Recent content by skunksoup

  1. S

    Sold/Expired WTB GANP HA BLK 1x123 E Series Body.....Found....Pics

    I was lucky enough to find this one and one for a 17500 cell. Here it is on my Milky Boxter.
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    Kansas or Midwest Get Together????

    Yes we need to throw them a bone and get some input from them. They would have some ideas I would think? Plus DaD sounds like a ROCK CHAULK CHICKENHAWK fan.
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    Kansas or Midwest Get Together????

    K.C would be great! If we can just find a member that knows the area well and give us some good ideas of where we could have it. I know we have a number of members from KS so now maybe we can get a few more interested. It would be nice to do a camp out somewhere. I have been living in CA. for...
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    +1 Well Said
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    Flashlights, Pistols, and Blades... :)

    Sorry its a link.
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    Special Edition LumaPower LumaHunter M1..... Any Good?

    I work nights and spend about 90% of my time outside in the dark. I purchased the M1 to try and it is a regular now in my rotation. I always take at least 4 lights to work and am always trying new ones and this one has really taken a beating. Its been dropped numerous times on hard surfaces been...
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    Bigfoot body found in Georgia

    Okay I've got to stop. If she reads this I'll have a FOOT in my ***!
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    Bigfoot body found in Georgia

    Yeah ever since she got that gig with that beef jerky company its all been downhill. I knew it was her when I saw the teeth!
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    Bigfoot body found in Georgia

    Great does anyone know where their keeping this thing? My wife is gone.
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    Sold/Expired PRT (McGizmo)head + Ganp body + TNC tailcap WITHDRAWN

    Re: PRT (McGizmo)head + Ganp body + TNC tailcap Somebody Please buy this!!!! I'm over my limit right now and keep coming back to this light! SOMEONE BUY THIS AND SAVE ME!!!!!!!
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    Any members from South Africa

    I guess I will since NO ONE will come to KANSAS!!!
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    Sold/Expired ARC, M1, Mule, Lego ALL SOLD

    Re: ARC, M1, Mule, Lego for sale I'll take the VG1 on C2 head.