Recent content by charliek

  1. C

    I created a youtube video - thought I would share

    Thank you- That reply just made making the video worth the work :)
  2. C

    Chemical Glowstick Replacement

    I know the Glo-Toob lights have all sorts of flashing options... how about just a brightness selection? Any videos or demos around?
  3. C

    Chemical Glowstick Replacement

    Whoa.... and something I hadn't thought of at all.... Fenix L series with attached Diffuser!!
  4. C

    Chemical Glowstick Replacement

    Wow ... well, just as I thought, there are lots of them out there that I haven't seen yet. :)
  5. C

    Chemical Glowstick Replacement

    A real challenge for the flashlight gurus here- I have a Krill extreme 360 - almost perfect. Uses common AA batteries - good runtime, pretty bright. Bad points: Only one brightness - (a little on the dim side) Tried a Lazerbrite - a little on the BIG side, but not a deal-breaker. Bad...
  6. C

    Rechargeables - solar - and generator types

    Lately, I've been exploring the world of rechargeable lights, after running across a few models in Harbor Freight tools (super cheapies)..... they seemed cool in concept, but... the strange thing is, they never seem to go "dead"..... I actually took one apart to see if it had a hidden button...
  7. C

    Does your laptop computer get HOT??

    I have yet to run across a laptop that does not get hot with use. the processor is usually heat-sinked to the bottom of the unit, and the battery also generates heat as it discharges. It's normal.
  8. C

    solar watch with no battery?

    I didn't know about it myself until just a few weeks ago when I was investigating new watches... I found a few watch FAQ sites that answered a bunch of questions I had about watch Terminology....
  9. C

    solar watch with no battery?

    I'm guessing that a watch bought in the seventies is an "automatic" watch and not kinetic... Kinetic has only been around a few years. Automatic winds a spring, Kinetic charges a capacitor or a battery.
  10. C

    solar watch with no battery?

    I have a Timex I bought just before I got married... that's about 19 years ago... it keeps reasonable time, but you have to wind it daily, and you have to change the calendar manually if the month is less than 31 days long. the band is relatively flimsy, the catch occasionally lets go if I brush...
  11. C

    solar watch with no battery?

    My Citizen has a neat power saving feature... after 30 minutes in the dark, the second hand stops at the 12'00 position. The minute and hour hand continue to keep time, BUT.. instead of the movement moving every second, it moves every sixty seconds... thus saving a great deal of power. Now-...
  12. C

    solar watch with no battery?

    I think the watches are in totally different classes..... I don't mean to sound snooty, but you can't compare a $50 watch and a $500 watch... ya know?
  13. C

    solar watch with no battery?

    I have the 8700 According to Citizen, the battery will "Never need replacing" (if it is properly maintained) The WORST thing you can do is let it go completely dead ( more than 6 months in a...
  14. C

    What watch is everyone wearing?

    Citizen Calibre 8700 Love it to death!