I have a ton of health issues and have from a young age, but I'm not going to bore you with all of it.
Let's just say I've seen the "white light", and it wasn't battery-powered. For those curious, it definitely was neutral white*. When you're looking down at yourself 'from above' and see your body sitting lifeless and helpless in a hospital bed connected to machines, it's quite humbling. When (if) you come to and wake up, it's the most surreal and amazing feeling. Especially when the Dr says, "oh, you're awake today." TODAY? How long was I gone? You learn gratitude in an instant, and never forget it. I wish there was a way for people to gain that wisdom without going through that particular lesson; at the same time I hope no one has to experience it. You see and live your life differently from that day forward.
Lots of things I'd love to fix, but the primary ones I wish I could change are: better vision, no tinnitus, and my hearing back.
I have about 10-15" of vision without glasses and have had bad vision since I was young. I've had glasses since I was 8 and I've always wished I could see the alarm clock next to the bed at night. "Alexa" has been a godsend for so many things.
I used to have crystal clear, sensitive hearing. Well into the 30KHz range. I could hear palmetto bugs crawling on a wall (no joke). In broadcasting and recording we'd use >20KHz cue tones for me that would be inaudible to others and the final product. That was until a Dr prescribed me a strong antibiotic for C.Diff... Lost half my hearing in one ear, about a quarter of it in the other, and tinnitus that's ~80dB loud to me 24/7. Went from normal to garbage in 36 hours. Quite frightening. "It's temporary", the doctor said. Nope.
*Hmm.. I wonder if this is why I prefer neutral white lights...never considered it before.