Recent content by mobilerd

  1. M

    14500 Battery Q

    Actually could be any size but... One of my Keepower 14500 batteries when put on charger (Xtar), does nothing, no voltage on display. Nothing on the display at all. Tried the usual moving around to make sure it was touching contacts etc. Have several other of exact same batteries with no...
  2. M

    Lights for Fox hunting

    Nitecore P30. I love this light. You can get it in a hunting kit.
  3. M

    Thrunite is going to release a new lightsaber

    I have used several different 26650's in my Olights and Convoy And have not noticed any difference. I am really not a qualified tester. I got the V6 because I was so impressed with my Nitecore P30, another great small thrower. Been playing with the V6 and the firefly is awesome, most of my...
  4. M

    Thrunite is going to release a new lightsaber

    Got mine today, waiting for darkness to fall!
  5. M

    Throwing Flashlight?

    You loved the TN30, as do I. Why wouldn't you just buy another TN30?
  6. M

    Looking for the perfect pen light 2018

    I really like my Maratac AAAX2. M-L-H clicky.
  7. M

    Thrunite TN42 Batteries

    Got a TN42 coming and need advice on what 18650's to use. Could TN42 owners advise please.
  8. M

    Review - New OLight ION, Limited 10th Year Titanium/ Gorilla Glass Flashlight

    Mine came yesterday and it is so cool. Fits in the watch pocket of my jeans.
  9. M

    Review - New OLight ION, Limited 10th Year Titanium/ Gorilla Glass Flashlight

    Thanks to all, for the review and the run time testing. The concept is very cool, but the performance sold me. Merry Christmas to me, ordered one last night.
  10. M

    EBL 26650 Batteries and Charger

    Anybody have experience with the EBL 26650 batteries and charger? If not what would you recommend?
  11. M

    Jetbeam Repairs

    Yeah after some more checking I will have to send it back to place of purchase. I don't even remember where I purchased it. I think it was Going Gear.
  12. M

    Ok, so you hear breaking glass in the middle of the night, what light do you go for?

    No light needed my night vision is at its optimum upon waking. I pick up my 870 Marine Magnum and Lord help anyone who enters my domain.
  13. M

    Jetbeam Repairs

    The email address for repairs [email protected] does not work. Anyone had repair work done by Jetbeam?
  14. M

    Describe your lights in one sentence

    I'll be the guy to light the way for all the unprepared when the grid goes down.