Did You Know This?

fenix store

Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 27, 2015

Have you ever gotten a less-than-desirable gift from the company you work for?

Do you have trouble deciding what corporate gift to give your employees or customers?

We have the answer!

Give the gift that will have employees or customers think of you every time they turn their lights on. We offer promotional flashlights of various sizes and prices.

How to order your custom engraved flashlights:

  1. Select a flashlight
  2. Complete our online form and select "Request a Quote"
  3. Provide your company logo or custom text (The Fenix factory engraves the lights PRIOR TO boxing them)
  4. Order a minimum of 50 custom flashlights to be engraved
  5. Order early for Christmas to allow for engraving and shipping

So, Decision Makers, what do you think?
Not a Decision Maker, then let your boss know about our program. We have made many employees & customers happy campers with our engraved lights.