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McGizmoTI Lights?


Nov 26, 2001
Philadelphia PA
I think that part of the fun! The lights are well designed and well made and they hold their value well.

So why not buy one and if you need the the cash down the line; you can always sell it to one of your peers.

Its not like buying typical consumer mass-produced stuff... that becomes obsolete or devalued in 6 months.




Apr 17, 2006
Brisbane, Australia
But i gave me a chance to catch a McGizmo McLuxIII Ti PD-S :thumbsup: on a reasonable Price.

It´s kinda hard to catch one from Don, the timeshift makes me sleep when the waves are sold......
Yep, me too. I have been looking for a Ti PD-S but have missed the waves and so many of the B/S/T ones are ConUS only :(


Apr 17, 2006
Brisbane, Australia
I have been looking for a Ti PD-S but have missed the waves and so many of the B/S/T ones are ConUS only :(
OK, I was moaning about a lot of B/S/T lights being ConUS only and then arewethereyetdad put a Ti PD up for sale with no restriction which I was lucky enough to see.

Thanks Dad, I promise to look after it and use it daily. :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

There sure are some nice folks here on CPF.


Apr 9, 2006
Newark, Ohio
I recenty bought a used Ti PD-S on here and initially wondered what the big deal was and considered selling it to get my money back. After I have been carrying it for a week It has grown on me and I think I will keep it. It is pretty sweet!!


Newly Enlightened
Jan 18, 2007
The thing I don't get is just exactly why anybody would ever sell one of these titanium beauty's. I doubt I will ever sell one.
The real CPF'ers out there never sell any flashlight out of their collection.
For me anyway I don't buy lights in order to speculate that the value will rise. I buy them to use and play with them at work and elsewhere. Don's lights are still the goto light for me. A ti light is designed for HARD EDC use. Not to sit in a dresser drawer or in a display cabinet.
When I bought my first McLuxIII PD, when I received it I knew right away that I would own and use the light for many years to come. It has been my daily companion ever sense...(except for when it went out for an emitter upgrade). The only one of my Pd's that doesn't get mush use is my Mcluxiii T which has a Damascus hand carved clip. I can't bring myself to EDC ing it for fear of loosing it. So I carry it around the house and on short walks around the neighborhood.

I have a feeling that there has been a big build up on these lights. Some people who get them can't bring themselves to carrying a $500.00 titanium light. I suspect that they don't "GET" it. And they sell them. Others feel that the need to "trade up". Here on the CPF the correct thing to do is buy everyone possible. I have only sold one PD it was a natural stock unit. It was by Backup EDC as such it never saw any action. I regret selling it ever since. I don't even remember what replaced it. It doesn't matter.
There are a few people who will never sell any of their flashlights. I doubt I ever will.
Heck I still have my first green anodized 6P. I suggest that all of you who have paid the big bucks for their titanium flashlights take them out of the drawer, display, or whatever they are and stick them into our pocket with our keys and start using them. the are tools they gain character with use. Titanium is incredibly durable and will withstand just about an form of abuse. Please stop selling these and start using them. Do them justice.

The PD is a simple design very utilitarian. Designed for work. I love it when people ask me about the flashlight I am using on the set. Heck these guys walk around with their Rolex watches and $300.00 sunglasses but you know what? they do not have a McluxIII PD in titanium or aluminum. It is doubtful they ever will. I on the other hand can break out the Rolex and the $300.00 persols anytime but I have and edge, and it is called a McLuxIII PD.
On a side note I can't imagine how these guys who can't bring themselves to carry a titanium PD would ever be able to wear a ROLEX. They cost and are worth a lot more than a PD. Just imagine that when you get the watch serviced it will cost more than a PD.
The PD and the variations on a theme are great. Maybe the best of our time in terms if simple utility and quality...Maybe


some one can collect for what ever reason they wish....a hundred dollar surefire will perform the same tasks as your 500 dollar light and a 20 dollar timex will perform the same task as your rollex.

maybe some that collect dont have the coin and are not as fortunate as you and they must roll one toy to have the latest.

just a thought.:thinking: