Am I the only one who drives the speed limit?


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
Congratulations BYK. You did a good Raggie impersonation.
He can get a conversation started for sure.

Now, in my view to say the law abiding citizen is a danger because the vast majority choose not to says a lot about a society.

I remember when I used to drive 10-15 over the limit on the interstate and "rrrrrrttttt" suddenly the 3 lanes were reduced to the speed limit. Some cop up ahead was driving the speed limit and slowing us down dawg gonnit. Now days the police officer is in the passing lane going faster than everybody else.

Once upon a times tires and brakes were so bad you'd better watch your speed because sooner or later a tire would disintigrate and your lousy brakes meant you'd crash into a tree on the side of the road before you could stop. But with modern brakes it's much safer in a "woah Nelly" scenario and tires are so dang smooth before you know it you're cruising at 80mph (128+kmh).

There was a time I drove too fast, cut grass barefoot and sanded wood without a dust mask. One day I woke up and said "those cautious people aren't so stupid afterall".

I don't like spending time at the gas pump. Driving the speed limit has made it so I spend a lot less time at the gas pump. When it hit $5/gallon that also meant less money out of my pocket. At $3.25 it still does. When I drove 70 in a 60 I'd get gas 3 times a week. Driving 60 in a 60 I stop twice a week, sometimes a 3rd at the end. At $75 a tankful that's a lot of dough at the end of a year.
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May 7, 2016
I have a sliding scale, basically never really going more than 10% over. Conditions dependent of course. At least in my state that puts me in the normal speed group. Some go slower some faster. Other states if you aren't doing 10mph over you're the slowest known object in the universe half the time. What gets me is people not holding a speed for no apparent reason. Let's say I'm right lane doing 77. This is completly normal. Someone going slower I pull into the left lane. Suddenly they want to go faster. Then they yoyo back to being next to me. Then I pass them and get in the other lane. Then they pass me and go back to doing 74 so I come up on them again. All the while I'm doing exactly the same speed I was the entire time. I don't understand that mindset at all.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 6, 2005
Treasure Valley, Idaho
I drive with the flow of traffic which varies from road to road but generally within 10-15% of the speed limit. In these parts sticking to the posted speed limit, when it's safe to do otherwise, isn't viewed kindly by most drivers.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 3, 2009
Ottawa Ont. Canada
I don't like spending time at the gas pump. Driving the speed limit has made it so I spend a lot less time at the gas pump. When it hit $5/gallon that also meant less money out of my pocket. At $3.25 it still does. When I drove 70 in a 60 I'd get gas 3 times a week. Driving 60 in a 60 I stop twice a week, sometimes a 3rd at the end. At $75 a tankful that's a lot of dough at the end of a year.
Around here, controlled-access Ontario 400-series highway speed limits are usually 100kph, some being upped to 110kph which I think is heading in the wrong direction for reasons including fuel efficiency.

I believe majority of small passenger cars (4 cyl.) are most efficient in 80-90kph range. With regular gas peaking around
$2.15/litre earlier this year (CDN$8.13 per US gallon), you would think people might slow down a bit; some do, some seem oblivious (those who can afford it, willing to grumble and pay up).



Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 19, 2005
I have a sliding scale, basically never really going more than 10% over. Conditions dependent of course. At least in my state that puts me in the normal speed group. Some go slower some faster. Other states if you aren't doing 10mph over you're the slowest known object in the universe half the time. What gets me is people not holding a speed for no apparent reason. Let's say I'm right lane doing 77. This is completly normal. Someone going slower I pull into the left lane. Suddenly they want to go faster. Then they yoyo back to being next to me. Then I pass them and get in the other lane. Then they pass me and go back to doing 74 so I come up on them again. All the while I'm doing exactly the same speed I was the entire time. I don't understand that mindset at all.
Road Karens. They believe it is their duty to enforce speed limits.
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Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
I use cruise control a lot. A lot. Used to be a time they'd activate at 45. Now you can set the cruise control going 12. So the times I'm in a speed trap zone I set the cruise control to 1mph over.

I keep an mp3 player in the vehicle and about 25gb of music. It has albums and playlists. So say I want to hear Led Zepplin Song Remains the Same, I just ease along diggin' on some fabulous rock n roll tunes. The playlist is 1000 songs so I can go two weeks without hearing the same song twice.

The truck I drive has an awesome sound system so why hurry? Now if there's a catastrophe I need to reach or I really really really need to reach a toilet, yeah I can mix it up with the rest of the crazies. Otherwise the benefits of driving the speed limit far out weigh the benefits of being in a rush in my humble opinion.


May 7, 2016
Road Karens. They believe it is their duty to enforce speed limits.
But they aren't. They just yo yo around at different speeds sometimes well faster than me and other times slower. It's like they don't want to go fast enough to overtake, but they can't stand the thought of being overtaken either and it's just an internal struggle. Or they are morons. It's a horse apiece.

It depends on the journey. Let's say I'm going 7 over on a 4 hour drive. If I was going the speed limit I'd still be 28 miles away from my destination. Is it worth my 20-30 minutes. Usually to me yes. I've driven coast to coast top to bottom pretty much at one point or another. Even on a 1000 mile drive I very rarely use cruise control. I turn it into a speed vs economy game. I'm always more fuel efficient than the cruise control, usually by quite a margin.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 19, 2005
But they aren't. They just yo yo around at different speeds sometimes well faster than me and other times slower. It's like they don't want to go fast enough to overtake, but they can't stand the thought of being overtaken either and it's just an internal struggle. Or they are morons. It's a horse apiece.

It depends on the journey. Let's say I'm going 7 over on a 4 hour drive. If I was going the speed limit I'd still be 28 miles away from my destination. Is it worth my 20-30 minutes. Usually to me yes. I've driven coast to coast top to bottom pretty much at one point or another. Even on a 1000 mile drive I very rarely use cruise control. I turn it into a speed vs economy game. I'm always more fuel efficient than the cruise control, usually by quite a margin.
You're absolutely correct they aren't, they also create dangerous situations, and trigger some unstable people into road rage. then innocent people suffer the consequences, If they understood that, they would not be Karens.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 10, 2003
Always interesting to see people's perspective on seemingly common experiences depending on age, experience, part of the world, etc.

As for me who grew up in the NE part of the US in the Philadelphia area, my experience is that people who go the speed limit are road hazards. It's safer and perfectly fine to drive 5-10mph over the speed limit. Going at or below the speed limit on a highway around here in the PA/NJ area is a recipe for disaster. When traffic bunches up because we're all going in formation like a monorail, it drives me up the wall. Now, all the being said, I live out in Amish country. I'm used to seeing a horse drawn carriage, tractor, or kid on a scooter around every corner, so I'm committed to going carefully when I'm in farm country.

But on a highway, 5-10mph over is the norm.


Mar 27, 2022
Whether you drive exactly the posted speed limit, 4 mph under it, or 8 mph over. You are a hazard if the traffic flow is going a different speed.


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
What the hect? I leave to give you all better content . And then I'm paroted . I'll never understand this world. Well I thought I'd post and go . I was in another bad bike wreck front rim failed on me I luckily landed on my head.. but I'm still thankfulI I should be dead for sure. But I was lucky and going slow. Scared all the humans around me. It was insane how hard I hit no warning rim failed front wheel locked and I went over bars into my head. Scary stuff I couldn't see due to the blood.. but oddly enough wound wasn't that bad just bleed a lot.a guy drove me home which made my day due to him being so nice. Well I'm back to exile island and framing about Gaga and type o negative


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 19, 2005
Whether you drive exactly the posted speed limit, 4 mph under it, or 8 mph over. You are a hazard if the traffic flow is going a different speed.
Traffic always flows at different speed, there is always someone going faster than someone else, people speed up and slow down to merge and switch lanes.


Aug 27, 2006
Living in a place with both speed and red-light cameras, after awhile it gets too expensive not to do the limit. Even though those cameras are just about generating revenue by stealing money from the Working class. No one with a brain thinks they're about traffic safety. And good luck arguing your case when one of those speed cameras breaks. Doing 20 in a 25 and seeing the camera go off, only to learn it clocked you at 45. Not fun. Neither is taking a circular route down other side streets just to avoid that one malfunctioning camera.

Even though it's more dangerous, I've seen drivers in Econo-boxes take the expressway just to avoid those cameras. And I mean older such vehicles that I know have no business being on expressways during pouring, rain-storms. So much for the safety BS.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 19, 2005
Living in a place with both speed and red-light cameras, after awhile it gets too expensive not to do the limit. Even though those cameras are just about generating revenue by stealing money from the Working class. No one with a brain thinks they're about traffic safety. And good luck arguing your case when one of those speed cameras breaks. Doing 20 in a 25 and seeing the camera go off, only to learn it clocked you at 45. Not fun. Neither is taking a circular route down other side streets just to avoid that one malfunctioning camera.

Even though it's more dangerous, I've seen drivers in Econo-boxes take the expressway just to avoid those cameras. And I mean older such vehicles that I know have no business being on expressways during pouring, rain-storms. So much for the safety BS.


Mar 27, 2022
Traffic always flows at different speed, there is always someone going faster than someone else, people speed up and slow down to merge and switch lanes.
I knew there would be someone who couldn't grasp the concept. It has nothing to do with the speed of any one vehicle.