Recent content by RedfishBluefish

  1. R

    Best 26650 for LAPG L1 flashlight

    +1 on the Shockli IMR 26650 5500 mah (black-2017 test), it has more capacity and discharge rate. You can see the review here. If you really want to go down the rabbit hole, check out the 26650 battery comparator here.
  2. R

    NFL Super Bowl XLIX - Seattle Seahawks VS New England Patriots

    Kearse makes that crazy catch just a yard to go, only to throw an interception? Anyway, I'd like a copper quad. Will PM later, more than a little shocked.
  3. R

    NFL Super Bowl XLIX - Seattle Seahawks VS New England Patriots

    Yea, took big brass ones to go for it instead of taking the fieldgoal into halftime.
  4. R

    SOLD WTS: The FREE PDT Sale - Light Meter Fundraiser

    Re: WTS: The FREE PDT Sale - Light Meter Fundraiser Hey Wayne, I'd like 3. RRT01vn $110 Thanks, Trig
  5. R

    Freebies Giveaway

    A couple of us still practice the ancient Art of Falconry, here’s one of my favorite pictures from this past autumn. Believe it or not taking the picture, while running through the woods, keeping the subject in focus, and not busting your butt is harder than it might look. A Red-Tailed...
  6. R

    My headlamp buying mistake (for boating use)

    +1 on what Jorn said, lumens don't equal kcd/lux. Just pack it off to Wayne and he'll get you a better dedomed led and you'll be just fine on the water. Vinhnguyen54
  7. R

    Vinhnguyen54 modded lights, what 18650 you running?

    How about the NCR18650PD's for high power or NCR18650B's for longer run times at less than 3-3.5A? There's a new PF upgrade from the PD, but haven't checked the spec's on it. Expect to pay more over here and shipping's a lot faster, as you already know.
  8. R

    what's the smallest host for a 26650 cell?

    If you just want the host you might try looking here. FM may be out of 1x26650’s, not as nice but a reasonable price.
  9. R

    New guy

    :welcome: Do You have any questions/suggestions, anyway welcome.
  10. R

    Is there a dictionary or guide for newbies?

    Take a look at the CPF Wiki and check out the Stickies at the top of most sections. :welcome:
  11. R

    Going through McGizmo withdrawal since loss/theft...

    Really sorry to hear about that. Might want to check the with local Pawn Shops and leave a picture with them offering a "reward" for buying it off the miscreant if it shows up?
  12. R

    WOW!!! This is nuts!!!

    Exactly! Back out the way you came in and don’t look back! I’m a newb here also on CPF and my wife say’s that I’ve developed a previously unknown OCD condition with “Effing” flashlights/parts/etc. Just guessing, but she takes those fancy dive lights we use for granted and that’s normal...
  13. R

    Hunting the urban mosquito

    Quick fix to your “if Momma isn’t happy, nobody’s happy” problem. You already know that exclusion is the first line of defense. If you can’t whack it, hit it w/ a laser, or she’d be dead set against hanging up an indoor UV bug zapper, you might try this. They are typically seen in...
  14. R

    Gold collections

    A collection that Wayne Newton or Auric Goldfinger could be proud of, outstanding...really!