Laptops-gamers for work


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 8, 2007


Use CCleaner daily, or just before you shut down... the Free trial :
It will clean up all the clutter to allow your computer to run far smoother & faster.

Been using it for years,, Highly Recommend


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
I'll ask IT if the mother ship corparation allows it. I used to use a nice, lightweight photo editor but one day it stopped working. The mother ship cut the connection so to speak. The collective use X or Y, yours is not authorized. I get it, no free thinking allowed since next thing you know some knucklehead introduces a ransomware to their system. But it sure can be restrictive at times.

Safety first, even at the expense of production at times. I will however turn off all of the updates it allows me to and stuff that turns on at start up.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
Update: the mother ship requires an IT administrator to turn on task manager and turn off any apps that turn on at opening.
A bit heavy handed in my view but it's their chicken so I'll let them pluck it any way they choose.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 8, 2007

You can still go into the Settings/options of all the software & go to 'Updates' and uncheck or turn Off Automatically Check for Updates.

Sometimes bandwidth can be spotty,
you certainly don't need some software your not using clogging up your connection (just getting in your way) to see it there are updates.

**miss the days when you could truly go into regedit or msconfig and actually make changes to software, making ones computer safer or faster...


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
The mother ship locked me out of those options as well orbit.
My work laptop has a 5 year warranty. It expires in 2024. At that point they'll issue a new one. Until then I may be stuck unless able to convince them the time I wait for the machine to move is wasting electricity and thereby adding to my carbon footprint when the XPS, which costs less to buy than another Latitude would also be helping reduce the carbon footprint and allowing me to be more productive.

Last week they did a new system update. Just to edit a photo in 3D Paint where I add text or lines has become a wait festival after the update. Ugh!

One fellow pointed out that the large size PDF's may work a lot faster if I "flatten" the drawings. That removing the CAD layers may be a big help. Next week I'll try that.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 18, 2008
^^ yeah it wouldn't hurt to raise the issue with your IT people at work if you haven't already and tell them the slow running issues. Maybe there are other fixes similar to the PDF layer thing the one guy suggested.

Edit: also, if you've put in a "trouble ticket" (or have some other documentation) that you've reported slowness issues to IT, then at least you're building a paper trail that may help your case if/when you argue you need a different machine.


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
its nice watching amd and intel fighting makes for better cpus and prices


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
So yesterday I needed to do a side by side compare of a chart and plan sheet table, both PDF. My boss has been telling me for months I should have a second monitor. So being PDF DC will not let me do a split screen I went into the next room at my remote office and snagged a monitor nobody was using. It's a VGA type. Well, it worked at one point to a coworkers Lattitude via a VGA to HDMI adapter. But the adapter went missing.

I tried a VGA to USB 2.0 to no avail. No wonder nobody uses that monitor. So I drive to the main office to grab my monitor with modern port and a thunderbolt block. That thing is ridiculous with two big ole blocks and cords galore. But hey, soon after I had completed the task. The hour drive time, and the 30 minute set up ended up saving time vs the open/close/open/close each portion of the PDF on a single screen.

And now my dog protects the big screen too!! 👍

Later in the day I had a itch to replace that stupid VGA to HDMI adapter so I went to a nearby electronics store and bought one. Man, I'm so behind the times. I still use items with micro USB 😱. The kid at the store looked at me when I asked where those cords were. "Dude, that's so 2021".... I said "you guys have zero USB C computer mouses and you call me behind the times?" I said "you should have a dinasaur section where you have actual blank CD-R's, VGA cords and such". I thought it to much to ask where one can acquire VHS blank tapes.

I ended up buying a "Solo" brand hybride messanger/briefcase/backpack bag for the Alienware computer while there. Mrs Fixer said it was cute. I liked how the messanger strap and backpack straps can be stashed away. It also has a slot for a tablet.

Oh, I was able to turn off adobe creative cloud auto updates and turn on at start up.
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Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
I mentioned being able to turn off the automatic stuff from adobe creative cloud. I noticed a 75mb pdf document took longer to load for edit. But instead of trying edit 'adjust' each page for edit as I scrolled to the page it adjusted the entire document at once. All 200+ pages. Well "no wonder it took a while" I thought. So for kicks and giggles I opened a 375mb set of plans with layers. Ordinarily that one brings my computer with integrated graphics card to a screeching halt. Yesterday it did not. I was able to scroll not only around each page without delay but was able to quickly scroll down dozens of pages without delay.

Now if it were a page that had layers it took a few seconds for the layers to load, but I'm talking 3-5 seconds versus 3-5 MINUTES.
It seems turning off auto update and on at startup of adobe creative whatever made a big difference.
Thanks for the tip fellows.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 8, 2007

There are always software & hardware tweaks to systems to speed them up,, years ago I looked at it as a challenge.

My XP system that I still have has only 18 processes running, that's including Firefox running & nvidia control panel & maybe another I could turn Off, point being that's a really low number.
(my Win 11 setup I'm on, has 70 processes running & it's hard to turn them Off,, because now you don't actually own Micro$oft $oftware, you pay for the right to use it


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
So wait a second, we don't own the copy of Windows? Did that start at 11?

I'm getting ready to start using my Asus Q304U duo as a plan reader at work so when I'm mobile and the Lattitude is in the office I can look up specs and such. It needs a new battery so that's on the way. It gets used for reading car repair manuals and how to stuff but after being stored for a few months the battery ran down and won't take a charge anymore.

I had an iPad for that, that didn't get used very often but the boss said "I sure could use that thing" and so it is. It was for a project a few years back where the client required using their proprietary software on an iPad.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 8, 2007
So wait a second, we don't own the copy of Windows? Did that start at 11?

Years ago,,,
With alot of legal work & lobbying, Microsoft software is their property & all the business agreements with their 'partners'.

You basically only rent Windows, it is not your property


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
I suppose when we click that "agree" box before proceeding it means you should know you are not the owner, presuming you read the agreement.

My son used to "root" my android phones. I'll see if he knows if there's a way to do that with Windows.

When my Asus gamer started running slow and getting hot I did turn off a bunch of stuff that came on at start up, but much of what would not turn off was Windows related and I had no idea what it would or would not affect so I never gave it a second thought. Turning stuff off and deleting several softwares I never use anymore got it running fast again and staying nice n cool.

I also noticed since turning off adobe creative cloud my Lattitude fan hardly needs to run anymore the last couple of days.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 8, 2007

fixer,, are you using the CCleaner I mentioned above?

It's one of the very first pieces of software I install on a system (after uninstalling several things),
it makes a huge difference.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
I do not.
As hard fast rule my computers don't go online. I have a smartphone for that.

My 2012 Asus gamer has been online once since the initial install of the Windows 7. In about 017 it was struggling with usb c devices so I did a Windows update for that.

The Asus duo only has files and folders from the 012 gamer. Oh, and photos from my phone.

My shiney new Alienware was online once to download apps I use on other machines but I will try cc cleaner on that one next time that one goes online. Again, it'll be a rare occurance.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
Dug up a relic this morning and charged it up after several years. It took a charge too. Woohoo.


A Samsung note 8.0 from 2013.
I used to use it for viewing repair manuals when my son and I restored a few Honda Preludes. But then I bought a 2n1 Windows number and gave the 8" tablet to Mrs Fixer who also had the 10" version. She didn't use the 8" very often and soon after started using an iPad.

I woke up at 2am this morning wondering whatever happened to that 8" tablet. Mrs Fixer knew where it was so at 6am it went on charge. I did not expect it to charge. It's got a 16 gig hard drive with 2 gig ram. It still has the original 4.1 Android OS.

Soon it will have a 64 gig micro sd card. See, the OS takes up over 6 gigs of the 16gb hard drive space. With all of the old photos and files it currently has it only has a little over 2 gigs space left. I have a project record keeping system folder that's a bit over 3 gigs of spec books, manuals and blank documents.

It has a mali-400mp4 quad core 533mHz gpu. It appears it'll easily run games of that era at about 40 frames a second. Not bad! Opening pdf's and scrolling should be nice and smooth. It has a split screen option so I can be watching a video in the corner while writing a note on the main screen. Great for watching an inspection video while taking notes for reference later. A 10" would be a little better but holding that with one hand while jotting notes is out without a special case for that. Plus a 10" won't slide into a jacket pocket like the 8 can.

The screen is decent. When zooming way in on a pdf it is a bit pixelated but I can tell what info I seek well enough. It's plenty bright outdoors. It's a bit more shiney than I prefer so in bright conditions I see me more than I prefer, especially when wearing Stevie Wonder could see it safety gear. Is it rain proof? I hope I never have to find out.

The "S" pen is the magic of this one. I hardly used it before but after using an iPad for a while I've learned to appreciate the virtues of the S pen.

Anyway, back then it was kinda cool but here in 2023 it seems like a really cool old tablet. It had never received a firmware update that often resulted in a Samsung device having serious issues about 3 weeks after a new version came out. I don't think the Note 8.0 sold all that well so they never really had any upgraded versions, but still firmware updates murdered enough of Mrs Fixers Samsung products to cause her to use iProducts these days. If I can help it, this one will never go on line again.

The camera pretty much sucks. Not because of the 5mp thing, but because in low light it sucks and in bright conditions it blows out bright spots worse than Nikon gear, yet has no useful adjustments to compensate. On a cloudy day outdoors it's great.

Reviews at the time spelled doom for the 'niche' tablet. Most gave it a score of 7 to 8 based on things like battery life and the camera. It was more expensive than a much better iPad mini back then.

Yeah, the gpu is a guzzler and the camera is definitely not up to par. But the one reviewer who looked at it from a "work" perspective said "it's a get things done device for those who get things done". He was speaking of the true multi-task ability and the ability to beam your spreadsheet to a Samsung television (or projector).

Reading a pdf about changing oil and making notes.
Sweet!! If you prefer the "spen" the keyboard disappears revealing more adjustable screen.

Reviews complained of the slick body saying it could easily become slippery and pick up finger prints. Back in the day I opted for the rubbery case for that reason. It is barely noticed due to how thin it is. Some hated the Samsung apps vs google apps at the time. I actually prefer the Samsung music app over the google one. Equilizer is a must. They even complained about the lack of bass from dime sized speakers. Duh! Whathehell do you expect from dime sized speakers?

It uses bluetooth 3.0. Eh, that's ok because I can still listen to music or videos in private. The sound isn't stellar but it will do.

I think I paid $399 plus the case back in 2013. Now that I know what it's capable of it'll pay for itself real quick. Tied to my Alienware the transfer rate is kinda slow due to the usb micro limitations, but I'm used to that anyway.

Overall, not bad for this user. I was definitely considering my own iPad mini to replace the company one but I'll gladly use this instead, I mean since I already have it.
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Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
So yesterday at my work I tried to gain access to one drive via the portal. It was not to be. It means anything I wanted to move from the work laptop to my personal gear had to be via an older flash drive. No biggie really other than it has to be encrypted.

I highlight a few files, click copy, then paste to drive D. All is well when suddenly an email arrives from something called "crash team". Get this: it says "we have detected unauthorized files on your computer" and mentions the file name. It was an old way of converting stuff to pdf software I thought I had deleted. I had. But it was in a folder on the flash drive and the crash team was reading the flash drive. What came next was "is that an IT authorized with IT something or other ticket number?" What? Are you kidding? I have to have a flash drive approved now?

Anyway, I found the unauthorized file in 8 places on the flash drive and deleted them. The crash team left me alone after that with one final email saying "the situation is being evaluated by the team".


The stuff being transferred from the "unauthorized" flash drive to the Asus to the Note 8.0 via USB 3.0 with a C cord with an A adapter on one end and micro adapter on the other. It took about an hour to move 10.5gb stuff to the Note 8.0. I did not consider that too bad being it's not an OTG micro usb adapter.

The plans are somewhat slow to load on the Note 8.0 but pdf stuff like specs and standards work lickety split. Not bad for stuff I had laying around.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
The note 8.0 is sllllllllllllooooooooowwwww loading pdf plans with lots of lines. Graphs and grids were lickety split unless zoomed in that those too are slow like mollasis in winter. Like 18 minutes to load and the battery meter was like watching an Olympic down hill skier.

Broke down and picked up a 9th gen iPad with a pencil and Logitech slim-folio bluetooth keyboard. Paired it with my phone and in 10 minutes it was set up and ready to go. It was nearly $200 less for the 64gb 9th gen vs the 64gb 10th gen. With keyboard and pencil I was still $75 to the good and I have a headphone jack.

Tomorrow begins the task of transfering documents.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 8, 2007

If anyone is in the market for a new laptop;
the display 2560 x 1600 & hardware in this unit for the price is really incredible.

(I have no affiliation w/ newegg or Lenovo)
