Translating Fujitsu-FDK-Twicell (and Panasonic) part numbers to common Eneloop-speak?


Newly Enlightened
Jan 12, 2020
May the mod reviewing this first post here move it to a separate thread if it's not appropriate to add to this Eneloop mega-thread.

Newbie here (be gentle). Web-searches kept pointing to candlepowerforums as THE place for expertise on NiMH rechargeable batteries . . .

May be uncommon retail here relative to the "Eneloop" designation, but there are several Fujitsu/FDK battery models listed at (somewhat-end-user-ordering-friendly) industrial suppliers of electronic components (at least the data sheets for each are headed either "FDK Twicell" or "Panasonic").

Can anyone comment (or point to a url) on common "Eneloop" names for the type of model numbers found for AAs at such a source (examples below)? The only two bits of info I could find implied that retail package HR-3UTHCEX could be 3rd or 4th gen Eneloop Pro and that HR-3UTG could be 1st gen Eneloop (although 1900/2000mAh is such a common spec). If it's noteworthy, 10x more HR-3U-2500 and HHR-210AAC4B batteries are in stock (late 2019), relative to the others.


Here are some of the numbers and specs for AA 1.2V mentioned (forgive the formatting).

individual cellsnameminimum/typicalsizeapproxcycles
HR-3U-2500TWICELL2300/2500mAh 14.35mm x 50.4mm31gno "up to" cycles listed
HR-3UWXTWICELL2400/2500mAh14.50mm x 50.4mm30gno "up to" cycles listed
HR-3UTGTWICELL1900/2000mAh14.35mm x 50.4mm27gno "up to" cycles listed
BK-200AAB9BPANASONIC1900/2000mAh14.50mm x 50.5mm29gno "up to" cycles listed
HHR-210AAC4BPANASONIC2000/2080mAh14.50mm x 50.5mm29gno "up to" cycles listed
HR-3UTCEX(4B) "retail" 4 pkFUJITSU1900/2000mAh14.35mm x 50.4mm27gpackaging: 2100 cycles
HR-3UTHCEX(4B) "retail" 4 pkFUJITSU2450/2570mAh14.50mm x 50.4mm30gpackaging:
500 cycles

(AAAs listed were typically 700 and 780 mAh)