No more nitecore for me.

Parrot Quack

Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 10, 2015
Magalia, CA
For what it's worth, I feel that generally people on the Internet are more prone to report/complain of a problem than to compliment. This is observable for any products or services.

Working with your above, one only needs to look at reviews on Amazon to get a good idea of what the negatives are for most products. I think I'm doing great if I get a product with a combined one and two star rating that's under ten percent. Normally I expect +10% when one and two stars are combined. Do I like this fact? No. But what's a consumer to do?

TrueNite TN32. 10% combined, one and two stars.

NiteCore HC90. 00% combined, one and two stars.

The HC90 is the last light I purchased and the TN32 "May" be the next light I purchase.
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Aug 6, 2008

Actually ForrestChump, Sysmax is probably are correct in what they are saying. At one time Jetbeam and Nitecore were both Sysmax companies (both were separate flashlight companies previous to their merger). Then Jetbeam started claiming intellectual theft and created Niteye - there were public signs of an internal pissing match (like what was in the thread you linked). They (Niteye, Jetbeam) eventually split from Sysmax and took their name back but Jetbeam hasn't really recovered whereas Nitecore has flooded the market with lights. The intellectual theft of the Spy007 was purely Jetbeam/Niteye.

Wasn't the piston-drive Nitecores part of a design suggested by 4sevens? Pre owning his own flashlight company David was a Fenix dealer and put Nitecore on the map by co-designing the PD lights. Which is how the royalties got paid.

Unfortunately you can't really pin either of these claims on Nitecore.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 30, 2014
Fairfax Va
Patent and intellectual claims in China are a train wreck of a process its nothing like protected patents etc in the west. In China you can basically make whatever you want no matter whose ideas you are using


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 29, 2003
Patent and intellectual claims in China are a train wreck of a process its nothing like protected patents etc in the west. In China you can basically make whatever you want no matter whose ideas you are using
That's why I laughed when I read the laser inscription "China patent pending" on my Nitecore TM26. What patent do they honor in China? Really?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 20, 2014
@ Lowflux - What about the Aeon? Like I said Im sure if I dig I can find many others. All these companies stealing from each other and Nitecore is squeaky clean? The blatant theft of the Aeon aside and without pouring over a bunch of old lights I highly doubt it. In closing: I don't care for their lights and their are enough of reports on CPF for me to remain uninterested. I just don't trust them. I guess it is what it is without going round and round.

@ Thread, this is by far the most popular template of a thread besides Zombies & AA vs CR123:

Person 1: X light sucks, heres what happened.

Person 2: Yeah me too I've had X light poop out on me many times.

Person 3: I received one that was DOA and X light did nothing. Poop.

Person 4: WHOA! WHOA! Lets not get carried away here, considering how popular X light is don't you think there will be a few complaints?

Person 5: Yeah P4 is right I had an X light from 1920 and it still hums along fine, not even a bulb.

Person 6: I dropped My X light from 2 feet onto a pillow, works fine, whiners.

Person 7: Of course your perception of X light is wrong. People only give feedback when they're angry.

Person 8: X light sucks, heres what happened.

Rinse and repeat, some of these I've read so often and mean nothing I literally get a little nauseous reading them for the billionth time.

Person 4 & 7 being my least favorite. ( No offense, I have no idea who is person 4 or 7 is nor do I care enough to reread the thread. Im sure your great people. )
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Woods Walker

The Wood is cut, The Bacon is cooked, Now it’s tim
Jun 8, 2008
New England woods.
I remember when the D10 was CPF flashlight of the year or something along those lines if memory serves me correctly. How times have changed. The only Nitecore I considered buying in years was the USB keychain model. Other than that maybe possibility no thanks but to each their own.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 20, 2014
I remember when the D10 was CPF flashlight of the year or something along those lines if memory serves me correctly. How times have changed.

Yup, but if I was gonna give it to one light...... Quark....NON STOP QUARK QUARK QUARK QUARK QUARK!!!!

"I think you'll be happy with a Quark".

"Have you heard of the Quark? by far my favorite EDC".

"When the zombies come, QUARK!"

"Just got my Quark, Love it!"

"Quark is the best light ever1111!!!!!!"

"Has anyone licked a Quark? There're sort of sweet, I bet they add honey to the ano!"


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 29, 2003
Well? Quark is dead. You can't lick it no more and you can't Quark the zombies no more bro.

Back to Nitecore, I remember those early days when I got myself some D10 and EX10. Oh I was a big fan of Nitecore then. They are pretty nice lights and at that time Nitecore was just Nitecore, not under Sysmax.

Got quite a few pieces from 4sevens then and I really liked them a lot. Occasionally I will clean and oil the piston to ensure it is problem free. Had one with an XR-E Q5 in my pocket for a few years and the grey anodizing was all worn till it looks like silver. Sold or gifted them all away when LED technology progresses over the years, but the wife still have one till today. She uses it almost everyday and hers just recently stopped working last month, or the month before. All in all, it lasted about 9 years of frequent usage. Dropped, kicked upon, and submerged. Pretty impressive I would say.

Years later, under Sysmax, they offered a revamp of the D10, the D11. Purchased a D11.2 and it is just horrible. The lowest output is too bright, and there is a horrible parasitic drain which drains up my battery in a matter of hours even when it is off. The D11.2 felt warm throughout while in my pocket. Gave up on it and exchanged it for another Nitecore light, the IFE1. Well, it is problematic as well so changed it for another Nitecore model again, and again, and then again, and was never happy. There was always one problem after another. I decided to give up on Nitecore once and for all.

3 years back when they came up with the TM26, I was kind of drawn to the switch and the UI it has and I decided I will give Nitecore another chance so I bought it. I was impressed with the TM26, even till today. I liked it since day one of ownership.

Then I thought I will give the EA8w a try since I have tons of Eneloop lying around. It worked great for awhile and died for no reasons.

I just recently bought a TM16 and I hope it survive. If this TM16 fail me, Nitecore would be completely out of my books.

Woods Walker

The Wood is cut, The Bacon is cooked, Now it’s tim
Jun 8, 2008
New England woods.
Yup, but if I was gonna give it to one light...... Quark....NON STOP QUARK QUARK QUARK QUARK QUARK!!!!

"I think you'll be happy with a Quark".

"Have you heard of the Quark? by far my favorite EDC".

"When the zombies come, QUARK!"

"Just got my Quark, Love it!"

"Quark is the best light ever1111!!!!!!"

"Has anyone licked a Quark? There're sort of sweet, I bet they add honey to the ano!"

But now....

"4/7s doesn't care about the Flashaholic market."

I think the following makers are probably responsible for most compalints around these parts.

1. Nitecore.
2. Armytek
3. ZL.

It seems ZL might be cleaning up it's act but Nitecore not so much. Also I don't buy into the fanboy logic of happy buyers don't post, only those with problems. Dang most of this forum is a love nest for one light or another. Even ones that suck but no need to go into that crappy can of worms. Happy people do post just look at the malkoff thread. I agree with you. The bottom line is if there are complaints after complaints it's because there is something wrong.
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Parrot Quack

Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 10, 2015
Magalia, CA
Considering the hundreds of thousands of flashlights that are created each year, what is a reasonable complaint/fail record?

Auto recalls. Baby seat recalls. Political recalls. Congressional approval rating. The point, recalls are part and parcel to manufactured products and dislike is part of life. The point, are our expectations too high or are my expectations to low? FWIW, I've never had a JETBeam, SureFire or Nitecore fail to work. I have about fifteen lights.

Disclosure: currently a Nitecore fanboy.

Amazon reviews; "Nitecore". For my purpose, what ever the product being purchased, I apply the total of the lowest, one and two star reviews and consider the product a winner if less than a total of 10% and consider the product questionable (no go) if over 20%.

For comparison, out of fairness, random known flashlight manufactures listed below:



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Woods Walker

The Wood is cut, The Bacon is cooked, Now it’s tim
Jun 8, 2008
New England woods.
I don't trust amazon reviews. Many are either initial impressions reviews or just shills IMHO. I would trust the views of experienced people here much much more.

Parrot Quack

Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 10, 2015
Magalia, CA
I'm new here, I'm ignorant, it's okay. Just sharing a different POV.

Based on online reviews alone, like many, annually I purchase a large number of items online and so far, over many years of online purchasing, these reviews that I'm so dependent on have never failed me. And yes, admittedly, I'm currently a Nitecore fanboy and yes, to a point, I'm a flashlight ignorant and by no stretch of the imagination am I any sort of expert on the subject.

It's understood, when posting a comment like mine, to expected a doubting sort of reply. I'm good with that point. That's why I mention political approval ratings and product safety recalls as a sort of real life balance. What we're suppose to believe, CPF is a bottle and the real world doesn't count? I'm giving a neutral response, hence why I included several flashlight manufacture's reviews as opposed to a simple Nitecore centric opinion, consisting of a single fanboy.

Example: GM recall information.

..............Ford F-150 complaints.

..............Child Seat Recall.

..............Presidential Polls 2015.

The point, I understand the need for cynicism but aren't we told not to box our thinking in? What am I missing?
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 18, 2014
But now....

"4/7s doesn't care about the Flashaholic market."

I think the following makers are probably responsible for most compalints around these parts.

1. Nitecore.
2. Armytek
3. ZL.

It seems ZL might be cleaning up it's act but Nitecore not so much. Also I don't buy into the fanboy logic of happy buyers don't post, only those with problems. Dang most of this forum is a love nest for one light or another. Even ones that suck but no need to go into that crappy can of worms. Happy people do post just look at the malkoff thread. I agree with you. The bottom line is if there are complaints after complaints it's because there is something wrong.

Zebralight used to have a lot of complaints, but the past year or so they seem to have fixed most of the problems people were complaining about (inventory problems, tint, etc.) Fanboys (I'm a convert to a fanboy over the past year or two) seem to outnumber the complainers by a wide margin.

Armytek, not sure if there's that many valid complaints about them. Most of the complaints seem to be that they aren't really Canadian (who cares?), and that they removed a very detailed programming mode from the Predator line (this just simplifies things to where most manufacturers are, so it's not really a negative compared to others). OTOH, there doesn't seem to be much of a fanboy following with Armytek, which I find surprising since they offer very well made lights with good tint offerings, all at a very reasonable price compared to others of similar quality.

As with all Chinese companies, most of the real complaints are about warranty service if/when you require it. It takes a long time, for obvious reasons.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 20, 2014
But now....

"4/7s doesn't care about the Flashaholic market."

Yeah. people are funny. David Chow is involved in much more than just 4 Sevens.... His support and contributions to the CPF community have been plenty and consistent over many years. My guess is this sentiment is from the whole no neutral tint option thing..... Always a good business idea to produce something that doesn't sell...../s
He's a stand up dude with 4 Sevens having one of the best warranties in the industry. Have they been a little slow after the big Qurak hit....Maybe... but we now have 4-5? new lights to the lineup not to mention the other models, while few, sell plenty. Im waaaaaaaay OT now.

Don't be dissin 4Sevens nobody, lest you get the Forrest! :grin2:


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 25, 2008
I have to disagree that Amazon reviews should be thrown out, they do have value and can be quite helpful in many cases. Sure some of them may be initial impressions or from a short time of using the light but they can be useful to give an idea of out of the box quality. Take for example Thrunite, they make decent lights but you can read many recent reviews of switch issues out of the box with some of their models and the reviews reflect that very well. I say all this to say that while CPF is definitely the #1 resource you can't just throw other sources like Amazon reviews out.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 18, 2014
Yeah. people are funny. David Chow is involved in much more than just 4 Sevens.... His support and contributions to the CPF community have been plenty and consistent over many years. My guess is this sentiment is from the whole no neutral tint option thing..... Always a good business idea to produce something that doesn't sell...../s
He's a stand up dude with 4 Sevens having one of the best warranties in the industry. Have they been a little slow after the big Qurak hit....Maybe... but we now have 4-5? new lights to the lineup not to mention the other models, while few, sell plenty.

I used to be a big 4sevens fan, and have several of their lights. But, the past year or more, they have gone backwards. IMO, they want to sell to Joe Sixpack, not flashaholics. I don't fault them for that, but I certainly don't support them. The Quark redesign is a huge step backwards from the old design. They've gone with proprietary-only batteries in other designs. Dumb switches in others. CR2 batteries?!? And, yes, the absolute refusal to have anything to do with neutral white LEDs is just pig-headed behaviour. They never gave neutral tints a fair try, making them difficult to order and more expensive.

I still watch what 4sevens is doing, holding out a small hope that they'll return to former glory, but I fear we've lost a good maker to the boring mass-market crowd.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 29, 2003
I used to be a big 4sevens fan, and have several of their lights. But, the past year or more, they have gone backwards. IMO, they want to sell to Joe Sixpack, not flashaholics. I don't fault them for that, but I certainly don't support them. The Quark redesign is a huge step backwards from the old design. They've gone with proprietary-only batteries in other designs. Dumb switches in others. CR2 batteries?!? And, yes, the absolute refusal to have anything to do with neutral white LEDs is just pig-headed behaviour. They never gave neutral tints a fair try, making them difficult to order and more expensive.

I still watch what 4sevens is doing, holding out a small hope that they'll return to former glory, but I fear we've lost a good maker to the boring mass-market crowd.
Totally my sentiments!

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