I'm a sad man


Aug 1, 2004
S/E Wisconsin
.........I enjoy my lights too, but that doesn't mean it gives me the right to annoy others. How would you (generically speaking) feel if your neighbor blasted his stereo so loud it hurt your earsdrums, at 2 AM when you were sleeping, or someone on your block ran his/her car without mufflers, which shook the foundations of your house........


How in the world does loud noise equate with a flash of bright light?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 30, 2007
Cary, NC - Land of the CREE
I'm sorry, but having some fun in the theater with your light during the advertisements certainly does not equate to annoyingly loud noise....:ironic:

Or even an apparent lack of consideration for that matter...
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Oct 5, 2006
Metaphor is right on--and I thought it would easily be understood!? As mentioned above, consideration of others is the key. I enjoy some fun when it's not at the expense and annoyance of others. That's the key to the difference between adolescents (and those who continue to behave like them) and adults? Maybe these "fun" things are one of the reasons why many over 40 folks prefer to watch movies at home rather than in a movie theater these days, as many pundits have discussed? Ever sit next to a bunch of yakking teen-agers during a movie? I'm sure many of them don't consider that they are disturbing others.


Aug 1, 2004
S/E Wisconsin
Glad you thought it was funny. So, it's fun to annoy people............ How would you (generically speaking) feel if your neighbor blasted his stereo so loud it hurt your earsdrums, at 2 AM when you were sleeping, or someone on your block ran his/her car without mufflers, which shook the foundations of your house.

I ride my bicycle on the streets and still get annoyed when other cyclists ignore the rules of the road, e.g. running red lights, and expect cars to get out of the way.

Just because one can be annoying doesn't mean it's the right thing to do and enjoyable for anyone except the person involved.

How in the world does loud noise equate with a flash of bright light?

Perhaps as a metaphor to convey the apparent lack of consideration for others? :ohgeez:

Metaphor is right on--and I thought it would easily be understood!?............Ever sit next to a bunch of yakking teen-agers during a movie? I'm sure many of them don't consider that they are disturbing others.

Metaphor, I think not! Do you tend to swat flies with a hammer?

You read something that rubbed you in the wrong way, got your panties in a bunch, and went on a rant. Suggesting a resemblance between a burst of light to a painful physical reaction or the moving of the earth is blatantly over the top. Then with the bicycle thing and now it's yakking teenagers. :poke:

I know what your saying, as does everyone else. You just don't need to be pissy about it.

As for being "easily understood", I think easilyled summed up his actions with his opening line.

One would have thought that at my age (a year shy of 50), that I'd have grown up a little. Sadly not ....

He knew and we all understand it was childish behaviour. Who doesn't find that big reflective screen tempting? I've done that same thing. Granted, I was alone with my wife in the theater at the time and only annoyed her.

HarveyRich, I find your vitriolic scolding of his actions to be highly uncalled for. Sorry if that upsets your delicate sensibilities, but that's my honest opinion.

Good Day Sir!:wave:

easilyled, I enjoyed your post!
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Oct 5, 2006
Niteowl, you are certainly entitled to your opinion, as am I. If my post comes across as "scolding," so be it. If the shoe fits... I'm not wasting any more time on this thread.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 3, 2009
What's really pathetic is that I've actually gone with my girlfriend to the movies super early before anyone else is in the theater specifically to shine my EDC lights on the walls and screen of the darkened theater. We were the only two people in the theater each time so nobody else was bugged...except for my girlfriend. :D She didn't seem too fascinated by it all for some reason. She thought it was "geeky." :D


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 1, 2007
Sunraysia, Australia
I'm sorry, but having some fun in the theater with your light during the advertisements certainly does not equate to annoyingly loud noise....:ironic:

Or even an apparent lack of consideration for that matter...

Deciding no one else needs/wants to see those advertisements (yes some people do actually pay attention to them) is no different from me rolling up next to you at a set of lights and drowning out your "Spice Girls CD" with my Metallica :devil:

While on one hand I can see the humour I can also see the inconsiderate side as well...


Newly Enlightened
Jul 14, 2008
Bakersfield, CA
If I would have been in the same theater when someone did that I would have............Taken one of my lights out of my pocket and done the same thing while my girlfriend smacked me on the back of my head.:tsk:

But I'm not that mature, I'm only 46.:D


Jun 25, 2004
Middlesex, UK
It can be a fine balance between having some fun in a public place and annoying others, I wouldn't disagree with that.

Does shining a bright light at a cinema screen for a maximum of 2 seconds while the ads are on and the cinema audience are talking to each other constitute being inconsiderate? Perhaps it does.

Then by the same reasoning, surely the 90% majority of those talking during the ads are also being inconsiderate to the 10% who are apparently trying to watch them? :shrug:


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 4, 2009
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
What's really pathetic is that I've actually gone with my girlfriend to the movies super early before anyone else is in the theater specifically to shine my EDC lights on the walls and screen of the darkened theater. We were the only two people in the theater each time so nobody else was bugged...except for my girlfriend. :D She didn't seem too fascinated by it all for some reason. She thought it was "geeky." :D

That's friggen funny!!

About three times ago at the movies there were a couple of teenage boys trying so hard to impress their girlfriends by making remarks during the movie.

My friend and I got quite tired of this so I stood up, turned around and said in my most gruff voice, "Listen fella's, this is the first movie I've seen since I got out of prison, DON'T RUIN IT FOR ME!".

Didn't hear a thing after that.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 25, 2009
South Wales, UK
Isn't it strange how Women get annoyed so easily ... My Wife seems to do a lot of "Tut-Tutting" or coughing loudly or rolling her eyes when apologising to people ... On good days , she just sort of walks away from me to hide or to pretend to look at something at the far side of the shop.

I am sure that shops deliberately use low levels of lighting that just force shoppers (such as me) to use a torch ... Unfortunately , the previous torch used to occasionally come on in the strobe mode ... This mode seemed to act as an accelerator to the speed at which she moved away from me ... I now use an iTP A2 which comes on in the low mode but she still seems to be hyper-sensitive to any movement towards my top pocket.

There have been occasions when a salesperson or another customer says "if only we had a torch" ... This also causes my Wife , Daughters and Grandaughters to vanish in every direction ... Strangely , my young Grandsons grin and say "Go On Grandad" which leads to the inevitable instant (though casual looking) production of the EDC torch.

When people see the tiny size (of the torch) and the three modes of the iTP A2 , I can be questioned about the price and amazing value of the torch etc (by the men) for ages ... It becomes a sort of discussion group of men only ... The Women just stare at each other and shrug their shoulders ... I have yet to find a Woman in the group of torch enthousiasts ... Usually after a few minutes some one will mention the reason why a torch was requested and the group watches whilst the object is lit at three different levels of illumination ... At this point in time the associated women (but not mine) come to see the newly illuminated item , usually having to push there way past the men ... Eventually my Grandsons and myself walk away having done our bit ... I am a hero to the boys and they try to tell the girls (when we eventually find them) about the event ... This falls on deaf ears as I am glared at by female relatives ... So , it must be a boy thing !

I have bought all my relatives at least one torch ... The Men carry them and the Women either leave them in their cars or they are left in a drawer somewhere at home.

My Wife is so lucky (as I keep telling her) ... We have torches in virtually every room in the house plus two in the car and of course my trusty EDC ... I just wish that the girls would appreciate my enlightening attitude.

p.s. I am a boy of 72.


Oct 31, 2006
Borg cube #51
Great post, march.brown! LOL! I can completely understand why you are a hero to your grandsons, who instinctively love the idea of someone from the older generation being on their slightly mischievous wavelength and finding a way to get rid of the girls.

You are a fine role-model to many here for discovering an effective way to make wives, daughters etc roll their eyes, sigh pointedly and then eventually give up and disappear. It is a great way of getting your own back on them for the interminable amount of time they seem happy to spend dragging you around shoe shops, yakking with other female shoppers, etc. Keep up the good work!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 1, 2007
Sunraysia, Australia
surely the 90% majority of those talking during the ads are also being inconsiderate to the 10% who are apparently trying to watch them? :shrug:

Absolutely! ;)

Not sure about the US but here "the ads" shown prior to the feature are generally trailers for upcoming movies... I imagine the only people who watch the "other type" of advertising are the marketing gurus who paid for the screen time LOL :laughing:

Unfortunately , the previous torch used to occasionally come on in the strobe mode ... This mode seemed to act as an accelerator to the speed at which she moved away from me ...

LMAO I really must try this SOON! :D

Curious about the store lighting intent, surely from a Loss Prevention standpoint people feel less likely to be observed stealing in low light, that's never a good thing why encourage stock loss? :thinking:


Newly Enlightened
Apr 1, 2010
Fantastic story Easilyled :laughing:.

I've been known to shine a light in the trees, on a wall or in the air on a foggy evening every now and then.

It's fun to watch people poke their heads around corners and say 'Wow' or 'What in the...' :green:.

My bride just shakes her head and smiles.

Don't ever grow up. I tried it once and found it highly overrated.:cool:

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