Recent content by torment

  1. T

    Oakley SI Assault Boots -- Update

    They don't have a steel toe do they? If they did, they'd be my next shoe for work.
  2. T

    What's your favorite beer?

    Re: What\'s your favorite beer? Heineken Special Dark...i used to love regular Heineken, but I enjoyed this 10x. Michelob Amber Bock...smooth as hell. Goes down like candy :]
  3. T

    Mach3, Schick or other? What do you use?

    Went from a Mach 3 to the Braun Self-Cleaning Synchro System.
  4. T

    E2D pic....

    Yeah....USN mods are real cool and replied to all my emails about logging in
  5. T

    Which Sebenza?

    I wouldn't trade my sebbie for any of the knives mentioned in this thread....simplicity rules
  6. T

    Anybody see this car yet?

    That quarter mile is very close to what some of the liter bikes are doing right
  7. T

    Which Sebenza?

    drbux.....i cannot reply to your emails. your email will not accept emails from me for some reason.
  8. T

    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

    anyone have the video of his original speech, hopefully the entire one?
  9. T

    Test your IQ

    Scored a 134 on some IQ test online a while back ago...I'll have to take a look at this one.
  10. T

    Which Sebenza?

    I've got a small regular sebenza for sale if you are interested. I can take pics and was born on June 23, 2003 I believe. Its used, but not abused. Just e-mail or PM me!
  11. T

    Arc4 Video

    Nice server btw...1.5mb/sec
  12. T

    I just bought the last L5 in the country!

    Yeah....pretty sure i'm going to cancel that crap now....what bs
  13. T

    Advice for knife newbie

    I have a small regular sebenza and its awesome. Best folder I've ever owned.
  14. T

    Switched Carriers. What to do with old cell phone?

    Re: Switched Carriers. What to do with old cell ph Well, I'm going to sound immature with this post with all of the upstanding citizens that have previously commented but... I blew my last one up with some fireworks.
  15. T

    Should a new Hard Drive make noise?

    I've had a Maxtor die on me...sent it for RMA and got another one. I have never tried a Seagate but I would personally stick to Western Digital. I've been building computers for myself, friends, and customers for the past 8 years, and I wouldn't put anything but reliable stuff in their system...