Surefire A2 Aviator Fan checking in


Nov 12, 2010
CONUS, top left
I edited my post to follow rules👍....

Much appreciated, particularly given our prior discussion via PM :)

.... Is there anywhere I can post my previous questions and be within the rules?

You are welcome to search completed sales of A2 here on CPF. We request that members leave all relevant details of their WTB / WTS threads posted, for that very reason, as it provides a valuable archive of data.

Thanks for your understanding, and cheers !


Nov 12, 2010
CONUS, top left
weird it copy pasted an old open window lol.
It appears to be a smooth head bezel in the photos I saw. I will ask next time I speak with them.
I have some friends that are more computer savvy then me, actual programmer, and engineer, I wonder how hard it would be, to reverse engineer the Aviatrix? Cause if I can have more of them made, it be dumb not to. I'd be happy to open source all findings.

Detailed build log, here ...

It would be advisable and courteous to check with @calipsoii and @Atomic_Chicken of course, although I haven't seen the latter on CPF for many years.

Xander Bolanos

Newly Enlightened
Oct 18, 2020
Much appreciated, particularly given our prior discussion via PM :)

You are welcome to search completed sales of A2 here on CPF. We request that members leave all relevant details of their WTB / WTS threads posted, for that very reason, as it provides a valuable archive of data.

Thanks for your understanding, and cheers !
Thank you for your help. I know I came in yelling at the top of my lungs.
I am sometimes ignorant but never intentionally. i appreciate this forum and will try to contribute back.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 18, 2006
Central America
Indeed, it's a rare beast, that original A2. Normally, we have got used to regulated LEDs, but.... regulated INCANS?? And that's what I really like about it. The stock LEDs are horrible indeed, that's why I changed them to warm white 5mm LEDs, these have nearly the same light color as the incan bulb. Now, I TRULY have a low and high with the same light.

I use it for the purpose it was intended for: pre-flight inspection of an aeroplane... every single time, everything just HAS to be checked before you even start the engine and taxi to the runway. That included all kinds of joints and hinges under the wings... where you can't see accurately without the help of a flashlight. Then, the A2 Aviator comes and shines!

325, how did you change your LED´s ? I would like some like the SMJs or your warm where are they for sale ?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 20, 2020
"...that famous Texas part of Hamburg"
I just got my A2 today, from 2006, was still new in box. Its a fantastic light, however the blue tint of the LEDs is driving me a bit nuts (got the version with "white" LEDs). Ive read that sanding the LEDs down a bit can remove this blue tint (originally meant to make the colored LEDs more floody), I find this to be a bit of stretch to be honest. How would roughening the surface of the LEDs change their tint? Is there any truth to this mod? Ill give it a shot if there is something to it, its easy enough to do.

If anyone still got a original or aftermarket red LED ring laying around, shoot me a PM.

ma tumba

Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 7, 2013
I don't see why you can't get whatever 5mm leds you want and swap those stock ones. I did that with high cri yuji leds before I had got a calipso ring.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 5, 2008
Boden, Sweden
I just got my A2 today, from 2006, was still new in box. Its a fantastic light, however the blue tint of the LEDs is driving me a bit nuts (got the version with "white" LEDs). Ive read that sanding the LEDs down a bit can remove this blue tint (originally meant to make the colored LEDs more floody), I find this to be a bit of stretch to be honest. How would roughening the surface of the LEDs change their tint? Is there any truth to this mod? Ill give it a shot if there is something to it, its easy enough to do.

If anyone still got a original or aftermarket red LED ring laying around, shoot me a PM.

I don't know if the LED version of A2 is modifiable. But Lumens Factory has a 350lumen 4000K module for A2
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Flashlight Enthusiast
May 29, 2006
I did it again - I bought another SF A2 after selling the previous one 3 years ago. It's now my third A2, I always buy and sell it after some time. Why do I keep doing this? Every time I sell it I start missing it. There is no rationale in this, I guess it's just nostalgia.
I really appreciate that Lumens Factory is still making bulbs for the A2, because otherwise I wouldn't be able to justify buying it. Unfortunately Tad Customs stopped selling the bi-pin adapters + proprietary bulbs, so this option is now gone. I guess I should build a small stockpile of these lamps just in case LF will also stop selling them (but they are bit on the expensive side at $21...). I will probably run it with primaries and not bother with rechargeables, I don't use it that much anyway and primaries can be bought cheap in bulk.

Now I hope that Koala will start selling the Onion rings again this year so that I can put some nicer white LEDs and set the brightness.

There is one dream I have - to own the rare purple A2 (if anyone wants to sell me his, please shoot me a PM. The chances are zero I guess :mecry:)...


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 26, 2007
Those tads A3718 bulbs are pretty slick. Better than the factory bulb and WAY better than the LF option. Just picked one a 5 pack from his eBay close out but looks like those are running out (unless you get the adapter package).


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 19, 2006
There is one dream I have - to own the rare purple A2 (if anyone wants to sell me his, please shoot me a PM...

There was also the prototype A2 turbohead that I've only seen a photo of. I'm curious how much further it projected the main beam, and what it did to the three dim leds that came through at the base of the reflector...


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 29, 2006
I don't want to start a new thread to ask this - does anyone know the size (or whatever information is needed) of the O-rings in the head section and in the tailcap? I have an old 4-sided A2 where the tailcap in front is torn and I would like to replace. I would like to purchase both (front and rear) to have replacement ready. Calling SF is not an option for me - I am outside of US and they will not send it it to me and I can get these o-rings here. As far as I understand these are Buna-N type O-rings.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 2, 2006
I don't want to start a new thread to ask this - does anyone know the size (or whatever information is needed) of the O-rings in the head section and in the tailcap? I have an old 4-sided A2 where the tailcap in front is torn and I would like to replace. I would like to purchase both (front and rear) to have replacement ready. Calling SF is not an option for me - I am outside of US and they will not send it it to me and I can get these o-rings here. As far as I understand these are Buna-N type O-rings.
I purchase a lot of o-rings from my usual gear/o-ring/tools dealer. Most of the time I have to re-spec the ring sizes for slightly tighter fit. I also don't quite keep track of the o-ring type (the dealer only carries Buna-N I believe) and the manufacturer (although the sales receipt would indicate the latter).

For the A2 here's my preferred o-ring specs:
Head (thickness x ID): 1.78x17.4mm
Tail (thickness x ID): 1.78x15.8mm
Auxiliary filler o-ring for lanyard ring groove on tailcap: 2x17mm x2pcs.

All dimensions are approximate (ie. if they're of original imperial sizes then the dimensions are converted to the nearest mm)

Hope that helps.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
May 29, 2006
Thank you. I found a helpful o-ring size chart which also has metric equivalents here.

I found out that the original A2/L1 tailcap O-Ring should be #14 1/2" ID x 5/8 OD (here is a picture of the original surefire part size with 014 size). In metric it's 12.42mm x 1.78mm. This is a bit smaller than your specs, but I think the SF also smaller and you have to stretch them to fit. I will order both sizes and I will check which fits better.
I haven't found the head o-ring spec, but the size should be either #17 or #18 - which is either 17.17mm or 18.77mm ID.
I found a shop here that also has O-rings in the US sizes.

SF O-rings are Buta-N SH70 which I think is the same as standard NBR 70 O-rings in EU.