Flashlight Enthusiast
Just received these two PVD Rainbow coating samples and I must say, these are the most intriguing coating that I've ever seen. It is like a Chameleon, changing colors as the viewing angle changes. Really fun to twirl it in your fingers and watch it change! :devil:
The photos do not do it complete justice, but you can see some of the colors here:
I will be having a batch of 50 Ti Rainbow Killers and a smaller quantity of La Petite Killers made, so if you are interested and wish to reserve one, please post your indication of interest.
It will be a while before delivery--the machine shop is cutting Ti now, but then the lights have to be sent out for the coating, so I'd estimate at least 4-6 weeks before these will be ready to ship.
The price will be $140 with the new 90mA driver and five-die LED installed.
For those unfamiliar with the Killers, these threads might be of interest:
Killer AAA Keychain Light
PVD Coated Killer AAA Lights
TiCN PVD Coated Killer AAAs with 90mA Drivers
Indications of Interest List -- when the Rainbow Killers are in stock, I will start a sales thread. Those on this list will be given the first chance to buy them.
The photos do not do it complete justice, but you can see some of the colors here:

I will be having a batch of 50 Ti Rainbow Killers and a smaller quantity of La Petite Killers made, so if you are interested and wish to reserve one, please post your indication of interest.
It will be a while before delivery--the machine shop is cutting Ti now, but then the lights have to be sent out for the coating, so I'd estimate at least 4-6 weeks before these will be ready to ship.
The price will be $140 with the new 90mA driver and five-die LED installed.
For those unfamiliar with the Killers, these threads might be of interest:
Killer AAA Keychain Light
PVD Coated Killer AAA Lights
TiCN PVD Coated Killer AAAs with 90mA Drivers
Indications of Interest List -- when the Rainbow Killers are in stock, I will start a sales thread. Those on this list will be given the first chance to buy them.
- coloradogps--AAA
- jch79--AAA
- sunsyc--AAA & LPK
- J Smyth--LPK-40mA
- exoticmoonlight
- Carpe Diem
- Tink--AAA & LPK
- herrgurka--AAA & LPK
- MWClint--LPK
- Gothmog--AAA
- monanza--AAA & LPK 40mA
- lrp--AAA
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