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Forgot my Mc Giz...


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 5, 2006
Palm Springs, CA, Beverly Hills, CA, Washington, D
From time to time I asked to do keynote addresses at conventions, conferences and big meetings for corporations, and trade associations, (I have an agent who books this for me), motivational kind of things on the work I have done over the years, other times, photo instruction lectures. Well, today, I left my Haiku behind, and I just felt strange, as I never have left it at home or the at a hotel.

While I knew it was not lost or anything, I kind of felt lost myself with it not being with me...I really missed it something awful!

Anyone else ever have this happen? My first Mc Giz came to me in 2010, and I have never not had one with me. Nevertheless, my presentation went as planned but, it was a sinking feeling when I reached for it backstage, then realized I had left it behind.

I'm now going back to carrying two at all times.

Once I went on stage, I forgot about it, and completed my speech. Anyone else ever had something such as this have this happen to them? Or is it just me?

Best wishes,

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Flashlight Enthusiast
May 8, 2017
Eastern Europe
This is a very unpleasant feeling, I understand. There was a similar situation during the hike, but not with a flashlight (then I did not have them), it was a folding knife that fell out of my pocket. At a camp, when I had to prepare food, I noticed that he was not there (in pocket), I left friends for relax and went the way 4 km back and did not find it. Once a year I again go through this route and hope to see it.

peter yetman

Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 23, 2014
North Norfolk UK
That's so familiar.
I always have an MD2 with an OR Triple in the ruler pocket on the leg of my overalls.
Occasionally I get home and realise that the light isn't there. I can't settle until I find the thing. It normally slips out in the truck and indeed that's where I found it this morning, but the empty feeling never gets any better.