Recent content by Winnowill1984

  1. W

    What LED flashlight is sitting on your nightstand?

    On my Side I've a Thrunite TN12, and on my wife's side a Sunwayman D40a. I like the idea of the glow tape. Might have to buy some.
  2. W

    Do you ever START liking a food item that you DIDNT like before?

    Yes, I loves me some chicken livers. As a kid I just called it "catfish bait".
  3. W

    Movies you watch again and again?

    Twister, All the Back to The futures Return of the Living Dead 1&3
  4. W

    how many mpg do you get?

    In my 2009 Altima about 28 on the highway. In my 2007 Malibu about 30. Both have 4 cylinders. The Altima has a bit bigger one and will run circles around my Malibu.