New Great Night Vision Toys on Internet


Aug 18, 2002
These are my favorite nightvision internet sites.
I like and own an an/pvs 14 delta. It is small. It only covers one eye. It can be used with good binoculars like steiners 8X56 nighthunters which I have but is useless with cheap or mini binoculars as there isn't enough light from the eyepiece for the nightvision unit to amplify. You can peer through any optics with the anpvs 14 on without it getting in the way since it's so small; this doesn't look like something you could do with the an/pvs 7 delta. However, I would like to get a an/pvs 7 delta later to. I like the anpvs 15 to but I don't like the fact it needs a battery pack to use AA batteries.

Although generation 4 nightvision scope tubes are coming on market which are unmasked with higher signal to noise ration of a minimum of 26(My gen 3 + anpvs14delta has a 23 sig/noise ratio), the fact of the matter is that thermal imaging is the new wave of the future. It is superior to nightvision. So why isn't everyone using it? Simple, price. Give the unimportant soldier the crappy old technology and hope he's dumb enough to go and fight with it. But to the important unexpendable elite units go the best equipment. How much more $. $4,000 for top of the line night vision equipment maybe $6,000. For good quality weather proof high quality thermal handheld vision devices expect to pay $40,000 to $60,000. Most soldiers aren't worth it to their government.
Look ats the specs at flir below. Also, when buying a scope for a rifle it is important to get the type that mount on top of your day scope so your zero will not shift at all. This is the only fool proof system. Quick unlocking systems and other systems just don't work well. The slightest non visible variance in tolerances of any part of the system shifts the impact point significantly.