kaichu dento
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  • Hey brother! Just stopping by to let you know that I find myself randomly saying your name, Kaichu Dento. Just because its fun to say...

    kaichu dento. Looks like you know what you're talking about. Already have a question for you. I just bought a Ra 140 twisty, already have a 170t. Could 100 high CRI emitter be placed on either of these lights? If so, at what cost?
    There are a lot of Aeon fans who suggest that Nitecore ripped off the design of one of their favorite lights, while others argue that it's just another version of a UI that has been used by many others.
    I had an Aeon and did not like the beam pattern or tint, to the extent that I didn't even use it, selling it a few months later to another CPF'er who seemed pretty happy with it.
    While I felt the Aeon was an engineering work of art, as a flashlight I far prefer my EZAAw and EZCR2w and would never consider trading their smooth, warm beam pattern for the green ringiness.
    You probably have much more uses for lights up there. What is this about the lineage of the EZ series being questioned?
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