Recent content by gritzo

  1. G

    TK61vn & TK75vn Ideal

    anxiously waiting for Video , please!!!!! :popcorn:
  2. G

    Seattle 2 New York City Road Trip March 13-22

    Dude,for you to post pictures like this , you are definitely in love. My buddies would razz me for a month!!! ..but i don`t blame you ..I think i`m jealous
  3. G

    Spoiler Review: Olight H1 Nova Headlamp

    Too bad You didn't post this earlier. I just received my olight green rechargeable to use with my H1,and in Turbo mode it just shuts down . I measured voltage at 3.98 volts so it is definitely the protection circuit being tripped.That sucks! Very disappointed .. I still have the original non...
  4. G

    X65vn100 100,000 Lumen Light

    Re: X65vn2870 100,000 Lumen Light This is just totally insane ... You know you are involved in a serious project when you have to order "special " wire for a light . Love it!!!!
  5. G

    Biggest Of The Year Thanksgiving Sale - Wednesday the 23rd 6PM Seattle Time

    Vinh, what color are the Acebeam k60`s ? Both black version?
  6. G

    X7 Marauder Information

    I Just got my X7 . Fit and finish is excellent .I am using this light with the SAMSUNG 30Q unprotected cells. Very impressive performance for such a small light. My arsenal includes: Nitecore TM16GT , FENIX TK75vnQ, Thrunite k70, FENIX TK75 2900 and now OLIGHT X7 Marauder. This is my first...
  7. G

    The Lounge 2016

    Re: The Lounge My mom would have scolded me for having all sorts of stuff all over the living room !! lol :twothumbs Vinh`s mom is so cool!!
  8. G

    The Lounge 2016

    Re: The Lounge ROSSI !!!! LOL love it...:D
  9. G

    WTS - FDT (Flashlight Deals Today)

    bicycle light costs as much as my bicycle. Lol.
  10. G

    RC40vn - Hardest Hitter

    oh , sorry. Thought I was replying to Ven. Fingers moving faster than the brain. Vinh does state that with the TK VN model that the extender can be used . The TkVnq model , it is not recommended. I just want to be clear that we are talking about the extender being used with the TK75VNQ model.
  11. G

    RC40vn - Hardest Hitter

    Both my carriers have been upgraded but I use them only to swap when one set of batteries gets low in the light . If I could use them at the same time , that would be great! when you say VN , you actually mean VNQ70 as shown in picture ,correct?
  12. G

    RC40vn - Hardest Hitter

    Do do you actually run the tK75 with the extender? I have the extender as well but never used it because I was told by Vinh that is not recommended. I would like to use it !!
  13. G

    Bright lights VS aggressive animals?

    You cannot blind a dog or cat with any type of light... In the dark, canine eyes react to exposure to light differently than human eyes because dogs ( along with cats and many other animals) possess a light-reflecting surface known as the tapetum lucidum, located between the optic nerve and the...
  14. G

    18650 at different voltage?

    Well , changing chargers to a new OPUS 3100 4 cell setup cleared up the problem . All 4 batteries are coming off the charger at 4.15 volts (verified with MM) solid and holding!! I guess that the Fenix chargers are charging too quickly and at different rates?
  15. G

    18650 at different voltage?

    Please see exact same post further down . This is a double post. Thanks