Recent content by yearnslow

  1. yearnslow

    What songs have had a profound impact on your life?

    Life on Mars by David Bowie. First record I ever bought.
  2. yearnslow

    Unicorns and Grail lights, what's yours?

    I've always fancied a SPY 007 or similar, but the prices and availability are a killer! Runner up is my HDS rotary 250, a fabulous take anywhere light that just works.
  3. yearnslow

    What watch you're wearing?

    This is my day to day beater.
  4. yearnslow


    There are too many.
  5. yearnslow

    2024 olympics

    You are exactly the sort of useful idiot required, to blow this off as theatre. This is an affront, forget about christians, this is a celebration of deviancy and sexual malpractice, notice the Kid in the last supper photo, bottom left? WTF has that got to do with the last supper?
  6. yearnslow

    2024 olympics

    The opening ceremony was an absolute disgrace, not only did it give the middle finger to France, it also offended quite a few Christians. I'm not a religious man myself, but the implication is plain to see. If they'd done a similar theme for Islam, mocking Mohamed, half of them would be on a...
  7. yearnslow

    Looking to upgrade a surefire 6p

    Malkoff for sure, Have experience with the M61L in my 6P and the M61LL in my C2, both solid units and almost indestructible.
  8. yearnslow

    anyone know about medical stuff?

    Raggie, The answers are not on here my friend, although there has been some quite exact advice given. Get Treatment, from professionals. It's the only way forward. :)
  9. yearnslow

    Trump shot?

    How can Biden stand there and say we don't condone violence, after all the Antifa-BLM nonsense that has happened? Millions of dollars of damage, lives ruined, and lives snuffed out. The Democrat publicity machine has been tacitly pushing for the 'elimination' of Trump for years. The MSM are just...
  10. yearnslow

    How's The Weather There ?

    It's cold here, getting as low as 7c, and raining profusely.
  11. yearnslow

    What was your prep for today?

    I replaced all last years MRE's, and now have the unenviable task of eating them. :)
  12. yearnslow

    Eafengrow EF27

    God loves a trier ......
  13. yearnslow

    EV owner stats

    Has THE KNOB given up yet?
  14. yearnslow

    More EV fires after salt water flooding

    It won't happen, because like a lot of sheep, he'll conveniently forget about the process, much like people forget about how food ends up on the shelves of their supermarket. It's not about petrol, or Electricity, it's about a small group of people trying to control a large group of people, and...
  15. yearnslow

    More EV fires after salt water flooding

    It seems THE KNOB is alive and well......