new light on the horizon?

well, show's over. im still wondering how many parts this light breaks down into. unless the head is loctited together i guess we will have 4 parts/sections? i am also curious if since these are blue label prices, if there will be the same customization like with the old blue labels, i.e. send in your own LEDs if you so choose to be used in the light. also, is it too early to mention what other materials might be available in the future?
It seems like Jason put up some Delta Ti (raw and stone washed) yesterday. Stone washed seems to be still available.
well, show's over. im still wondering how many parts this light breaks down into. unless the head is loctited together i guess we will have 4 parts/sections? i am also curious if since these are blue label prices, if there will be the same customization like with the old blue labels, i.e. send in your own LEDs if you so choose to be used in the light. also, is it too early to mention what other materials might be available in the future?
No Lock-Tite. You mean like Brass and Copper ;), too soon to tell, but special limited releases will probably be offered as demand warrants. If enough people ask for it, it will help determine which ones that will be considered to be made :). The Delta is will be offered as the regular Alpha is.

It seems like Jason put up some Delta Ti (raw and stone washed) yesterday. Stone washed seems to be still available.
These are first Run completed lights.
The next run will open up the LED optics selection.

Check it out . . .
New Blue Label finished Classic Alpha
so did anyone here get there hands on one of the deltas? also, wondering what happened with the metal boot idea.
so did anyone here get there hands on one of the deltas? also, wondering what happened with the metal boot idea.

We are currently working in more lights but our vendor ran out of the correct window size and delivery is supposed to be the first week in October
so did anyone here get there hands on one of the deltas? also, wondering what happened with the metal boot idea.

I was lucky and grabbed the raw machined TI version right after the show when Jason put them up to the site (it is the 4k 219 Nichia version). Got it shipped a few days ago. I must say this is an amazing light. It is the Alpha in a smaller shell, even shorter than the Alpha with short body.

The copper heat sink does a great job when you use the light on 100% for several minutes. You can screw of the front part of the light and see how it is built and the lens can easily be cleaned. Makes it also very easy to upgrade in case in 30 years you want more efficient LEDs in it 😊

The tail is the same as from the Alpha. Clip as well. The treads are extremely smooth (TI on copper). I have a couple of Alphas (no Ti) and the threads on the Delta feel even smoother. It is my first Ti light so not sure if it is the material, but this is simply an extremely high quality built. Output is equal to the Carbon Alpha (also triple Nichia). Basically, you get an Alpha short in a more compact form to a better price (Alpha + short body compared to Delta).

Two pictures:

compared to the Alpha Short Body.
Do you have the clear optics? Can you post some beam shots?

Not sure what you mean with clear optics. It has the triple Nichia 219c. I had Jason remove the green glow (I have that feature on the Alpha Carbon - is nice but didn't help me yet so no need for that.

I tried some beam short, but please do not over evaluate them. the wall was not white and the distance only approximately the same. Photos taken with iPhone in the dark.

Left Delta Triple NC219 TIR at 12% vs Right Alpha Ready MCE 4500k at 12%

Left Delta Triple NC219 TIR at 12% vs Alpha Custom XML 4500k at 12%
(the XLM 4500k compared to the MCE 4500k is noticeable colder).

Left Delta Triple NC219 TIR at 12% vs Alpha Carbon Tripple NC219 at 12%
(interesting here that the Delta seems to be a bit warmer in color (only slightly)but here on the picture it shows the other way around, difference is extremely small. The max output also differs (Delta certificate card says 905L vs the Alpha Carbon Card that says 771L) Maybe due to the IMR vs the protected cell in the Olight 16850)

Left Delta Triple NC219 TIR at 12% vs Beta QRv2 Copper at high 80 lumens.
Overall the beam of the triple emitter is a bit more focused on mid with a faster fading spread, compared to the boom optics where you have a clearly defined center and ring.

I can just say that I love the new addition to the family of lights.
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THx, this is really helpful. The narrow TIR is clear. The other 2 options are Mid and Wide angle are frosted.
I like the larger beam of the MCE. I might go for Mid optics. Can you do an outdoor comparison vs the MCE?
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There is a reason why the MCE 4500k is the Maker's choice. Some claim it is an outdated LED but it is my favorite beam and output is only insignificantly lower than the XML. Outdoor beam shots... I will see what I can do
THx, this is really helpful. The narrow TIR is clear. The other 2 options are Mid and Wide angle are frosted.
I like the larger beam of the MCE. I might go for Mid optics. Can you do an outdoor comparison vs the MCE?

It is getting dark in Sweden. I went out and took the two lights with me Delta and the Alpha Ready Short body with MCE.

This is the MCE. Small and bright center spot surrounded by an evenly bright spill that is clearly defined and ends. I love this light!

Below is the Delta with the Triple Nichia 219c. The Center spot is much bigger. But the spill is fading out to the sites and there is not such a clearly defined end.

I guess the size of the center spot can be adjusted based on what angel you chose.
Hope this helps!
Still extremely happy with the new Delta! Still see the need for the Alphas. Perfect addition to the family 😊
Thanks for the comparsion. Are you using high mode or burst in these photos?Are there any drawbacks having the glow board installed? I'm thinking it could be useful to have and since it doesn't add any cost to the light. I don't see a reason not to use it.
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I used Burst mode 100% for the pictures. As mentioned, the heat management is really good. The Delta goes on BURST mode 1-2 minutes before being forced to lower output. (Of course depending on the external conditions and how you or if you hold the light). The Alpha has a more material and my subjective view is that the heat goes further down to the body, making it survive a bit longer on burst mode before ramping down.

Glow board has no drawbacks. As Jason stated "it glows". I have it on my Alpha Carbon and there is nothing wrong with it. However, I didn't find any practical use yet. It actually makes me activate burst or high for 1-2 sec in the dark at home, to make it glow…. but destroying my night vision :) Humans curiosity…

Another reason I chose not to have it is that it is green. As you see on my pictures, I personally like a bit of consistency when it comes to the appearance. Button, lanyard, should somehow fit to the light. Even the Orings. On my Alpha MIL/LEO I even replaced the blue Oring in the head with a black one . Black buttons, black lean years and bead. The Alpha has blue button, blue orings and blue lanyard. The carbon comes with the carbon structure color (grey, black mixture), so I built a lanyard that fits. However, here you are already limited since you cannot change the color of the canon tube. And then you have a green glow, that somehow does not fit in (on the other site, no one sees it at daytime :) ). For the delta I chose vivid colors, since the heat sink is made of copper giving it a red touch. So I did add an orange button and mixed orange color lanyard with a small titanium bead. The green glow would not fit here either.

But all I wrote here is just a personal tick… call me nerd or whatever.
I am also red green blind, which makes me experience the color spectrum is a funny way. So don't put much value to me decision to have the green removed.
What's the runtime like on Med? Can you get 1hour of use on that brightness before the light goes out?
how's the grip on the fuller groove?
What's the runtime like on Med? Can you get 1hour of use on that brightness before the light goes out?
how's the grip on the fuller groove?

I just did a quick run test. Used the 1200mAh 18350 from KeepPower. On med (12%) the light kept on for 2h and 30 minutes before it started blinked and indicating low (or depleted) battery. I switched the mode up and down to see if it acts normally. I charged it yesterday and used the light a little, so the battery was showing 4,17V when I started. I also had in on high for some short moments. So, I guess one can get 2:45 out of it as well if you only use med mode with a fully fresh battery.

When I do the math, that gives you around 15h – 17h on low mode (2%) and appr. 25 – 30 minutes on high (70%). Give and take…

The grip is OK. I can't see any difference between radial and axial groves. The radial groves on the heat sink part make it not slide in the hand.
I just did a quick run test. Used the 1200mAh 18350 from KeepPower. On med (12%) the light kept on for 2h and 30 minutes before it started blinked and indicating low (or depleted) battery. I switched the mode up and down to see if it acts normally. I charged it yesterday and used the light a little, so the battery was showing 4,17V when I started. I also had in on high for some short moments. So, I guess one can get 2:45 out of it as well if you only use med mode with a fully fresh battery.

When I do the math, that gives you around 15h – 17h on low mode (2%) and appr. 25 – 30 minutes on high (70%). Give and take…

The grip is OK. I can't see any difference between radial and axial groves. The radial groves on the heat sink part make it not slide in the hand.
The runtime looks very reasonable. How many lumens would you say it looks to you? 80~100? The original Alpha(pre-Icarus) was around 200lm. I wonder if he targeted the same lumen output with his new LED driver.

Is the bezel housing the TIR easy removable? or Are the thread loctite taped?
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I can't say how many lumens it is. Compared to a beta at 100%, it creates a similar bright but much bigger spot. So yeah 100-150 lumens? That would also be reasonable considering that 100% burst gives me 900+ lumens according to the certificate. So 12% should end up with something above 100. But not sure, can be more.

As I wrote earlier this light will be my new favorite for shorter travel (2 nights). I use the light as night stand with appr. 8 or 10%. Should give me at least two nights. For longer trips, I think I will stick to the Alpha J, despite always having the travel charger with me.

Regarding the optics. The insert for the triple LED that forms the beam can easily be removed and replaced. Just unscrew the top part of the light (compared to the Alpha where you hade to use some special tool to remove the top oring, lens and reflector).
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