Please tell me this forum is aware of Efest?

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Newly Enlightened
Jun 3, 2015
Hi people, I hope you are OK.

I know lots of you won't believe me as I am new here, but I am used to 18650's for my vaping devices.

I have joined another forum, who keep recommending Efest batteries. As I am also a Vaper, I use a lot of 18650's. Efest are not a battery manufacturer, and rewrap other brands such as LG, old Sony, Samsung, and panasonic batteries. They also lie about discharge ratings.

The 3100 MAH is a Panasonic, and it is a gamble if you get a NCR18650BD or a NCR18650BE which are 10 amp continuous and 3.63 amp continuous respectively. Obviously this is very dangerous when I am easily pulling 17+Amps from my batteries. If I used a 4 Amp battery continuously at say 18 amps, thermal runaway is a possibility, and next to your face is not a good thing.

I know a torch will pull much less power, so they may well be OK, but you can actually buy A grade batteries from the original manufacturer usually for a saving, rather than rewrapped B and C rejects Efest use. The NCR18650BD probably were rejected as B grade as they only held up to 3100MAH, and not the full 3200MAH they should hold.

It's generally best to stick with good manufacturers when dealing with 18650's, and I know some people may not believe me as I am new, but feel free to google efest rewrap or re wraps to find all the information you need. Other capacities are other battery manufacturers rewrapped B or C grades, that you pay at a premium for the Efest name. They are well known as a battery to stay away from in the vaping community.
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Honorary Aussie
Feb 3, 2014
The issue you raise is well understood here. You might want to check the Vape Lounge under The Cafe here (just scroll to the bottom and you'll see it) as there are very experienced vapers there and see what they like. There's discussion of rigs and batteries and whatnot.

For example, there's this post by ven who is very knowledgeable:

The vaporshark rDNA is great by the way
,solid using now, for a few days but boy do these 18650 cells get eaten,1/2 day i get the vtc4 ........forget it 2100mah is useless even at 16w(sweet spot i have found on the quad coil 0.9ohm).Efest 3100 20a cell along with the 2x 25r do a lot better.

Need a good IMR3400

Heres the link since I just went there:
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Jun 2, 2009
I have 2 17500 imr efest batteries
. If they are unsafe I will recycle them. I run at about 2.4 amps for no more than a minute at a time. I know imr is the safe chemistry but I don't want to use batteries that may blow up or whatever imr's do when they go bad. I am satisfied with run time. Any comments about safety?

I also use efest protected16650 because I don't know of anybody else who makes one. AW 17670 are too wide. Whose batteries could they be using in such an unusual size.
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Newly Enlightened
Jun 3, 2015
I have 2 17500 imr efest batteries
. If they are unsafe I will recycle them. I run at about 2.4 amps for no more than a minute at a time. I know imr is the safe chemistry but I don't want to use batteries that may blow up or whatever imr's do when they go bad. I am satisfied with run time. Any comments about safety?

I also use efest protected16650 because I don't know of anybody else who makes one. AW 17670 are too wide. Whose batteries could they be using in such an unusual size.

IMR's don't go bang like ICR batteries, they just vent(Still undesireable). If I am honest I don't know what is in the 17500, what MAH is it I will find out for you if it is safe or not? LG, samsung produce batteries in the unusual sizes too.


Jun 2, 2009
Ok. Thanks. Actually my 16650 is keeppower. My mistake. I am carrying a 17500 efest on my hip right now though in my v11rvn.


Oct 17, 2013
Manchester UK
I have a few efest cells although most are quite old now........

The 3100 IMR i have not been over impressed with during use,however the 2500 35a cell has proved to be a good cell for my uses. I dont push the cells too much,maybe 8a on the mods..........

Then i have the 3400 protected cells in my sr52vn(1200lm so hardly pushed at all) and the srminiVN which is around 3500lm but again not over pushed. The 3400 are pany B inside so happy with that.
Have a few 14500 IMR(700mah iirc) and a couple of 10440 efest too,again no issues with these but not pushed!

If the 2500mah efest are 25r then those are good cells(not took any wraps off) and use these in some mods and flashlights.

Last few cells i have bought are the Samsung 25r/30Q and LG MH1/HE2

Not sure what to think right now,again the 2500 ones have been fine . I know the vtc5 were wrapped 25r cells in some cases of past reports. Only thing is to make sure you buy from a trusted seller who hopefully tests the cells.
I nearly bought the latest efest 35a 2800mah but was told by the seller Norb(ecolux) to wait till he tested the cell. He advised me to avoid after testing ,due to being a poor cell and not 35a . He recommended the 30Q samsung,said great cells from his testing so i went with those and been spot on for my uses.


Newly Enlightened
Jun 3, 2015
They still were going on like Efest are the bees knees, and I am insane for avoiding re wraps. I told them there is a forum that is aware of Efest, and they also have a vape section! I said goodbye as they have blinkers on, I guess I am a candlepowerforum user now lol.


Newly Enlightened
Feb 20, 2013
I have been using some Efest purple 35a 2500mah batteries for a little while. In flashlights and for my vape gear. I am also a RC enthusiast and have been for the better part of 20 years, so I was using Lithium batteries way before anyone else was for light and vaping. Rc brushless motors are pulling way more amps. Lithium cells are fussy don't like to drop below a certain voltage and also don't like to be charged over. So a good lithium charger is very important. One of the biggest things that will decrease battery life is leaving a cell fully charged for a long period of time. You really need to rotate your cells. Also want to use a good charger and fully discharging and recharging will help keep the cell using the full Mah capacity. As far as amps go I don't believe that the posted current is true on most cells, the only ones that hold up for moderate to heavy amp draw for me doing voltage drop tests are the Green Sony cells, with the purple Efests holding a close second. That is just from my own personal tests.
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Newly Enlightened
Jun 3, 2015
I wonder who is making the strange size batteries for Efest? Like the 10440's ans such, as they don't make batteries but they are currrently the only people selling them.


Newly Enlightened
Feb 20, 2013
I wonder who is making the strange size batteries for Efest? Like the 10440's ans such, as they don't make batteries but they are currrently the only people selling them.
I don't know about that but I would like someone to make a decent 10440 cause everyone I have tried sucks a$$


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 28, 2013
New Mexico, USA
I too am looking for a good quality 10440. The Efest's I have are working but I am not stressing them.

This is the second time I have heard of inflated discharge claims by Efest, and that it could pose a hazard, but have zero personal experience.


Oct 17, 2013
Manchester UK
Efest i have


18650 3400mah

These i have found good cells

Forgot about my 18500s too,but dont use them at the moment so stored ......

3100 on right,with it never being pushed signs were not obvious of anything less than about spec to me. However after many uses i found the cell would not last as long as 25r cells in the same conditions even though the mah is higher...........

So i have to admit my experience has been quite good with efest under my uses, other than the 3100 IMR(nothing major,just did not seem to last vaping like it should,around 4-5a use at time).


Jan 12, 2012
Hi people, I hope you are OK.

I know lots of you won't believe me as I am new here, but I am used to 18650's for my vaping devices.

I have joined another forum, who keep recommending Efest batteries. As I am also a Vaper, I use a lot of 18650's. Efest are not a battery manufacturer, and rewrap other brands such as LG, old Sony, Samsung, and panasonic batteries. They also lie about discharge ratings.

The 3100 MAH is a Panasonic, and it is a gamble if you get a NCR18650BD or a NCR18650BE which are 10 amp continuous and 3.63 amp continuous respectively. Obviously this is very dangerous when I am easily pulling 17+Amps from my batteries. If I used a 4 Amp battery continuously at say 18 amps, thermal runaway is a possibility, and next to your face is not a good thing.

I know a torch will pull much less power, so they may well be OK, but you can actually buy A grade batteries from the original manufacturer usually for a saving, rather than rewrapped B and C rejects Efest use. The NCR18650BD probably were rejected as B grade as they only held up to 3100MAH, and not the full 3200MAH they should hold.

It's generally best to stick with good manufacturers when dealing with 18650's, and I know some people may not believe me as I am new, but feel free to google efest rewrap or re wraps to find all the information you need. Other capacities are other battery manufacturers rewrapped B or C grades, that you pay at a premium for the Efest name. They are well known as a battery to stay away from in the vaping community.

They still were going on like Efest are the bees knees, and I am insane for avoiding re wraps. I told them there is a forum that is aware of Efest, and they also have a vape section! I said goodbye as they have blinkers on, I guess I am a candlepowerforum user now lol.

It sounds as though you didn't know that ALL of the resellers re-wrap pannies and sony's, etc?

Those actual large major cell producers (Panasonic, etc) of 18650 do not sell to the general public...they sell their surplus (After supplying laptop makers, etc...) to re-sellers who buy them in bulk, and then private label them.

They also ONLY make unprotected, the after market/resellers also add protection if its going to be a protected cell.

So, the integrity of the resellers is what is at stake...and, most have zero integrity to start with, so, they might re-wrap a USED 18650 recycled from an old laptop and sell it a s a new cell with a higher mAh rating, etc...

...or, use only the new ones, and label them accurately, etc.

I don't use efest much, but, the few I DO have test out to spec, and, have been fine.

If some are mislabeled, that's disappointing, but not so surprising given the way things work overall.
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Newly Enlightened
Jun 3, 2015
It sounds as though you didn't know that ALL of the resellers re-wrap pannies and sony's, etc?

Those actual large major cell producers (Panasonic, etc) of 18650 do not sell to the general public...they sell their surplus (After supplying laptop makers, etc...) to re-sellers who buy them in bulk, and then private label them.

They also ONLY make unprotected, the after market/resellers also add protection if its going to be a protected cell.

So, the integrity of the resellers is what is at stake...and, most have zero integrity to start with, so, they might re-wrap a USED 18650 recycled from an old laptop and sell it a s a new cell with a higher mAh rating, etc...

...or, use only the new ones, and label them accurately, etc.

I don't use efest much, but, the few I DO have test out to spec, and, have been fine.

If some are mislabeled, that's disappointing, but not so surprising given the way things work overall.

No, I completely understand there are actually very few manufacturers of batteries, and most are re wraps. Learned that through vaping. Theres only really sony (no more VTC though), samsung, sanyo, Panasonic and LG that I know of.

So does that mean my samsung 25r's had to be purchased in bulk by the supplier? They are just the blue samsungs.

I have no problem with sellers who rewrap batteries and list them correctly, the problem is when they list lies. A battery I thought was 20 AMP but really turned out to be less than 4 at worst could blow up in my face, literally, in a mechanical mod if stressed to thermal runaway.

And that is awful if old laptop batteries were sold as new, aren't most of them ICR and not IMR? So in thermal runaway they would be even more catastrophic?

Again, I have no problem with companies that rewrap and tell real specifications, although I stick to samsung 25R's. I think LG released a 2800MAH with a higher discharge rate, so I might get some of them to try out in the future.

EDIT: Hmm, I can't seem to find who made the higher capacity high discharge batteries. I was sure they was 2800MAH, and it was one of the main companies that made it.

EDIT 2: Its because they were 3000MAH. 20 Amp constant discharge, pretty impressive. LG HG2 18650. Although they don't seem available just yet. What other higher capacity high amp batteries are there, that actually are high amp discharge and not pulse?
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 16, 2013
Michigan, USA
Pointing out a potential issue with labeling is worthwhile. Spreading disinformation is not.

The 3100 mAh Efest (purple cell) is rated for 10 amps continuous, 20 amp pulse.

From HKJ's review of the Efest 3100 mAh cell:


Looking at this curve I will say that 20A is a bit high for continuous load, but 10A is handled very fine.


The cell cannot match the ultra high current cells in power, but easily surpass them in energy at 10A. This is very good performance.

Now that is not anecdotal...that is an empirical test, and it delivers as indicated on the label. I'm not saying that every Efest cell is automatically great...but that is true of just about every manufacturer/reseller. Not every cell will be perfect, and some will be slightly over-rated. Keeppower does a similar thing with some of their cells, and you need to be aware of it. But that does not mean you should avoid them altogether...both companies offer a variety of very good cells.

If you are pulling 17-18 amps, you shouldn't be using a cell rated for ten amps anyway. Go with a true, dedicated high drain cell, and you shouldn't have a problem.


Apr 15, 2010
Brisbane, Australia
HKJ's tests of the 3000mAh 26500s (blue, not the new purple) also showed them to be good to their word. Don't know where they are sourcing 26500 cells from then...


Newly Enlightened
Jun 3, 2015
May I ask, who are some reputable re-wrappers who are known to be consistent? As I wan't to get some higher MAH batteries, but am not sure if I will get a quality IMR or a recycled laptop cell lol


Oct 17, 2013
Manchester UK
KeepPower have been a good brand for me ,have a good few IMR 2100 and 3100mah /3400mah protected cells.

I recommend the Samsung 30q at 15a and 3000mah for a higher rated cell. All depend on what use tbh,I find 10-15a is more than enough for most of my uses.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 13, 2012
Southern California
As has already been pointed out, many excellent brands are re-wraps. Using AW as an example, ALL of his genuine products are just what they say they are, HOWEVER: there are many counterfeits that are no where near his quality. There was a post recently that showed there are Efest Counterfeits out right now too. What source are you using to verify the cells you have are original Efest as opposed to Counterfeits ? I only ask because after purchasing and using genuine Efest cells(that worked well for me), and then I received two counterfeits (worked poorly), now I am much more careful who I buy from. As Doc007 pointed out there is empirical data about the quality of the Efest genuine cells....
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