San Jose / Bay Area lunch


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 8, 2004
San Jose, CA
It's been a while since we had lunch together, and, since some people have some time off next week, I figured that would be as good a time as any.

Date: Thursday, Feb 18

Place: El Camino Mongolian BBQ, El Camino Real, Santa Clara

Time: Gather up out fron between 11:30 and 11:45. Go in to eat at 11:45.

Let us know if you can attend, and we'll try to save enough table space.

Had a great time at lunch today!! Got to get to know Vicky, Jim and Jonathan better. Nice to hear even you guys have had mishaps with batteries too.

Thanks for setting it up, Jim.
Can't wait to see you make 100 miles per gallon on your car, Jonathan.
I'm gonna need help with the Turkey fryer, Vicky.

Till next time,
Lunch was great even due to a small opppsss. The original meeting place was closed for lunch. We ended up at Crazy Buffet YUMMY!!!!!!!!!!
Im gonna have to touch base with LowBat to see if he is up to setting up a camping trip this year.
Aww! I missed the invite - and I live within walking distance of the Mongolian BBQ! I've been meaning to check it out sometime, my co-workers tell me it is quite good. Also never went to Crazy Buffet yet. It must be good too, seems like it is always packed with customers.