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Rainbow Ti AAA Killers -- Taking Indications of Interest Now


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 17, 2003
western Massachusetts
Just received these two PVD Rainbow coating samples and I must say, these are the most intriguing coating that I've ever seen. It is like a Chameleon, changing colors as the viewing angle changes. Really fun to twirl it in your fingers and watch it change! :devil:

The photos do not do it complete justice, but you can see some of the colors here:



I will be having a batch of 50 Ti Rainbow Killers and a smaller quantity of La Petite Killers made, so if you are interested and wish to reserve one, please post your indication of interest.

It will be a while before delivery--the machine shop is cutting Ti now, but then the lights have to be sent out for the coating, so I'd estimate at least 4-6 weeks before these will be ready to ship.

The price will be $140 with the new 90mA driver and five-die LED installed.

For those unfamiliar with the Killers, these threads might be of interest:

Killer AAA Keychain Light
PVD Coated Killer AAA Lights
TiCN PVD Coated Killer AAAs with 90mA Drivers

Indications of Interest List -- when the Rainbow Killers are in stock, I will start a sales thread. Those on this list will be given the first chance to buy them.

  1. coloradogps--AAA
  2. jch79--AAA
  3. HKJ--AAA & LPK
  5. sunsyc--AAA & LPK
  6. J Smyth--LPK-40mA
  7. exoticmoonlight
  8. Carpe Diem
  9. Tink--AAA & LPK
  10. herrgurka--AAA & LPK
  11. MWClint--LPK
  12. Gothmog--AAA
  13. monanza--AAA & LPK 40mA
  14. lrp--AAA
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Re: Rainbow Killers

:drool: sweet. I could probably stare into it whole day..... that is if I have it.
Re: Rainbow Killers

I must admit that they aren't sitting still for too long on my desktop. :devil:

I'm going to put them in a box and out of sight, so that I can get some work done. :D
Re: Rainbow Killers

They deserve better! :mecry:
Yes, the Killer Ti uses AAA batteries. The lumen output should be close to 15, although I have not had it measured. The beam is a very evenly illuminated wide beam, with no angry hotspot, and a very slight blue tint.
Everybody asks about output, I wonder about run time also, any idea? When would they be available?
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These are over the top beautiful, please put me down for one. Any chance of getting a Petite Killer in the same coating?
The Rainbow Killers are the result of PVD coating, not anodizing.

The runtime? I really don't know--I will turn one of the 90mA driver set-ups on and time it. But if you really want runtime, and aren't fussy about the beam quality, or lumen output, then I can install the 12mA driver in a AAA Killer--that has been reported to have a runtime of 25 hours.

I will have some La Petite Killers Rainbow coated as well, although I have been cutting back on production of the LPK as sales of the Killer AAA have taken off, so there will only be a few of them coated.
The Rainbow Killers are the result of PVD coating, not anodizing.

The runtime? I really don't know--I will turn one of the 90mA driver set-ups on and time it. But if you really want runtime, and aren't fussy about the beam quality, or lumen output, then I can install the 12mA driver in a AAA Killer--that has been reported to have a runtime of 25 hours.

I will have some La Petite Killers Rainbow coated as well, although I have been cutting back on production of the LPK as sales of the Killer AAA have taken off, so there will only be a few of them coated.

I have measured the current drain of a AAA killer to about 230mA, this gives an estimated runtime of 3½ hour on eneloop AAA batteries.

I missed the part about La Petite with rainbow colors, I would like a matching set of Killers, please sign me up for La Petite also.
Fred - are they all in the same color range (as in the blue that I see in the picture?) Or do they vary as to which section of the rainbow they are showing? You know where I'm going, right? If it has major pink parts, (as the picture seems to indicate), then I will take one of each. Fine work, as usual. Yummy.
I have measured the current drain of a AAA killer to about 230mA, this gives an estimated runtime of 3½ hour on eneloop AAA batteries.

I missed the part about La Petite with rainbow colors, I would like a matching set of Killers, please sign me up for La Petite also.


Thanks for that calculation--seems right to me, although I haven't had occasion to use mine that long. :devil:
Fred - are they all in the same color range (as in the blue that I see in the picture?) Or do they vary as to which section of the rainbow they are showing? You know where I'm going, right? If it has major pink parts, (as the picture seems to indicate), then I will take one of each. Fine work, as usual. Yummy.

Hi Cheryl,

I only have two samples, and the colors look identical on these two. Now that is not to say that the PVD process could not produce other ranges of colors--I just don't know. This is a new coating to me, and at the moment, the gentleman that handles my questions is on vacation, so a good answer will have to come later.

Your eyes must be fine-tuned to pick up the color pink, as I had not noticed any. :devil: On second glance, I do see some purple, though--close enough to pink. :D
Fred, put me down for "1" PVD rainbow LPK. :D Since I have 2 already in different trim's with the lower output/driver, lets go for the brighter option this time please. :twothumbs
One rainbow Ti AAA killer please. :D Could I also have it in the 90ma turbo version :devil: I have a new case of new AAA's that would turn this rainbow killer into a 100 hour runtime.

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