FCW-13 Camping / Flashlight Get Together!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 31, 2002
:wave:Wow!! We are totally overdue for another FCW (Flashaholics Camping Weekend!) I couldn't believe it when I looked and noticed that FCW-12 was back in 2015! So it's time for FCW-13! The 13th Flashaholics Camping Weekend Get Together!!

Since we have already done 12 of these get togethers, and have gone back to the same campgrounds several times, perhaps it's time for a new location. Not that there is anything wrong with all of the past locations we have been to, but a new location offers new places to explore etc. So that brings me to the hard part... picking a new location that will serve us well. No matter what location I pick it will be a long ride for someone to get to (this one happens to be roughly 2 hours from my home). So I'm focusing less on the GPS location of were we are going, and more so on what the location has to offer us. I take many factors into consideration, but some that stand out are: The location needs to be somewhat set away from others - because we want to have our own area away from other people with screaming kids and people that think the wilderness is a good place to crank up their stereo and blast us with whatever kind of music they think we should all be listening to. LOL And of course we need our own area because others may not appreciate why we are lighting up the night sky with our lights. :) Ample parking is a consideration, as are flush toilets and even showers if any one wants them. So with all that and several other factors taken into consideration I've come up with what seems to be a great option for us. Lakawanna State Park in PA. You can see the park map here: http://www.dcnr.state.pa.us/cs/groups/public/documents/document/dcnr_003994.pdf The sites for us are the Ledges area. There are only 6 sites there, which is a good thing because that means less money for us to spend to have the whole area to ourselves. However in reality there is much more room in that area than it appears, and we will have pleanty of room to spread out and fit many more than 6 tents. I have not actually camped there, however, I have physically been there and looked around - it's a decent area that should provide everything we need for a great get together.

It always amazes me that the FCW events don't draw as many people as the "in-a-house" get togethers. It just seems like a natural to me that flashlight lovers would be looking for the perfect excuse to use there lights...camping. Anyway, even if you don't want to stay overnight in a tent, you can join the get together for the day/evening etc. And if they are available, Lackawanna State Park offers: Three camping cottages and two yurts are in the Carpentertown Loop. Camping cottages feature wooden walls and floors, windows, porch, and electric lights and outlets. Each cottage sleeps five people in bunk beds. Yurts are round, canvas and wood walled tents with a wooden deck. They feature a cooking stove, microwave oven, refrigerator, countertop, table, chairs, electric heat and outlets, and sleep four or five people in bunk beds. So if they are available, and you don't want to sleep in a tent, and don't want to drive all the way home, these may be a viable option for you.

I'll try to reach out to the usual "regulars" that have participated in most of the first 12 FCW's, but please help spread the word about FCW-13. These get together threads seem to be missed quite often. Anyone who isn't a jerk is welcome to come. :)

When: Well this is always another tough one. No matter what date I pick it will not be good for someone! So the best I can do is base that choice on campground availability and the historic weather averages for that area. RIGHT NOW - all 6 sites at the Ledges area are available for September 22nd, 23rd, 24th. That is check in on Friday and out on Sunday. The historic temps for that area show mid to low 70's during the day and mid 50's at night. Which should be great camping weather. That weekend also happens to fall just after a new moon, so it should be nice and dark there!

I need to get some interest, support and commitment to attend - and then we need to book the spots ASAP. Oh, by the way, it appears that the sites are only $19 each per night! Rather reasonable.

OK - let me hear from you guys!!! Please post your interest here in the thread. Thanks --Tim
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 31, 2002
This post is reserved for updates:

1. DORCY IS NOW THE OFFICIAL SPONSOR OF FCW-13! Dorcy will be sending us a bunch of Dorcy lights as well as Life+Gear lights too. (Dorcy recently purchased Life+Gear).

2. Don't forget to check out FSM-1 Here is a link to the thread about it on CPF http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?437314-FSM-(Flashaholics-Swap-Meet)-Sept-23rd-in-PA

3. Attendees -- Don't bother stopping at the park office, head directly to the camp sites. Only my name is on the reservations, anyone else trying to check in at the office will only confuse them. I plan on getting there about 3:30 on Thursday, so I will be there early enough to take care of all the reservations and have everything all set for everyone else, all you need to do is just head right to the camp sites.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 31, 2002
Hi Guys - thanks for the quick reply and commitment! I'm sure others will follow up soon - but please reach out to those you know.

I went ahead and booked all 6 sites for us, to ensure that we will have them to ourselves. I even used my work address, which is in PA, to register and pay for them, which saved us some money (as opposed to my NJ home address). Even with that, the "from" $19 per site price is a bit misleading, as that they don't mention the excessive taxes and reservation fees. However, even with those, the total wasn't bad. So here is what I did... I booked 5 of the sites for check in Friday September 22nd/check out Sunday September 24th. Check in/out time is 3pm. I booked 1 site for check in on Thursday night September 21st/check out on Sunday September 24th. So anyone who wants to come up on Thursday night, we can get away with a bunch of us doing that, since at least one site is paid for for Thursday night. So the total is $325.00, I'll bring the receipt if anyone cares to see it. I suggest we simply divide the $325 total by the number of guys who stay overnight. If anyone wants to come up and spend some time, but doesn't stay overnight, perhaps they can just kick in a few bucks to help out. So even if we only end up with 10 over night guys, that works out to only $32.50 total per guy, not bad for a long weekend getaway!

These sites allow for 5 people per site, which gives us a total of 30 people, and while I doubt that we will exceed that, I doubt it would be an issue if we did. More importantly is the number of tents. The area should support 12-15 tents without any space issue - and a few hammocks as well. Parking should not be any issue, this area has its own dedicated parking area. Flush toilets and even showers are a short walk away. Just like other state parks, there are multiple picnic tables and fire pit rings. As I mentioned in my previous post, I've never camped there, but I have actually walked around these sites, and the rest of the state park, and it is a pretty nice place, that should serve our needs well. I'm looking forward to it, and to catching up with all the regulars, and hopefully meeting some new enthusiasts as well. A few days out in the fresh air, cooking over a campfire and checking out all kinds of lights is always a good time! :grin2:


Dec 6, 2005
New York City
I have to ask the usual from my side, but I'm definitely planning to show up at least the 9/23-24 and I can probably take Friday off as well. I'll circle back once I get some confirmations.

For those of you who have never come to an FCW event, it's just like PF at Scott's but at a much slower pace and with a whole lot more food!

It's great to drop in even for the day, and even better to stick around all weekend. Plenty of flashlights and gear to go around.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 31, 2002
I have to ask the usual from my side, but I'm definitely planning to show up at least the 9/23-24 and I can probably take Friday off as well. I'll circle back once I get some confirmations.

For those of you who have never come to an FCW event, it's just like PF at Scott's but at a much slower pace and with a whole lot more food!

It's great to drop in even for the day, and even better to stick around all weekend. Plenty of flashlights and gear to go around.

Well said Carrot! Looking forward to seeing you there, I hope Ike and the rest of your usual crew can make it as well.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 28, 2007
I have no camping equipment since I gave all of that up when they found a dead body on our campsite (remind me to tell that story when we get to that part of the evening, usually when the s'mores are cookin). So I have no tents or sleeping bags. What are the odds someone has extras? It will be just me and my 12 year old (can't believe he turns 12 September 21st).


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 31, 2002
Sounds great to me! I'm in ....and thanks for getting the ball rolling Tim![/QUOTE

Great! Looking forward to seeing you Sledhead - planning on parking the RV in the parking area?? or tenting it?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 31, 2002
I have no camping equipment since I gave all of that up when they found a dead body on our campsite (remind me to tell that story when we get to that part of the evening, usually when the s'mores are cookin). So I have no tents or sleeping bags. What are the odds someone has extras? It will be just me and my 12 year old (can't believe he turns 12 September 21st).

Oh man, that sounds wild I want to hear about that! I don't have any extras, but someone might. If not, it sounds like a good excuse to buy new gear! ;) I hope you can make it.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 31, 2002

is the13th Flashaholics Camping Weekend- open to just about anyone who would like to attend (no jerks allowed) :poke:

Let's face it, we all like flashlights! Most of us like anything that lights up or even glows, and many of us like knives and various other types of gear. Camping is a natural for us Flashaholics! What better place to test your lights and gear than a weekend in a dark state park, alongside of your fellow Flashaholics. :thumbsup:

WHO can go: Pretty much anyone - unless you have a really bad reputation on the forums, or you are a complete wacko or something. I have never had a problem before, let's keep it that way. If anyone becomes a problem of some sort to the group, they will be asked to leave.

And yes, your significant other, neighbors, and friends are all invited too, but sorry, no pets. Please keep the age of any children you want to bring with you to the age of 10 and above -and limited to 2 minors per each accompanying adult. We had a problem in the past with young kids messing up someones expensive lights, and of course it's camping, there are hot things, sharp things, things that bite and sting - so really young kids aren't a good idea for this trip.

IMPORTANT STUFF: Lackawanna is a PA State Park, and therefore there is no alcohol allowed. The park rangers do check, and if they catch you, they might ticket you and ask you to leave the park immediately. So with that said, if you want to bring a drink do so at your own risk, and please do so responsibly... and bring some for me! :) Needless to say no drugs or fireworks are allowed at all.

:caution: Please be mindful that this is an outdoor event with sharp things, hot things, things that sting and bite, and other poisonous things. Please remember that your attending signifies that you understand that you can get hurt around things like: campfires; knives; hi-powered flashlights; bugs and snakes that bite; twist an ankle on a loose rock, or trip on a tree root; and remember that bears get hungry too, so don't sleep with beef jerky and candy bars in your tent; etc, etc. and when you attend, it is with the understanding that you will not sue me if you get hurt or die. This is camping, be smart, be safe, and no one gets hurt. :) I assume no liability for your well being or safety in connection with this event.

WHEN is it: SEPTEMBER 21ST - 24TH - Thursday night arrival after 4:30pm please! Arrive anytime after that, and Sunday check out by 3pm.

Is it going to be too hot or too cold??? I should have been a weather man - so I could be wrong at my job 90% of the time and still get a paycheck! The historic averages show mid 70's during the day and mid 50's overnight. It's cool enough to enjoy a campfire, and way less buggy than the summer months, and this particular weekend was also chosen due to its proximity to a new moon, meaning it should be extra dark out! Wednesday the 20th is actually the new moon (no visible moon). :eek:oo:

Check in /arrival - No check in is needed on your part, just go straight to the Ledges camp sites. However, please do not arrive before 4:30pm on Friday September 21st.

:sleepy:Three nights, or if you can only make it for one or two that's fine, or if you don't want to stay overnight, then you can come and hang out, stay and cook over the fire, and leave whenever your batteries run out of power.

WHERE is it at:
FCW-13 will be at Lackawanna State Park, PA. Check out there website for GPS coordinates and directions that best suit you.

COST per person: The total cost for the area is $325.00 and what we are going to do this time is simply divide that cost by the number of people who attend overnight.

If you are not planning on staying overnight- please come and join us and hang out day or night, as much as you want. Use the campsites and cook over the fire, etc. but please be prepared to chip-in and help pay for the use of the sites. In the past I had set an amount for the non-overnight attendees, but this time I'm going to leave this "donation" up to the individual.

More on the cost: The total cost to reserve the sights is about $325. This is money which I have already laid out of my own pocket to secure the sights are reserved for us and only us. This will secure us basically a large private area. Yes this is a risk for me, if no one comes, I'm having a very expensive camping weekend myself.LOL So please share in some of the risk with me, and commit to coming, and post your interest within this thread.

What if it looks like it will be a total rain blowout of a weekend - The date change and cancellation fees associated are costly. Let's hope it doesn't come to that, we can likely get away with a relatively small change of date fee and reserve another date. We will monitor it closely and make a decision in the final hours if it looks like a rain washout.

EQUIPMENT: If you don't have a tent you can get one on sale at Wal-Mart for $39.99. Or ask in this thread if anyone has a used one for sale.

Of course you'll need to bring a flashlight! Bring your own food and drink, and everything you will need to spend a few nights out in the woods. Nothing will be provided other than the use of the camp sites, picnic table, fire ring, public bathrooms/shower house and parking.

WHAT IF I FORGET SOMETHING: There is NOT a small "general store" located within the park, but a few miles outside of the campground you can find most of what you might need.

SPEAKING OF TOILET PAPER: Don't worry they do have clean modern flush toilet bathrooms with running water within the state park.

CELL PHONES: Yes, cell phones work within the state park grounds.

WHAT TO DO: Well along with the usual camping agenda of relaxing by a campfire, roasting marshmallows, etc. This location has a beautiful lake, fishing (I believe a permit or license is required), some fantastic trails for hiking, and pretty much everything you would expect a state park to have. Please check out their website for more info.

Along with the dense woods, they also have large open fields with distant tree lines, and plenty of darkness to test throw of lights. And in the past we have always enjoyed a night hike into the woods.

We will likely have a raffle for giveaways.

Bring your bike if you want to ride it there.

Games like ladder golf, horse shoes, and corn hole are fun, bring them if you want.

Of course bring all the lights you want to test / play with and show off to others.

And bring all the lights you want to sell or trade!

At several past FCW events I arranged for various flashlight and camping equipment manufacturers and distributors to provide some giveaways, raffle items, and pass around items. I'll see what I can come up with for FCW-13. Dorcy has always been very good to us in the past, providing thousands of dollars of giveaways over the years and providing pre-production samples of new lights for our opinions. Also quite often attendees bring personal giveaways (new and old that they didn't need, want, etc), which we raffle off, and everyone always appreciates that. So please do so if you want to.

For a whole bunch more information and some pictures from past FCW events just search FCW here on CPF. Please note this is the first time for a FCW at Lackawanna SP, so you will not find any further specific information about the upcoming location, but you can get a feel for past FCW's.


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Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 30, 2006
Boston, MA, USA
Thanks for the PM letting me know about this. But alas I can't attend. Had a lot of fun on the last one I made it to.
I even have a new truck. I was looking forward to ripping the bumper off this one too!


Mar 20, 2007
Rutherford, NJ
I have no camping equipment since I gave all of that up when they found a dead body on our campsite ... What are the odds someone has extras? It will be just me and my 12 year old
The odds are VERY GOOD. Heck, I'd lend you all of my stuff and sleep under the stars on the picnic table just to hear the dead body story. I have or can gets spares of everything you will need, so plan on attending ... and telling the story!

BTW, I will plan to be there on Thursday.

BTW2: Thanks, Tim, for putting this trip together and fronting the money.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 31, 2002
Thanks for the PM letting me know about this. But alas I can't attend. Had a lot of fun on the last one I made it to.
I even have a new truck. I was looking forward to ripping the bumper off this one too![/QUOTE

LOL - sorry to hear you can't make it. Funny about your bumper, I was just looking through all the past FCW threads and I came across the picture of everyone holding your bumper up - made me laugh. Hope to catch you next time.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 31, 2002
The odds are VERY GOOD. Heck, I'd lend you all of my stuff and sleep under the stars on the picnic table just to hear the dead body story. I have or can gets spares of everything you will need, so plan on attending ... and telling the story!

BTW, I will plan to be there on Thursday.

BTW2: Thanks, Tim, for putting this trip together and fronting the money.

Hi Stan, My pleasure - looking forward to it. :)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 16, 2006
New York
Sorry I'm a few days late but I'll check out my work schedule and if open I'll take some vacation time for the whole show


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 31, 2002
Sorry I'm a few days late but I'll check out my work schedule and if open I'll take some vacation time for the whole show

There will always be time to work later... but only one FCW-13! LOL

Lighthouse one

Flashlight Enthusiast
May 4, 2006
Ephrata, Pa
Last three campouts. Same week end I help out at our Family outdoor day. I may drive up Sat night and stay over one night. I did that the last time. It will be a last minute decision. It's pretty far for me, even though I live in Pa. Hope to see you guys then! BIll W>