Recent content by rrtanton

  1. R

    Not an oil-fired war

    I keep seeing this thread and reading "Not an oil-FRIED war..." Ahem. Well, I'm always timid around political-ish discussions, guys have done such a wonderfully civil and thoughtful job here! So, my timid $0.02: I think you are touching on some nice details here, and the...
  2. R

    What a day+Saaby's new toy (Pocket PC)

    Re: What a day+Saaby\'s new toy (Pocket PC) Oh no...I could get...a COMPUTER VIRUS!!! (yes, yes, I know... was obvious...) rusty
  3. R

    Seized property at Airport? Buy it back on Ebay

    This link comes up wrong for's about Kodak's OLED camera display...? rusty
  4. R

    Automakers missing a market?

    I must grudgingly point out that there ARE some very viable reasons for the differences in US and European racing. I'm a diehard road-racing, anti-NASCAR fan, but it doesn't change the fact that they're right in much of their approach. It's also true that US automakers DO have a presence in...
  5. R

    EVIL Blimps

    I WANT ONE! This is too cool. The ability to scare someone that badly, especially at if it'll bear the weight of a dangling LED...or maybe some glow-paint eyes... rusty
  6. R

    Babylon 5

    Charles, you make an interesting point about acting. At this point I think my least favorite actor in B5 is still Michael O'Hare, and general, what I suspect is some weakness in his acting actually fits the intended personality of the character. He wears thin in many spots, but in...
  7. R

    Automakers missing a market?

    I suppose it's really shaky ground to use to make these assumptions does sorta make you wonder, no? I do think we're looking at hybrids being the next wave in autos...that and maybe nicer diesels. The american auto industry has been made a laughingstock before. Are we looking at that...
  8. R

    Vehicles...Diesel & Diesel/electric

    Guess it's good there's demand for the motor... rusty
  9. R

    A sad day for people like me

    Yeah...right on, Saaby. I think my favorite memory of Mr. Rogers was when he went to a crayon least, I THINK that was him? I remember it leaving a big impression, mainly because of the contrast of those bright colors moving through all those drab machines, and how they started out...
  10. R

    Vehicles...Diesel & Diesel/electric

    Brock...5 months?!? Wow! How? rusty
  11. R

    Babylon 5

    Lucien...yeah, exactly my comment to new B5 watchers...if you have a problem it'll probably be with season one. Just have to stick through it and you'll be fine. They DO lay enough clues to keep you interested, and once you REALIZE they're doing that, you start watching much more intently. rusty
  12. R

    A sad day for people like me

    Me too. He's a fond childhood memory. But at least I'll always have that. rusty
  13. R

    Babylon 5

    Hmmm...looking on Amazon, it's still listed as released on April 30th... Oh well. I get to keep my money for a bit longer... rusty
  14. R

    Babylon 5

    Woah, Dreck...which show has seasons 1 & 2 out? If B5's second season's out...I gotta run to the store... If it's Farscape, then I'm even more interested in chasing down rentals. I've yet to see even a single episode, despite the fact that I'd probably love it. I've never received sci-fi...
  15. R

    Babylon 5

    I couldn't agree more with MIchigan Man. But...uh...guys? Cardinal rule when discussing B5? Watch the spoilers? This series is insanely discussed, it was completely written out before it ever started. In an interview on the Season One DVD set, JMS mentions that cast...