*Announcing - TnC N-Cell - Micro-Flex Series *


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 7, 2005
I'm in.
Is there a ballpark price figure yet?

The price will be under $200 for the EN or gold plated aluminum. We haven't priced the Ti yet. We'll try to get better numbers for you soon. Please keep in mind that all our own costs are high when we make really small batches of parts/lights.

In the first batch we are going to build out Cree lights with UCL lenses, but without reflectors. These will be available in either a DD Blaster version or with the simple UI FLuPIC with a high of 450mA to 600mA.

At first we are going to offer three body choices. One will be the Diamond milling, the next will be the tear drop curved body shown next to the AA battery in the pic, and lastly will be the same body but plain without the tear drops.

I know it's hard to present firm interest without a set price, however interest for this first Cree run would be appreciated. The quantity of this first build will be limited to the interest shown in this thread by the time Chris machines the bodies.

To sum up the choices:
1. Gold, EN, or bare aluminum
2. FLuPIC or DD for Li-ion N cell only
3. Cree R2 WH, or R2 WG bin
4. Diamond, Tear Drop, or plain curved body

In the future we may offer heads without lenses if it looks there is interest for this.

In the mean time I'll be testing some reflectors with Seouls and K2s to come up with the right configuration. Once we have these dialed in we will offer these Seoul/K2 lights with reflectors. The K2s could be DD or use the FLuPIC, but the Seouls could only use the FLuPICs and on burst likely only momentarily. We still don't have a suitable NiMh driver for these lights.

After we've built the Micro Flex N cell aluminum lights listed above we will do a small Ti run.

Thanks for your interest.
Last edited:


Mar 18, 2006
Oklahoma City, OK
Ok, I'm in.

1. Gold, EN, or bare aluminum
2. FLuPIC or DD for Li-ion N cell only
3. Cree R2 WH, or R2 WG bin
4. Diamond, Tear Drop, or plain curved body

1. EN
2. FluPIC Max
3. Cree R2 WG
4. Diamond



Nov 3, 2005
In the first batch we are going to build out Cree lights with UCL lenses, but without reflectors.
I really like this light and the configurations offered in the first batch. I am interested in getting one; however, I have no lights without reflectors. What does that mean as far as the beam pattern, throw, etc.? Also, will the first batch offer a connection point for a small split ring?

LED Zeppelin

Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 14, 2005
Great Lakes
Eric, I'm still in for the first offerring.

Just a few questions before I nail down my choice:

- Is the gold plating going to be thick? Some gold plated parts I've had have discolored over time, and if this is a possibility I'd rather go with EN.

- I like WH tint, but not at the expense of much brightness. Can you give any feedback on the qualities of the WH vs. WG? I'm not looking for concrete numbers, just some impressions you have from them.

- What are the modes of the "simple" FluPIC UI?


I really like this light and the configurations offered in the first batch. I am interested in getting one; however, I have no lights without reflectors. What does that mean as far as the beam pattern, throw, etc.? Also, will the first batch offer a connection point for a small split ring?

Beam pattern should be a near-uniform flood. Not much throw, but for a light this size and expected useage, a very practical beam. It should light up a room and make finding things easy.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 7, 2005
Hi Dennis,

Sorry for my delayed response. We have about 7' of snow on the ground so things remain somewhat challenging for me.

The gold would be about 50 microns. We could go thicker but the price goes up rapidly of course.

The WH and WG are both R2 flux bins so I guess I don't understand the question.

The user interface is High>User Level>Low>OFF>Set Level for the FLuPIC.


The beam of the Cree projects in a 75 degree pattern. That's why it works as a nice flood without a reflector. A Seoul or Luxeon for example need a reflector to focus the beam forward, otherwise they result in excessive flood with a scattered beam.


Sure you can get in if you give me some specific interest in what you would like to have. BTW, when are you going to *not* see your shadow this year :confused:

LED Zeppelin

Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 14, 2005
Great Lakes
Thanks for the answers Eric.

I'll take diamond knurl, gold (EN okay if gold isn't offerred), WH tint, simple FluPIC.

white light

Oct 13, 2007
:thumbsup: Please put me down for the following;
1 @ EN plating
Cree R2 WH bin
Tear Drop body
1 @ EN plating
R2 WG bin
plain curved body
Thank you,


Newly Enlightened
Jan 10, 2006
I will wait for the light with the reflector. I once got on a waiting list for a cr2 Ion, only to be disappointed with the light output. I found out a true flood light was not what I needed.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 7, 2005

Thanks for the interest. We are going to try to achieve some throw on our heads with the reflectors so hopefully it will be enough for you.

I'll try to post firm pricing tonight or tomorrow and open a sales thread for these first Cree Micro Flex N cell lights.


Newly Enlightened
Jan 1, 2006
Midwest, USA

I'm new to all this but I really want an N sized light, I was looking for the old style N-cell last night and ran across this thread.

I lost count of your requests but hopefully you'll make enough to cover one for me also.

I'll take one of whatever you build and have left. I'd like a Titanium one when you build them also.



Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 7, 2005
Hi John,

Thanks for checking in. Actually I've been playing with the protos pretty extensively for the last month and Chris has completed the first machining step in complete bodies for the Seoul/K2 lights using the head with a reflector. The Seoul and K2 use different canisters but work in the same heads. We are of course building the Cree heads and canisters as well however those have yet to be machined.

I am pleased with the results with both the K2 and Seoul using the McR-10 reflector. The beam has a large hot spot and flood. When compared to the original TnC Key-Lux N cell pictured below, the beam is much more of a flood. However I think this is appropriate as the drastic increase in flux over the Lux1 LEDs dictates a more moderated beam. The Micro-Flex with the FLuPIC produces about the same amount of light on the #2 setting as the 200mA original Key-Lux did (it was a single stage), however you can barely see the original Key-Lux N cell beam next to the Micro-Flex on High. I find the Micro-Flex beam much more suited for reading menus, maps, and books, which I believe to be the most common use of a key chain candidate light. That doesn't mean the Micro-Flex won't throw as it is rather bright on the higher settings. If after testing these lights buyers would like a throw head we could build perhaps our own reflector with a similar beam to the Key-Lux N cell.

I have been pleasantly surprised with the performance of the Seoul LEDs with the FLuPIC and the N cell Li-ion. I expected to see an angry blue and perhaps burn out the LED, but that hasn't happened likely due to Chris' nice threaded canister design. However it still isn't summer and it may be YMMV depending on Vf of the LED etc. However when on high using the Seoul I have not had a Seoul fail yet while hand cooling for short use, sometimes a few minutes at a time. To be prudent High with the Seoul should only be used momentarily and a medium setting should be used for the duration where the Seoul 'shines' with high efficiency and less heat. Of course the K2 is tough and so far mine can take high without even holding the light.

Below are the TnC N cell lights. The size difference is pretty impressive, even without considering the ability of the new Micro-Flex in terms of a huge increase in output and extra features. Shown as well are Cree and K2 canisters.


I will be starting a sales thread soon with a price list. The light bodies at this time have only been machined into form. The tear drops and diamonds have yet to be milled into the lights so now is the time to speak up if you want a plain body without the patterns. Soon as well we will send the lights to the platers and it's important if you are interested to make your choice of the available finishes known as well.

Only after we get these aluminum runs together will we be talking Ti John:nana:



Newly Enlightened
Oct 26, 2006
Columbia, Sc
very interesting thread, im totally down for a k2 flupic light, the diamonds or the half teardrop/half knurled are both very enticing.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 7, 2005
I want to give an update. The Cree heads and bodies have now gone through the first machining steps as well as the Seoul/K2 lights.

Also Chris came up with a head with a reflector fo throw in the Cree in a small package. We'll add this to the mix as well or offer it as an option for those who don't just want flood with the Cree in our head.

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