. And if the D.D. screws up and has a couple of drinks, I always have $70.oo emergency cash (a $20.oo bill, and a $50.oo bill) hidden in a secret slot in my wallet for a cab ride home.


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 10, 2007
I'm glad I live in a relatively small town, we can pretty much just walk to the bars and back home. Cops give some leeway if they stop you if you're nice to them and let them know you're going straight home. Most bars have people that can give rides too.
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