Condor Terrasaur Part 2


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 15, 2009
Melbourne - Australia

I spent 2 hours sharpening this knife !
First I took it FULL Scandi , then I refined the edge till it stopped rolling by stropping . ( A lot of work )
This is the best edge I can do on a scandi knife !

And the edge faded away at 300 slices .. This is very poor economy for a 2 hour investment in time and effort ..
That's soft steel life for you I guess .

Since I'm not a FanBoy , there is some buyers remorse associated with this knife .

The edge is .................. very poorly done @ the factory ! The steel is soft ! The knife is in my opinion over priced !
This knife is in my OPINION very poor competition against a Morakniv . In fact , I am just ............................................................ What word to use ?
Amazed (?) that this knife has a fan base at all . Maybe I got a bad sample ? Or maybe , no one bothers to do any meaningful testing ? ( edge retention )

Anyways ! A $10 Chinese knife kicks it to the curb and stomps on it ! ( Oh dear oh dear oh dear )