Ray-O-Vac 1AAA LED Review


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 27, 2002
While in my local WalMart I saw this little 1AAA light from Ray-O-Vac - hanging on its ownsome - it was the only one there - scanning it showed it was only $3 - so was it a closeout?**
BUT I hadn't seen this light before in WalMart or anywhere else ....

Anyway at $3 and this rather attractive color - a kind of deep bronze/brown - couldn't resist, even though it only came with a "Heavy Duty" battery.

Size -

Head -

yes, at this price it's just a 5mm LED - with a lens - so it's a spot light.

It is a simple twisty - but the battery is loaded via the tailcap -
one canNOT load the battery in from the head end - even though the head does screw off - because the body tube aperture is too small at the head end..... I think this may be a deliberate reverse polarity protection design.

Being a spot light probably the light most similar would be the now legendary Dorcy 1AAA - spot gen4 version.

vs. Dorcy 1AAA gen4 Spot

The Dorcy 1AAA spot has a bigger more useful sized spot and its light is very even in the spot.

vs. classic Arc-AAA (~2003)

kind of on par - the Arc has a more generally useful beam - but conversely the RoV 1AAA Spot probably would be very useful for close tasks where one may want to minimize stray light/leakage - although some may consider it a bit too bright for more "covert"/discrete usage. This set of beamshots show it a bit - the RoV 1AAA has some side-spill - more like stray light that gives a riing of light with a wide dark area/halo......

vs. Fenix E01

quite obvious that the Fenix E01 is noticably brighter - but the spot of the RoV 1AAA is similar level to the spot of the E01 - but the RoV being lens focussed is more even and a bit larger......

vs. Inova X1 Spot (original classic in 1AA)

in comparison the Inova X1's spot is a even tighter and brighter (I have one of the last Spot X1's with suspected Nichia CS) - so the Inova X1 is even more specialist than the RoV 1AAA.

** No, this was not a closeout - but the regular price is $3 - I was in another local WalMart - and they had a hanger full of these in blue, red and this brown/bronze.
There were also a whole bunch of flashlight closeouts including the Dorcy 1AAA - ironically the marked down price was $3! (but the peg was empty)

Index to Follow Ups -

Comparison with Ray O Vac 1AAA LED Penlight - Post #9

Comparison with "fauxton" lights - Post #12
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great review! This light obviously doesn't measure up to the fenix, but for 3 bucks it sure ain't bad. Seems a little too big though. Have you tested the battery life yet? VT=vermont?
I saw these at the store and thought.. that is why the dorcy is going. I think Walmart is doing away with dorcy for rayovac and coleman lighting with some energizers. for $3 it would be a fun one to tear apart and mod or scavange parts.
I bought one of these simply for the curiousity and well for 3 dollars it was pretty much just as I thought....a 3 dollar light. I am always looking for a host or something to mod and I thought that maybe I could use the circuit if nothing else.

I did get it taken apart however broke it in the process so thought maybe I could use the body for something else.....nothing else I could find would fit the threads so basically I paid 3 dollars for a night of tearing something up....And yes I will probably do this many more times with many more lights. I guess it is just a flashlight person kind of thing to do.
I bought one of these simply for the curiousity and well for 3 dollars it was pretty much just as I thought....a 3 dollar light.

... this is true -
afterall it was $3!!! :D

It certainly is not any world beater -
however this kind of marks a trend -
LED flashlights are now firmly in consumer commodity pricing -
Think only a few years back I mean what did $3 normally buy in flashlights? - mostly the cheapo plastic incand end of the market -
this is aluminum body, and LED -
and simply because it is LED - it gives pretty good performance.
Look at the Mag Solitaire (1AAA incand) it's still about $5 at the cheapest and its beam is awful - and runtime....?

So it is "only" a $3 flashlight -
but compared to what we used to get,
this is really good value for money for the normal non-flashaholic consumer.
I picked up one also and thought the build on this was not bad for the price. I have a soft spot for lights that get the job done and dont hit you hard in the wallet.
I think it's a nice alternative to the Rayovac 1xAAA Penlight for only a few pennies more (like 2.97 vs 3.00?). This newer one is not only smaller than the penlight, but also has a more useful beam and spill in my opinion. The spot is tighter than the penlight, and it also puts out more spill (even though it's a little ringy).

It's hard for me to tell for certain, but it looks like it uses a combination of a reflector behind a less drastic focusing lens.
I think it's a nice alternative to the Rayovac 1xAAA Penlight for only a few pennies more (like 2.97 vs 3.00?). It's hard for me to tell for certain, but it looks like it uses a combination of a reflector behind a less drastic focusing lens.

DoH! of course the most obvious light I should have compare this new RoV 1AAA was the Ray O Vac 1AAA LED Penlight (link to review).
I'll get on it right away! :D

There is a focussing lens, and only the tip of the LED dome protrudes into a very shallow "reflector" - hence the faint ring of light (with the wide dark area/halo between)
too bad it has an optic... I wonder if the optic is only a lens that can be replaced with another non magnifying one to give it some more spill
Don't you optic-haters have enough lights to play around with? The only reason for putting optics on these lights is because the LED output is so anemic.
The only reason for putting optics on these lights is because the LED output is so anemic.

That's both fair
and a bit unfair........

According to the marketing director for Dorcy - they seem to think most consumers like spot lights - ie: a well defined beam (of course I told him that CPF seems to think otherwise)

The output of this RoV 1AAA is not going to match any Cree or even Luxeon - but it is pretty bright for a single 5mm driven by a single AAA.

It is certainly comparable to a classic Arc-AAA from 2003 - which was considered "bright" for a 5mm light and was CPF's flashlight of the year (would CPF really vote overwhelmingly for a light that was "anemic"?)

Let's just put all this into context -

5mm LED lights -

that's the famous 20 for $20 LED Lights from CountyComm.com

Comparisons -

at one time (back on 2004) the CountyComm 20 for $20 was held as really good value and bright for what it was - this RoV 1AAA "blows it away".

Of course to be fair to the 20 for $20 were from early 2004 - and by 2008 the typical cheapo "fauxton" - this one's from DX (DealExtreme) at 10 for $4.73 - boasts 22,000mcd and is pretty darned bright.....

The point is this RoV 1AAA certainly is in the same ballpark as the 2008 fauxton - ie: it is at the expected brightness level for a typical modern/2008 5mm LED.
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