Duracell too hesitant and reluctant to say if battery a fake.


Newly Enlightened
Dec 3, 2012
Long story sorry for the read. Ordered 100 AA Duracell's on Amazon. They came in a generic white box, loose, 25 to box. Immediately they just didn't look right to me. I noticed they were missing expiration dates and then when I finally found the expiration it was at the very top next to the plus signal, etched into the label running perpendicular to the Duracell name.

Thinking maybe these were for a different foreign country and that's just the way they did it I started googling pictures of examples of fake Duracell's. All hundred batteries failed the genuine test because they had the following.

1) No batch numbers written anywhere on the battery.
2) The expiration date in a different location
3) The name Duracell is etched into the very bottom, flat part of the battery
4) Duracell doesn't sell copper top batteries loose but only packaged in a retail card.

But because I am a prepper and I stock hundreds of these, now curious I went back and checked my last 200 Duracell's I also purchased on Amazon, each an order of 100. Both orders of 100 had the name Duracell was printed on the very flat bottom of the AA battery and came loose.

Finding it hard to believe now that three different businesses sold me three different batches of 100 fake and counterfeit Duracell batteries and all 300 were bought at different times over the last three years, I decided to call Duracell to see if the information out there on Google is correct.

My focal point was two things and one was the fact that the name Duracell was etched into the bottom flat part of the AA battery and that they were missing batch code numbers in all 300.

First I sent them emails with pictures attached and asked whether or not Duracell ever prints their name on the bottom of the battery and whether they should all have a batch code. I got a generic response with tips to look out for but was told the batteries will have to be sent in before they could make a determination. They failed to answer the 2 direct questions I asked them.

Sent them a second email with once again the above two specific questions asking why would they not answer them and once AGAIN they failed to answer them, but the email was less generic and appeared to be a direct response and said that the batteries have to be sent in.

Sent a third email frustrated and irritated and I asked them why they continue to avoid answering 2 very simple questions. I got no response this time..

I then called and spoke to a gentleman. I explained the entire situation and yet his response?? He would not answer those two questions "initially" but just said that I had to send them in the mail. Being more hardheaded now and not excepting that for an answer I finally pinned him into a corner and I asked him three direct questions.

Does Duracell EVER etch or put their name on the bottom of the battery? He said no, that's very rare, but because of manufacturing processes the only way to say for sure I would have to send them in.

I then asked does Duracell ever loose pack Copper top AA batteries? Pete repeat. No, they are only packed in retail cards, but because of manufacturing processes the only way to tell for sure...

Then I asked my last question, do Duracell batteries always have a batch number written on them? He said yes they do, but because of manufacturing proc.... (not even sure what the heck that means)

So I asked him a very simple and logical question. If Duracell never loose packs, never prints their name on the bottom of the battery and they all have batch numbers written on them and none of my 300 batteries meet those qualifications why exactly do I have to send them in to be checked?

I mean, if Duracell never puts their name on the bottom and my batteries have their name on the bottom, why exactly do I need a team of specialists at Duracell to tell me whether or not they are fake, that would mean they ARE fake right?

From this point it was me asking the same questions over and over worded a bit differently and him saying the same thing, that I would have to send them in because of manufacturing processes! It just makes absolutely no sense whatsoever and either you do or you do not do something and manufacturing processes would mean that maybe it's a fluke, they made a mistake. But not with three different batches of 100 batteries over three years.

I don't understand their hesitancy at simply saying that they are fake??? Or telling me the three things they do and do not do but then going on to say that possibly those three things can or cannot take place because of manufacturing processes?

SMH. I'm assuming there is a really big problem with fake batteries and I did contact all three sellers at Amazon and all of them assured me that they order direct from the manufacture and have to pass and prove authenticity for Amazon.

Honestly I just don't know what to believe now and I don't know whether these batteries are fake or not!!!
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Newly Enlightened
Dec 3, 2012
You can buy Duracell copper top AA in white cardboard boxes of 40 on Amazon UK



I'm not really sure I follow your point John? You don't have to buy them like that in the UK, you can buy them like that right here in America. I know because I just ordered them and received them, as my post said in the first couple sentences, I received them in a generic white box. So I'm not really following you?

I'm not discussing whether or not you can get them like that, im discussing whether or not getting them like that means they are fake as according to Duracell they don't ever sell them like that!
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 2, 2012
Miami, Florida
I think you need to speak with somebody in the Tech department if you want them to help you out, or just send the batteries back and buy from a known distributor.

Ms. Sally, or Barry, manning the help lines to tell you which way to insert the battery into your new widget, probably don't know much about the nuts and bolts.

Amazon is now known as a place selling counterfeit goods.

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Newly Enlightened
Dec 3, 2012
Thanks FMC1, but that's one of the many different sites I went to to verify. All of them and I mean all of them say if Duracell is printed on the bottom of the battery it's a fake. Yet? Every single Duracell that I own has it printed there and I'm just finding it hard to believe that fake Duracell's are so rampid that three different companies sold me three different batches through three different years and nobody has complained about it? And on Amazon? And I have three sellers telling me they get them through a certified Duracell representative that deals direct from the factory with a certificate of authenticity to prove to Amazon???

Yet Duracell says it shouldn't be there also, unless it's a manufacturing process...

Something is just not right here. Something is really really really wrong because I am sure that thousands of customers bought the same Duracell's as well as me and based on the amount of reviews I would say that's a verifiable fact. Yet they are all counterfeit?

The only one thing going in my favor is the label doesn't appear to be cheap and cannot be peeled off whatsoever. The label is installed very well!!!

I would attach pictures but I believe this site is one of those that won't let you attach a pic or copy and paste and I have to send a link to an off site area I've just never done that. Too complicated for a simple pic an old man like me :)
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lumen aeternum

Sep 29, 2012
They are not going to disclose information that would help you to make better fakes.
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Feb 21, 2003
The premise of your thread is condescending, and does not show real proof that Duracell is culpable re your insinuations. Be cautious re your assertions.

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Newly Enlightened
Dec 3, 2012
The premise of your thread is condescending, and does not show real proof that Duracell is culpable re your insinuations. Be cautious re your assertions.


Honestly, I don't have ANY clue what you're trying to say Bill... everything I stated is 100% factual. If it's condescending that could very well be your interpretation of it, but it is what it is what it is. Personally, even if it is, so what?

That doesn't change or alter anything that I said. I'm just stating simple, actual facts that took place and there's nothing wrong in trying to determine if my batteries are fake and warning everyone else to be careful or they are they are going to get caught up in this also, if they haven't already.

I'm not trying to "Prove" anything, I'm trying to get Duracell / Amazon / Sellers at Amazon / to "prove" to me these are NOT fake!
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Newly Enlightened
Dec 3, 2012
I think everyone is underestimating the major impact of this thread. We have websites all over Google that are saying if the batteries have "this" they are fake.

I have Duracell that is absolutely agreeing with those websites, but then leaving themselves an out by saying
"but because of manufacturing processes" it's possible it could happen. That makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever.

We have the nations largest online retailer that is in theory, supposedly, according to these websites AND according to Duracell, selling me fake batteries..

I don't know about you, but in the world of things that need to be investigated further, I would say this makes it to the top!!!
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Newly Enlightened
Dec 3, 2012
Posts some photo`s get an free IMGUR.com account and upload some.


I hope this works if it doesn't I give up! I don't understand certain sites that won't let you attach files but I'm sure there's a good reason. Honestly I'm not sure what good posting pics will do, unless there are people out there that can spot the differences as an expert, which would be absolutely wonderful and exactly what I'm looking for!

However, my point is, my pics are basically going to look EXACTLY like the batteries that are shown on the fake sites, so looking at one of their batteries they claim is a fake would be just as good as looking at mine.

Here goes let's see if it works! There should be 4 pictures

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 4, 2008
Just send a single example battery from each of the three shipments you purchased for inspection.

Sending three AA's won't be much hassle/cost, and then you're verified one way or the other... unless this is really more about the principle of them not handling it in the manner you want them to, in which case good luck. They're just not going to confirm 100% in case you go back to the sellers with claims of fakes, and they turn out not to be, or vice versa if you're holding fakes, so they leave themselves wiggle room in case of coincidence.

sounds like they'll confirm if you send them in though, good luck.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 28, 2013
New Mexico, USA
The photos do work. As a fellow consumer, I can't help agreeing with your consternation.

But Maybe it is as leon has indicated: The people involved here do not want to write something that somebody else's lawyer can file a lawsuit against, including this forum... Duracell surely has a staff of lawyers and would not incur extra expense to go after anyone. Duracell has probably received erroneous claims from consumers about cells that turned out to be legitimate. Who knows for sure if that website claiming what is a fake and what is genuine, is actually accurate?
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 30, 2015
Two things that weigh against them being fake is that they are marked as made in China and "Original Equipment Accessory" looks like they were intended to be the "batteries included" for something made in China and originally packed in bulk. Might not be as good as USA duracells, but probably(??) not fake. If you need to know for sure send samples to Duracell as they requested.
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Jan 19, 2003
Bellingham WA
Hello Cheaperrooter,

My OPINION is that they are not fake...


Will they work for your intended use.

This brings us to testing. When I stockpile I take a few cells and test them. I compare the results to data sheets and put my notes in with the rest of the cells. A few years later I do another test to see how things are progressing.

While there are some variations batch to batch those variations are usually small. Damage can occur during shipping and storage prior to sale. If you purchase from several sources and the cells all test the same, you are good to go. If there are variations you need to find a different source while you try to figure out what happened. Many times you will never know for sure.

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Newly Enlightened
Dec 3, 2012
Check the link below, the Duracell battery`s have Duracell on the bottom of the negative end.



And see that's specifically my point John, I'm just wondering exactly how well spread this problem is? Those batteries you linked to clearly show Duracell printed on the bottom. And yet? All of the counterfeit sites say if Duracell was printed there than they are fake? DURACELL individual I spoke with said that it's fake. Well I take that back. That was my conclusion after he said "that it's very rare to have the name there and they do NOT stamp their name on the bottom.

To make matters worse? I have another batch of 100 with NOTHING written on the bottom it's just blank.

I think I'm going to do two things. I've been told by many that the safest way is to go to a retailer like Walmart or Lowe's and buy them in the carded version and compare them to the fake sites and to what I have. Then I will send off all three samples to Duracell and if they verify they are genuine? Then we have fake Duracell sites that are fake! LOL.

Bottom line is truly this, at best, it's extremely confusing and very mystifying and everyone but everyone has reason to worry about whether or not the Duracell battery they have in their possession is actually a Duracell!

I like what XXO said, as that would also explain exactly why these batteries are being sold loose when Duracell says they don't sell them loose.
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Newly Enlightened
Dec 3, 2012
I think Silverfox is right, in saying that his "opinion" is... we can speculate all day but I think because I have discovered that this is a deeper problem and that because we have sites that are claiming to show you examples of how you can tell it is fake and that information on those sites is contradicting to the information I am actually receiving and looking at, I can put an end to this very simply. I will send all three batteries off to Duracell and let's see what they say.

I'll repost back here in which I'm sure is something that will take at least a couple weeks and then we can determine if all of the sites are incorrect and giving out false information for starters, and we can figure out once and for all the actual truth as to whether or not the batteries I have are fake.

If they are? We have a MAJOR worldwide problem. If they are not? Then we have a lot of sites claiming to give information about fake batteries that is completely inaccurate AND Duracell needs to retrain their associates who answer questions concerning the status of a fake battery.

Either way we are going to find out some extremely important information here as regardless of how Duracell answers one or the other is going to be blown out of the water and exposed as giving fraudulent information!

So thats a WIN-WIN for me and should be for everyone here!
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