EV charging cables cut by copper "recyclers"


Apr 16, 2023
San Francisco
I happen to have the knowledge and tools necessary to repair most of my ICE's. I also get a certain satisfaction from working with my hands to fix and maintain things. I believe you when you say you have rarely repaired or serviced any of your electric devices. They are designed to be disposable.

Ebikes are a good example. The manufacturers design in obsolescence and deliberately make them irreparable. For every new start-up company that comes out, two more disappear. It can be difficult or impossible to get proprietary parts, diagrams, or manuals to perform DIY repairs or even to find someone to fix them.

FYI, solar charging is not free nor without an environmental cost. Unless you make them yourself, you still need to buy the panels, which can be expensive. They also have their own problems with extracting the raw materials and waste generation to build them. They do wear out , can be easily damaged and eventually need to be disposed of too. As much as you would like to believe otherwise, they are not infinitely recyclable. Also, in case you haven't noticed, the sun isn't always out either, so there is that.

Electricity is going UP in price, not down. I can shop around for the cheapest gas prices for my car and power equipment at any time, night or day, which causes competition and keeps a check on price increases. It's clearly displayed on the stations' signage. I can then use that gas now or store it for later. EV charging stations either charge by the minute or by the kWh. You have no way of knowing the price until you're actually charging. You pay what they decide to charge you at any given time. That's the very definition of taking it up the crack and loving it. But being from S.F., I would defer to your expert knowledge on such things. 😂
I believe if you charge at a supercharger you pay the equivalent of what gas costs. Since most people charge at home and pay a fraction of that who is always taking it up the crack. Stockholm Syndrome.


Newly Enlightened
Mar 14, 2015
For one thing China isn't saving the world. They are just coming.
Mother Earth cleaning itself is baloney. Explain why every living thing on earth has micro plastics in it's system? Microplastics are everywhere. In our water, our food, even the air we breathe. The tiny fragments, fibers and films, less than 5 millimeters long, are often made of what's known as "forever chemicals," which can take thousands of years to break down.
HUH? Microplastics? I thought we were talking about ICE vs. EV's. Do you really want to go there? I was referring to the precious ATMOSPHERE you claim I am poisoning. The one that all plants need to extract carbon from.

Our measuring instruments have become so sensitive and precise, It's possible to find traces of just about any chemical in our food, water and air. (Doesn't everything in your state cause cancer?) However, That doesn't mean so-called "microplastics" are doing any real long term damage. On the contrary, in many cases they have made our lives better. Here are just a few examples of how plastics have drastically improved our quality of life, contributed to longer life spans and promoted conservation of our natural resources; much of our clothing and textiles, making automobiles safer and more efficient, life saving stents, catheters, and syringes, composite dental fillings, prosthetic limbs, better and cheaper building materials, and so much more. Fact is, life, as we know it would not be possible without plastics that come from, you guessed it, petroleum. IOW, if you look hard enough, of course you will find plastics and traces of plastics everywhere. But, that's mostly a good thing.

Another fact is one of the biggest polluters from your EV's is the result of heavy wear coming from their tires and brakes which wear out far faster than an ICE vehicle and leave a trail of pollutants in their wake.

Sheesh! I don't know how you can even go outside without having a complete meltdown. Why don't you seal yourself up in a cocoon and stay indoors?
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Newly Enlightened
Mar 14, 2015
I believe if you charge at a supercharger you pay the equivalent of what gas costs. Since most people charge at home and pay a fraction of that who is always taking it up the crack. Stockholm Syndrome.
What? If it costs the equivalent of gas doesn't that go against your argument about the maths of electrics being "easier on the pocketbook"?

To make electric vehicles anywhere close to being viable, you would really need a 220V- 240V fast charger installed at your home. That doesn't come cheap and isn't practical for the vast number of people who live in apts. and town homes. Nor does it solve the problem of charging on the road. For some limited, local use like commuting or getting around in a golf cart, it could work. But, I'll stick with my big dual exhaust V8 pick-up for now.
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Newly Enlightened
Sep 7, 2018
Is this knob still at it?


Newly Enlightened
Sep 7, 2018
As you've been told multiple times, by multiple people,

We don't want EV's shoved down our throats!

Why is this so difficult for you to understand, and to accept?

Those of you that want to own/drive EV's, carry on, enjoy them

Believe you are "saving the world" by driving your EV (News flash, you are NOT!)

But STOP trying to force me to purchase/drive vehicles I do NOT want!

Again, why is this so difficult for you to understand/accept?

Which is also why some here refer to you as a Troll
Well said!


Apr 16, 2023
San Francisco
You, or Einstein, have a valid point. However, I think in the past people have just let things ride, because 'it'll be alright', and look where we are now.
People like this idiot seem to think they have a mandate to lecture everyone, irrespective of their authority to do so.
The pushback is warranted, and indeed should be increased, before we all end up in a virtual prison.
Well, if you idiots didn't spread Exxon's and Toyota's FUD, I wouldn't say much.I am compelled to set you guy's straight, weather you believe it or not. Like Johnny Carson said:"Believe it or Stuff it". Tesla is the safest, best selling and least expensive as regards repairs and cost of ownership. They also fall into the range of average costs of new cars. I think Consumer Reports is not honest but yet they put this out. Think carefully before you have stranded assets. https://www.consumerreports.org/hybrids-evs/evs-offer-big-savings-over-traditional-gas-powered-cars/


Apr 16, 2023
San Francisco
I happen to have the knowledge and tools necessary to repair most of my ICE's. I also get a certain satisfaction from working with my hands to fix and maintain things. I believe you when you say you have rarely repaired or serviced any of your electric devices. They are designed to be disposable.

Ebikes are a good example. The manufacturers design in obsolescence and deliberately make them irreparable. For every new start-up company that comes out, two more disappear. It can be difficult or impossible to get proprietary parts, diagrams, or manuals to perform DIY repairs or even to find someone to fix them.

FYI, solar charging is not free nor without an environmental cost. Unless you make them yourself, you still need to buy the panels, which can be expensive. They also have their own problems with extracting the raw materials and waste generation to build them. They do wear out , can be easily damaged and eventually need to be disposed of too. As much as you would like to believe otherwise, they are not infinitely recyclable. Also, in case you haven't noticed, the sun isn't always out either, so there is that.

Electricity is going UP in price, not down. I can shop around for the cheapest gas prices for my car and power equipment at any time, night or day, which causes competition and keeps a check on price increases. It's clearly displayed on the stations' signage. I can then use that gas now or store it for later. EV charging stations either charge by the minute or by the kWh. You have no way of knowing the price until you're actually charging. You pay what they decide to charge you at any given time. That's the very definition of taking it up the crack and loving it. But being from S.F., I would defer to your expert knowledge on such things. 😂
I find it funny you think "advertising" is a good feature of gasoline. It simply tells you how much you're slammed by using it, any time, night or day. Same as electricity, which can be made from our nuclear plant in the sky. There every day. You guys haven't done the math yet.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 2, 2007
I do not enjoy driving.

Guess what, some of us actually DO enjoy driving!

It's an evolution, I have evolved, turn on the flashlight and focus on the problem. Getting around without poisoning everyone.

This is nothing but opinion, on your part

EV's have NOT proven to be the next evolution of transportation

They (EV's) are struggling to break 10% of sales, as the EV - Environmental Wacko fringe has satisfied their desire for EV's, and 90% of (sane) people are not wanting to switch to EV's at this time.


  • 2024-03-13 - EV euphoria is dead - EV-Hybrid shares - CNBC.jpg
    2024-03-13 - EV euphoria is dead - EV-Hybrid shares - CNBC.jpg
    36.7 KB · Views: 21
  • Electric Vehicle vs ICE Vehicle.jpg
    Electric Vehicle vs ICE Vehicle.jpg
    109.3 KB · Views: 28


Apr 16, 2023
San Francisco
HUH? Microplastics? I thought we were talking about ICE vs. EV's. Do you really want to go there? I was referring to the precious ATMOSPHERE you claim I am poisoning. The one that all plants need to extract carbon from.

Our measuring instruments have become so sensitive and precise, It's possible to find traces of just about any chemical in our food, water and air. (Doesn't everything in your state cause cancer?) However, That doesn't mean so-called "microplastics" are doing any real long term damage. On the contrary, in many cases they have made our lives better. Here are just a few examples of how plastics have drastically improved our quality of life, contributed to longer life spans and promoted conservation of our natural resources; much of our clothing and textiles, making automobiles safer and more efficient, life saving stents, catheters, and syringes, composite dental fillings, prosthetic limbs, better and cheaper building materials, and so much more. Fact is, life, as we know it would not be possible without plastics that come from, you guessed it, petroleum. IOW, if you look hard enough, of course you will find plastics and traces of plastics everywhere. But, that's mostly a good thing.

Another fact is one of the biggest polluters from your EV's is the result of heavy wear coming from their tires and brakes which wear out far faster than an ICE vehicle and leave a trail of pollutants in their wake.

Sheesh! I don't know how you can even go outside without having a complete meltdown. Why don't you seal yourself up in a cocoon and stay indoors?

HUH? Microplastics? I thought we were talking about ICE vs. EV's. Do you really want to go there? I was referring to the precious ATMOSPHERE you claim I am poisoning. The one that all plants need to extract carbon from.

Our measuring instruments have become so sensitive and precise, It's possible to find traces of just about any chemical in our food, water and air. (Doesn't everything in your state cause cancer?) However, That doesn't mean so-called "microplastics" are doing any real long term damage. On the contrary, in many cases they have made our lives better. Here are just a few examples of how plastics have drastically improved our quality of life, contributed to longer life spans and promoted conservation of our natural resources; much of our clothing and textiles, making automobiles safer and more efficient, life saving stents, catheters, and syringes, composite dental fillings, prosthetic limbs, better and cheaper building materials, and so much more. Fact is, life, as we know it would not be possible without plastics that come from, you guessed it, petroleum. IOW, if you look hard enough, of course you will find plastics and traces of plastics everywhere. But, that's mostly a good thing.

Another fact is one of the biggest polluters from your EV's is the result of heavy wear coming from their tires and brakes which wear out far faster than an ICE vehicle and leave a trail of pollutants in their wake.

Sheesh! I don't know how you can even go outside without having a complete meltdown. Why don't you seal yourself up in a cocoon and stay indoors?
EVs create a fraction of the brake dust ICE vehicles create. EVs are not heavier enough to create the FUD you heard from Toyota and Exxon.
We're drowning marine ecosystems in trash, noise, oil, and carbon emissions. Covering more than 70 percent of our planet, oceans are among the earth's most valuable natural resources. They govern the weather, clean the air, help feed the world, and provide a living for millions.Jan 22, 2018

https://www.nrdc.org › stories › oc...

Ocean Pollution: The Dirty Facts - NRDC

About featured snippets

People also ask

How bad is ocean pollution right now?

As of 2023, there are an estimated 170 trillion particles of plastic in the ocean, according to a recent study by 5 Gyres. That's roughly 21,250 pieces of plastic for every person on the planet.Feb 1, 2024.
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Apr 16, 2023
San Francisco
Guess what, some of us actually DO enjoy driving!

This is nothing but opinion, on your part

EV's have NOT proven to be the next evolution of transportation

They (EV's) are struggling to break 10% of sales, as the EV - Environmental Wacko fringe has satisfied their desire for EV's, and 90% of (sane) people are not wanting to switch to EV's at this time.
Attach a hose to your tailpipe and run it into the passenger compartment of your car. Drive and see how long you last. Tell me again it isn't poison.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 19, 2005
I believe you when you say you have rarely repaired or serviced any of your electric devices. They are designed to be disposable.
You really should not believe anything he says, In other locked threads, (which were locked due to his open political propaganda) , he claimed he build/retrofitted a dozen of EV. I did not believe it for a second, his stories change all the time. He is on my ignore list for months now.
Now he is after microplastic, lol, not getting anywhere with ev crap so he picks new enemy. The most dangerous pollutant that prevents mankind to thrive are toxic people, fight them anyway you can, ignore them, cancel them, do not associate with them do not hire them, expose them..... etc. If you let them they will pollute your mind, I have a feeling more cancers is caused by them than any microplastic, the stress they cause, invites inflammation, inflammation is main cause of any cancer


Newly Enlightened
Mar 14, 2015
You really should not believe anything he says, In other locked threads, (which were locked due to his open political propaganda) , he claimed he build/retrofitted a dozen of EV. I did not believe it for a second, his stories change all the time. He is on my ignore list for months now.
Now he is after microplastic, lol, not getting anywhere with ev crap so he picks new enemy. The most dangerous pollutant that prevents mankind to thrive are toxic people, fight them anyway you can, ignore them, cancel them, do not associate with them do not hire them, expose them..... etc. If you let them they will pollute your mind, I have a feeling more cancers is caused by them than any microplastic, the stress they cause, invites inflammation, inflammation is main cause of any cancer
Poor guy is out there, alright. He really needs help. I considered putting him on my ignore list, but his posts are so whacked I actually find it entertaining. Kind of like watching a circus clown or a bad train wreck you just can't look away from, lol.
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Jan 14, 2008
Poor guy is out there, alright. He really needs help. I considered putting him on my ignore list, but his posts are so whacked I actually find it entertaining. Kind of like watching a circus clown or a car wreck you just can't look away from, lol.
I put him on ignore months ago. My mental health has improved as a result. I really enjoy seeing other members' responses to him even though I have no idea what he said. I can guess though. However I don't think he's a poor guy. I'm guessing that he's being paid shedloads to keep posting despite the contempt from us. No ordinary person would keep going in those conditions.


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
Life is short be nice I know ima jerk to someday I am trying . I'm working on just trying to understand it takes all types


Aug 27, 2006
Yup, he's been on my Ignore list for months now as well.
So much more enjoyable ignoring toxic members who pretend to be reasonable. Though in fairness, he's not one of those. All of the ridiculous cons of owning an EV, today; have been brought up numerous times in numerous topis. Including this one. He just pretends they don't exist and keeps spewing his nonsensical views.


Aug 27, 2006
Ok I think it is the "Shame on you" Greta Thunberg self righteousness that triggers the anger, right?
Honestly, I do feel sorry for her. It is clear that this poor girl was mentally abused by her delusional lunatic parents while growing up. Her existence shows you can take a normal child and indoctrinate them, twist their unbiased minds, and create a mentally diseased/lunatic advocate who will be yours for the rest of their life. That's one thing a certain not-so-funny dictator with an Oliver Hardy moustache was right about.

Seriously, her parents should be locked away in prison for the blatant mental abuse they intentionally inflicted onto their daughter.


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
Ok I think it is the "Shame on you" Greta Thunberg self righteousness that triggers the anger, right?

How does the shaming help achieve reduction of petroleum use?
I didn't shame anyone if your replying to me


Newly Enlightened
Mar 14, 2015
Ok I think it is the "Shame on you" Greta Thunberg self righteousness that triggers the anger, right?

How does the shaming help achieve reduction of petroleum use?
I don't understand the need to vilify petroleum. Why is it necessary to reduce its use? Nothing inherently bad about it. It's abundant, cheap, and there's growing evidence it renews over time. It's here for us to use.