Recent content by TDKKP

  1. T

    Sold/Expired 2 x 18650 tube

    Check out this sale thread.
  2. T

    Skyray King 3-XML, Dry 3-XML and TM-11 comparison: which one is the brightest?

    Thanks cccpull for PM'ed and TEEJ for beam shots!
  3. T

    Skyray King 3-XML, Dry 3-XML and TM-11 comparison: which one is the brightest?

    Anyone got Dry 3-XML and any of the other two to compare the brightness?
  4. T

    Sold/Expired Wrong Forum, sorry!

    Anyone got Dry 3-XML and any of the other two to compare the brightness?
  5. T

    Dry 3xXML 2500 lumens vs. TM11 3000 lumens?

    Anyone here has both of them? Price is much different from $65 No Tax vs. $150 + Tax, not sure the TM11 is worth about $100 more. Is it much brighter can you get from TM11 or just about the same?
  6. T

    New Year SPECIALS! Custom P60 XML 1000 Lumen Drop in Warm/Neutral/CoolWhite

    Re: CHRISTMAS SPECIALS!! Custom P60 XML 1000 Lumen Drop in 3500K, 4000K, 5000K, 6500K CHRISTMAS SPECIALS!! 1 XML-U2 DD 1000 Lumen for $35 or 2 for $60 I guess it's over now, few hours late to jump in the deal.:sigh:
  7. T

    Is Dry 3xXML worth a thorough review?

    I haven't seen a separate review of this Dry yet, just some posts of the owners buried in another thread. Looks like it's the cheapest one for its brightness on the market now: 2500 lumens for under $100 is unbelievable.
  8. T

    Too Bright....

    Too bright????? My POB 35W HID is not bright enough. My DRY Cool White 2500 lumens I just bought is not bright enuugh in LED. My 1.3W 445nW blue laser is not too bright either. I need something with the same power of the sun in a no cloud day in summer: that's might be bright enough, NOT...
  9. T

    Tiablo a9

    A fake A9? I've asked this same question a long time ago and I remember people posted that they don't make a fake China product, a fake Mag may be but Tiablo is a manufacture in China.
  10. T

    Sold/Expired FS: Battery clamp for recharging odd size cells

    You know you brought up a 6 yrs old thread, right? The last post of the OP was about 2 yrs ago and the last visit about a year ago.
  11. T

    How to remove HA III?

    I believe I've seen this thread some where but couldn't find it, anyone knows the link? Or you can show me how to do it in an easy way?
  12. T

    AAA dummies?

    Where can I find a good deal for them?
  13. T

    Just got my first laser pointer from Amazon: 200mW Class IIIb, is it that bright?

    Do you think it's worth it to contact them for the exchange? Based on your experience and few others I think I'll get the same email to pay shipping it back first and wait for reimbursement after they got it: the cost of shipping is more than we pay for the laser. I got the laser in a very...
  14. T

    Just got my first laser pointer from Amazon: 200mW Class IIIb, is it that bright?

    I just got my 50mW today with no tracking ever from them. And it's not that bright. Compared to my 200mW it's like 1/10 of the power. While waiting for this to come to the US I ordered one more from Amazon (different vendor from my 200mW) rated only 25mW and it came last Friday: guess what...