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  • You said in the daylight thread "Another vote for the PlanetBike SuperFlash.

    I remember, once a fellow CPFer caught up to me in his race bike and told me he had seen my SuperFlash blinking from 3-5 blocks away on a sunny winter morning."

    If you remember the sun's angle, the shadows of buildings, anything that would help the Superflash show up better? Does it do a lot better on fresh Alkalines than not so fresh off the charger NiMHs? :confused:

    You were involved in threads about the Superflash and trying to replace the 1/4 watt POS tail lights circa 2007-8. A lot of the pictures and video are gone. Was the multi R/O Luxein III light stillborn? Would you like to wax nostalgic on the commuter tail light thread? :thumbsup:
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