Quote of the Year (IMO)

Hooked on Fenix

Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 13, 2007
Let's throw another twist onto that $#&% storm.... America is a Republic, not a democracy.
Yes, but I'd rather have both a Republic, which is a superior form of democracy, and my freedom than have to choose between the two. I wouldn't give up the rights people fought and died for and throw it all away for the hope to escape with temporary freedom when the government becomes overrun by tyrants. "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is that good men do nothing."-Edmund Burke. In the instant you retreat from tyranny, it will follow you wherever you go and overtake you. Your best course of action is to stand your ground and attack with the fury of all the preceding generations, praying you aren't the last.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 2, 2007
Yes, but I'd rather have both a Republic, which is a superior form of democracy, and my freedom than have to choose between the two. I wouldn't give up the rights people fought and died for and throw it all away for the hope to escape with temporary freedom when the government becomes overrun by tyrants. "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is that good men do nothing."-Edmund Burke. In the instant you retreat from tyranny, it will follow you wherever you go and overtake you. Your best course of action is to stand your ground and attack with the fury of all the preceding generations, praying you aren't the last.

"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed;
if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may
come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves."

Winston S. Churchill


Jan 14, 2008
We sure don't have leaders like Churchill nowadays.
I hope its obvious that I'm speaking from a UK perspective, but I absolutely agree. My late mother in law used to say that "they couldn't run a whelk stall". The people we have that can lead don't seem to go into politics.

I'm a big fan of King Leonidas of the Spartans, who when asked to give up their weapons, said "Come Get Them". That's a leader.

Hooked on Fenix

Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 13, 2007
We sure don't have leaders like Churchill nowadays.
I'm not so sure about that. President Zelinskyy at the start of the war against Ukraine when offered a ride to safety said, "I don't need a ride. I need ammunition."

Israel is being attacked by practically the whole world who is calling them out for genocide while Hamas steals supplies from it's people. Israel has still tried in good faith to lead Palestinians to safe zones while eliminating terrorists hiding among them and bringing in humanitarian supplies during the war. No country has ever bent over backwards this much to preserve life during war. All other conflicts, nations have waited until the war is over to provide any humanitarian aid so as not to provide aid to the enemy and prolong the conflict, and often aid is not provided to the nation that attacked them. They aren't perfect. They've made mistakes, but they respect life and fight to preserve it.

Then there's Donald Trump, a former President so willing to speak his mind to try to save the country that half the country is willing to shred the Bill of Rights and shove it in his mouth just to shut him up.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 7, 2022
West Virginia, North America
I'm not a fan of Zelinskyy. He should retire in Switzerland or Israel right away. People forget that Ukraine is too friendly with neonazis and changes laws to suit USA. I haven't liked them since 2013 or so.

I'd comment on Trump but why bother. He is unpopular enough to get Biden in the White House.

I think the most inspiring leader in recent times is the man that should have been Time's person of the year: Al Baghdadi.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed;
if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may
come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves."

Winston S. Churchill
Did you know he did not win re-election after that? Some bloke promising free stuff won.



Aug 27, 2006
I'm not a fan of Zelinskyy. He should retire in Switzerland or Israel right away. People forget that Ukraine is too friendly with neonazis and changes laws to suit USA.
The latter might be true. But the former....
Lies and Propaganda BS by Putin.
Friendly with that type of group?
That's like saying Jewish people are friendly with them.
Ukrainians, we remember our history. We remember how the not-so-funny little man with deformed genitals and an Oliver Hardy moustache tried to exterminate Ukrainians just as much as how he tried to exterminate Jews. Both groups, definitely not friendly with such individuals. Russian separatists pretending to be Ukrainians, especially when documentary cameras are rolling.... different story!


Dec 20, 2012
Northern New Jersey
After a snide attack from Marjorie Taylor Greene about Congresswoman Crockett's false eyelashes, and the denial by the chair of the committee to put to a vote the motion made for MTG's words to be stricken from the Congressional record,

Congresswomen Ms, Crockett asked/stated:
"I'm just curious just to better understand

your ruling; if someone on this committee

then starts talking about somebody's

bleached blond, bad built, Butch body, that

would not be engaging in personalities?"
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 7, 2022
West Virginia, North America
The latter might be true. But the former....
Lies and Propaganda BS by Putin.
Friendly with that type of group?
That's like saying Jewish people are friendly with them.
Ukrainians, we remember our history. We remember how the not-so-funny little man with deformed genitals and an Oliver Hardy moustache tried to exterminate Ukrainians just as much as how he tried to exterminate Jews. Both groups, definitely not friendly with such individuals. Russian separatists pretending to be Ukrainians, especially when documentary cameras are rolling.... different story!
Well I can recall in 2013/2014 there was an Azov and they were accepting people that were neo-nazis and then they stopped because they weren't trained fighters.

After that I was ok with what ever Russia wanted to do with Ukraine. I had a friend from there half ethnically Russian and he was totally neutral. He said he just lives there and doesn't care either way but didn't like the concept of war and refused to take any sides.

I think I could relate more to Ukraine if they weren't interested in being a puppet of the west and wouldn't even think of joining NATO.

But if people can only recall 20th century history Russia/SU felt a responsibility to it's peoples to prevent another genocide and contributed greatly to the security and stability of Europe. There wasn't a third world war. As soon as communism went away it was a total mess in former Yugoslavia too.


Aug 27, 2006
Again, what you saw was propaganda BS. There's also a VICE documentary that parroted the same thing. But it's VICE. Even VICE can't pretend with a straight face that they aren't horribly biased.

Soviet Union never cared about its people. It did an excellent job of pretending to, showing off to much of the world as if it did.

You want to ask someone what it's like to be a slave? Don't ask an African-American. Ask someone who lived under the boot of the former Soviet Union.

"Want to know what the future holds? Picture a boot, stomping down on a face." ~ Main antagonist, Orwell's 1984.

Hooked on Fenix

Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 13, 2007
After a snide attack from Marjorie Taylor Greene about Congresswoman Crockett's false eyelashes, and the denial by the chair of the committee to put to a vote the motion made for MTG's words to be stricken from the Congressional record,

Congresswomen Ms, Crockett asked/stated:
"I'm just curious just to better understand

your ruling; if someone on this committee

then starts talking about somebody's

bleached blond, bad built, Butch body, that

would not be engaging in personalities?"
I don't think Marjorie ever got over her home being swatted by the Democrats 8 times in a row. If your colleagues and their supporters tried to have the police "accidentally" kill you and your family 8 times, would you hold a grudge?


Mar 31, 2016

-- Me

A general statement that rings true much more often than not. When you live under this assumption, it's much less likely that someone will disappoint you, as their disappointing actions are already expected.

Like the old SNL skits about "Lowered Expectations". (Way back when it was actually funny)

Carry On!