Recent content by Stand109

  1. S

    Help with getting a CO2 Laser for work

    Thanks for your response. Yes we will be getting a visit from a laser company to see what we can do here about it. My boss has seen that other companies have that cut from laser so he wants it too... Worse, he wants to get the components and then make them work on our table (I don't know...
  2. S

    Help with getting a CO2 Laser for work

    I get your point. I'm just doing what my boss wants me to do, research this matter. I have also come to the conclusion that one guy can't hold it, it needs to be a robot arm or something for the laser to be precise. However, do you think those parts would be all I need? To assemble some sort of...
  3. S

    Help with getting a CO2 Laser for work

    Hi, I work at a plastic company and my boss wants to install a laser to cut the plastic parts. I have to research it but I don't know anything about lasers. I have come to the conclusion that I need a CO2 laser to cut through 3mm ABS and PS plastic. The thing is I don't even know if it's...