PLYS Melon Peeling Fruit Knife ( $16.84 to my door )


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 15, 2009
Melbourne - Australia

PLYS Melon Peeling Fruit Knife = $16.84 Australian Bananas to my door ( Shipping + GST )
Mystery steel .. I know what your thinking , it's a junk knife .......... Butt ! How junk is it ? ( Hmmmm )
Factory edge Re Sharpened = 100 / 150 slices of rope .. Yeah , that sounds about right for a $17 banana knife ( rounded to the nearest dollar ) .

Butt , wait = There's more !

80 grit regrind ( wet stone knife sharpener / grinder )
Now this is where things get interesting . Factory edge ( re sharpened ) was a poor cutter on the rope ! Reground the edge was far better on the rope , and the edge held in there to 450 slices . On the printer paper slice test it was around 50/50 on the pass fail ! I called it a fail at 450 slices . But think about it ..
450 slices from a $17 Oz banana knife . ( Around $11 USD ) .. If we give the calculator a work out ..... 3.7777 cents a slice ( Australian cents ) .... Or ..... 2.444444 cents US . Two and a half cents a slice . That just might be a new record as far as value for money goes .

Sheath is cheap , I needed filler ( foam ) to make for a decent fit . The knife never hurt me slicing rope ( 450 + 150 ) , so it's relatively comfortable for my medium / large hands . Yes , I am surprised as all hell the knife did a 450 . When I purchased it , I thought 250 max for sure . Again , you never ever know ... Unless you test !
It is a cheap knife and how many would actually show up at say a hunting camp with a $11 USD knife ? ( That's like a basic Mora ) . I have purchased a few cheap ( possibly nasty ) knives , just to see what the Real Deal Budget knives have to offer . And so far ............................................ I'm loving it ! Cos this knife just kicked a lot of brand names to the curb and stomped on them !