Recent content by Lew Fong

  1. L

    Join together people.

    Even so, it's true we represent only a very small part of the overall is probably the best medicine. As much as I hate to say so, there isn't much chance of changing the situation unless a lot more buyers become informed. But, as many have pointed out, you can't even find...
  2. L

    trouble with pot mod for silver leadlight

    Curious about your "clones", Jon: No IR filters? Where did you get them? All the lasers I ever bought from Vital Spirit had filters installed. But they are genuine Leadlight, not I'm confused. Did your VS units not have filters?
  3. L

    Leadlight clone still dimming slightly- suggestions?

    I wouldn't take it apart again unless you are sure you want to risk it; I was just curious about the configuration. I don't own a 105 clone...but if I remember correctly I saw a thread about them elsewhere concerning APC circuits not found on the originals. The bottom line is, there is always...
  4. L

    200mw green laser?

    I'm has been established that the eBayser originally the subject of the thread was in fact a CNI PGL-III, but was someone also saying that the DX 200 mW is a CNI as well? Aren't the DX 200's made by New Wish? Thanks
  5. L

    trouble with pot mod for silver leadlight

    Jon, The VS Leadlights have automatic power control or APC circuits in them that make power adjustment rather complicated. Plus, as you have discovered, it's not all that easy to do the modifications without damaging the units. But that isn't a function of the year of manufacture, really...
  6. L

    Leadlight clone still dimming slightly- suggestions?

    Hi Jon, The performance your getting is very good if the clone is non-APC'd, like other Leadlights are. Can you see if an APC window assembly is in place? It will be a black plastic housing that slips over the output end of the MCA with a few small wires running back to the PCB. If you have...
  7. L

    Green Laser Has DPD Pilots Seeing Red

    :twothumbs Cute...but if you use the word "laser"...i.e., laser rifle, laser pistol, laser weapon, etc., then wouldn't the FDA still own the issue? Maybe they should just be called "Ray Guns"...just like Flash Gordon. Then the acronym would be NRGA. Cheers!
  8. L

    AtlasNova vs. DealExtreme

    Arnold got a large quantity...very large...of Taiwanese-made Leadlight 105's years ago, and has a way to go before depleting this supply. They are infra-red filtered. They are easily disassembled and modified. Quality is very good, although no longer state-of-the-art. Lenses are glass. I agree...
  9. L

    safe green for newbie?

    The Dx/New Wish lasers aren't filtered, but with only 5 or 10 mW it really doesn't long as you don't stare into the beam you will be OK. Very safe. Anything above 10mW in an unfiltered greenie is a bit risky for a person new to lasers. That's because the total power output is 10 mW...
  10. L

    Quick questions: Cat laser?

    My cat loves chasing laser dots. She especially likes the greenies, I suppose because she can see them better. I've noticed that she does not blink when accidentaly flashed in the eyes, though, so I keep the power down at 5 mW. That's enough power indoors. Outdoors I use a 20mW greenie, and she...
  11. L

    Dealextreme 30mw

    Originally Posted by eztune Dx ? Take a look at their website saying no IR fillter. Is says ''Most of these and other made in China green lasers do not have IR filters and thus can be hazardous to eyes without proper protective eye wear. By all...
  12. L

    200mw green laser?

    Absolutely correct. So far, the Shanghai Daheng/Ultralasers units are the only mainland-Chinese made pointers I've seen with factory-installed IR filters, notwithstanding claims to the contrary by unscrupulous dealers. Un-filtered DPSS lasers are not especially dangerous if you understand...
  13. L

    Green Laser Has DPD Pilots Seeing Red

    This reminds me of the type of hysteria and knee-jerk reaction that always occur after a high-profile shooting. You can count on Congress or the locals to generate a spate of anti-gun bills soon thereafter, and all the rest of us end up paying the price for the actions of one nutcase. And, just...
  14. L

    Where to buy a +250mw red diode?

    Yup...correct on both counts.
  15. L

    DragonLasers or UltraLasers?

    Hi Steven, You are right...the Shanghai Dahengs are from Shawn/Ultralasers. As you can tell from reading the eval thread, I like'em. One of the four that I sold here to the membership failed soon after delivery, but Shawn replaced it for him. There were mixed reviews from some members. Sorry I...