Destructive Incan Tests - Graphs (Updated 9-20-09)


Nov 5, 2005
This thread presents the graphs done by Ictorana using the Excel results of my destructive incan bulb testing thread here.

His graphs give a whole other appreciation and ability to compare the raw data. Again, Ictorana did all the work, and deserves full recognition of these graphs (additions are noted in subject title).

Full size images are 1075 x 750, allowing you to easily read legend and match up to graph lines. Each category of bulbs has a row of 6 thumbs, following the same order of data presentations for all bulb categories.


Category One - All 6 Volt Bulbs (20 bulbs per graph)

..... I vs V ...............L vs V ........... L vs % OD ........... L vs I ............... L vs P ............ Eff vs V

1-I-Vs.gif .. 2-Lux-Vs.gif .. 3-Lux-ods.gif.. 4-Lux-Is.gif .. 5-Lux-Ps.gif..6-Eff-Vs.gif

Category Two - Medium Power 6 Volt Bulbs (13 bulbs per graph)

..... I vs V ...............L vs V ........... L vs % OD ........... L vs I ............... L vs P ............ Eff vs V

1-MedI-Vs.gif.. 2-MedLux-Vs.gif .. 3-MedLux-ods.gif.. 4-MedLux-Is.gif .. 5-MedLux-Ps.gif ..6-MedEff-Vs.gif


Category Three - PR Bulbs (5 bulbs per graph)

..... I vs V ...............L vs V ........... L vs % OD ........... L vs I ............... L vs P ............ Eff vs V

1-PRI-Vs.gif.. 2-PRLux-Vs.gif .. 3-PRLux-ods.gif.. 4-PRLux-Is.gif .. 5-PRLux-Ps.gif ..6-PREff-Vs.gif


Category Four - 9 Volt Bulbs (13 bulbs per graph)

..... I vs V ...............L vs V ........... L vs % OD ........... L vs I ............... L vs P ............ Eff vs V

1-9VI-Vs.gif.. 2-9VLux-Vs.gif .. 3-9VLux-ods.gif.. 4-9VLux-Is.gif .. 5-9VLux-Ps.gif ..6-9VEff-Vs.gif


Category Five - 12 Volt Bulbs (15 bulbs per graph)

..... I vs V ...............L vs V ........... L vs % OD ........... L vs I ............... L vs P ............ Eff vs V

1-12V-I-Vs.gif.. 2-12V-Lux-Vs.gif .. 3-12V-Lux-ods.gif.. 4-12V-Lux-Is.gif .. 5-12V-Lux-Ps.gif ..6-12V-Eff-Vs.gif


Category Six - 24 Volt Bulbs (3 bulbs per graph + couple 12V in some)

..... I vs V ...............L vs V ........... L vs % OD ........... L vs I ............... L vs P ............ Eff vs V

1-24V-I-Vs.gif.. 2-24V-Lux-Vs.gif ..3-24V-Lux-ods.gif.. 4-24V-Lux-Is.gif .. 5-24V-Lux-Ps.gif ..6-24V-Eff-Vs.gif


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Re: Destructive Incan Tests - Graphs

Superb! These graphs provide at-a-glance comparisons of the popular hotwire bulbs. Fascinating information, clearly displayed and very easy to understand.

This is a hugely valuable resource for CPF - congratulations and many thanks to both of you!

I have added this thread to the incan forum's Threads of Interest sticky.
Re: Destructive Incan Tests - Graphs


And I'm just getting into Osrams, so the timing couldn't be better!
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Re: Destructive Incan Tests - Graphs (Updated 7-11-09)

Many thanks again to Ictorana who has done a bunch more categories of bulbs and which are now posted. Refresh your browser if looking at the 12V bulbs, as this is a new replacement set of images.
Re: Destructive Incan Tests - Graphs (Updated 7-11-09)

Thanks Guys :thumbsup:

Super work

One thing can you include the 64633 (nominal 15V) in the 12V bulbs graphs as it fits in very well (15-18V within the 12-23V graph range) even though it is at a higher 11-12A range and higher Lux.

Similarly the 5761 seems like a logical inclusion in the Std. (Cat2) 6V bulbs graph even though it is higher Current and Lux.

Re: Destructive Incan Tests - Graphs (Updated 7-11-09)

Thanks Guys :thumbsup:

Super work

One thing can you include the 64633 (nominal 15V) in the 12V bulbs graphs as it fits in very well (15-18V within the 12-23V graph range) even though it is at a higher 11-12A range and higher Lux.

Similarly the 5761 seems like a logical inclusion in the Std. (Cat2) 6V bulbs graph even though it is higher Current and Lux.


Excellent points.

I left the suggestions at the altar of the statistical and graphing wizard, and humbly beseeched his kind consideration and forbearance appertaining thereunto.
Re: Destructive Incan Tests - Graphs (Updated 7-16-09)

The master sent me the 24V bulbs which I just posted. Half of the graphs have a few other 12 & 15V bulbs included.
Re: Destructive Incan Tests - Graphs (Updated 7-16-09)

Why is it that the 64430 bulb draws almost double the current of the 3854H, but doesn't seem to really be any brighter at the same voltages?
Re: Destructive Incan Tests - Graphs (Updated 7-16-09)

Why is it that the 64430 bulb draws almost double the current of the 3854H, but doesn't seem to really be any brighter at the same voltages?

It is an excellent question, and shows you are thinking and questioning.

The manufacturer specifications in design are different (keep in mind there are 3 models of 64430--so I'm picking the Tungsram):

  • 64430 - 6V - 35W - 2,000 Hrs Life - More tolerant of voltage overdrive, more durable.

  • 3854H - 6V - 24W - ? Life (Never found out, but much shorter) - Less tolerant of voltage overdrive, more delicate.

I just took this closeup showing the difference in thickness of filaments. I believe the answer is the combination of specific tungsten alloy(s), thickness, & length of filament & supporting metal structures, and the composition of the compressed gas in bulb envelope.
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Re: Destructive Incan Tests - Graphs (Updated 7-16-09)

Looking at the 64430's element design, would this give a better more focused beam than the 3854H bulb?
Re: Destructive Incan Tests - Graphs (Updated 7-16-09)

Looking at the 64430's element design, would this give a better more focused beam than the 3854H bulb?

I know it seems like that should be a simple/obvious answer, and while in general axial filaments like the 64430 look better than transverse ones like the 3854, it also depends on the filament thickness, envelope shape/glass purety, and reflector used. There is even a difference between the three 64430 models.

I would have to do a side by side with similar reflectors to answer you definitively, because the smaller 3854 filament and envelope shape may help its appearance vs. the larger but axial 64430.
Re: Destructive Incan Tests - Graphs (Updated 7-16-09)

I believe the answer is the combination of specific tungsten alloy(s), thickness, & length of filament & supporting metal structures, and the composition of the compressed gas in bulb envelope.

Great discussion. Reminds me of 1/2 ton vs 3/4 ton trucks. The bigger ones are more durable and handle bigger loads but also have worse gas mileage.
Re: Destructive Incan Tests - Graphs (Updated 7-16-09)

I would think that a bulb with a longer life would draw fewer amps, so less energy is being wasted, which has to be dissipated somewhere. However, this seems to be the opposite.
Re: Destructive Incan Tests - Graphs (Updated 7-16-09)

I would think that a bulb with a longer life would draw fewer amps, so less energy is being wasted, which has to be dissipated somewhere. However, this seems to be the opposite.

Yeah, again a good and logical thought. However the thicker 64430 filament which has more metal & requires more current flowing through it to heat it up to a particular lumen output, has it be durable and tolerant of abuse--like ElectronGuru's 3/4 ton truck example.

Another example of this is the 30W 6V Philips 5761 bulb which has truly spectacular output at ideal voltage demonstrated in Ictorana's graph here. However, it is also very delicate with a life of only 100 hrs, and a limited overdrive tolerance. With AlanB/JimmyM/wquiles new regulators, this can again become a leading bulb for practical use.
Re: Destructive Incan Tests - Graphs (Updated 7-16-09)

Just want to announce a delay to the progress of my new bespoke hotrater.

Having had five hard-disk crashes in the last month, I am having a hard time rebuilding my PC, so work has stopped at least until I can install Excel. Install anything, for that matter. Something is badly wrong. But at least all data is backed up and safe, so no work has been lost.

That said, I assure you the hotrater will be worth the wait.
Re: Destructive Incan Tests - Graphs (Updated 7-16-09)

Just want to announce a delay to the progress of my new bespoke hotrater.

Having had five hard-disk crashes in the last month, I am having a hard time rebuilding my PC, so work has stopped at least until I can install Excel. Install anything, for that matter. Something is badly wrong. But at least all data is backed up and safe, so no work has been lost.

That said, I assure you the hotrater will be worth the wait.

Five HD crashes in a month? That seems statistically impossible even if they are all the same models, they came off the same assembly line on the same day. Sounds more like a power supply, cable, RAM or mobo issue. Good luck
Re: Destructive Incan Tests - Graphs (Updated 7-16-09)

The last time I had multiple crashes like that, it was the HD controller.

BTW - thanks for all of the interesting work.
Re: Destructive Incan Tests - Graphs (Updated 7-16-09)

Sorry to go OT, but the HD controller is a motherboard compenent, yes? Has to be - the SATA and IDE sockets are on the MB. Basically, I must need a new motherboard. Groan.