Corona Virus... the second wave

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Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
Well my tv says I can eat cake all day sitting by the pool, take a pill and my hair will regrow, my belly fat will melt away, have the libido of a 22 year old, and I won't even need a job to pay for it.


Nov 22, 2003
Flushing, NY
Never take cholesterol lowering drugs like lipitor. Cholesterol is not bad for you. Your body needs it to heal and function. High ldl cholesterol isn't a condition, it's a red flag that something's wrong with you. When you have damaged or inflamed arteries, your body sends ldl cholesterol to plug the leaks to help your body heal. Hdl cholesterol is then sent to sweep away the ldl cholesterol. When you have a chronic condition, you don't have enough hdl cholesterol to get rid of the ldl cholesterol so the ldl cholesterol keeps building up and blocks the arteries. If you take lipitor, you lower the cholesterol which can help unclog your arteries, but you also rip the bandaid off the wound in your damaged artery. Cholesterol also makes all your adrenal hormones. It makes pregnenolone (protects the brain), aldosterone (makes the kidneys function), cortisol (for stress response), DHEA (helps metabolism and waste processing), progesterone, testosterone, and estrogen (sex hormones). If you chose to take lipitor and keep making poor food choices instead of eating right and exercising, don't be surprised if you end up with Alzheimer's, kidney stones, have anxiety, having diabetes, and have sexual problems.
My father was on it and needless to say he's not around any longer. He had all the known side effects from it as well. I wouldn't take Lipitor if someone paid me to do so. I know those types of drugs are bad news. I never cared for fatty foods anyway, so avoiding them isn't a big deal for me.


Nov 22, 2003
Flushing, NY
Well my tv says I can eat cake all day sitting by the pool, take a pill and my hair will regrow, my belly fat will melt away, have the libido of a 22 year old, and I won't even need a job to pay for it.
I really, really wish they would make all those stupid TV prescription drug ads illegal. Besides being annoying, I don't see what purpose is served telling laypeople about drugs they need a doctor to prescribe. If they need it, their doctor will know and prescribe it for them. There's no need to them "ask their doctor about it" as all these commercials suggest. If they can't ban the ads, instead I'd love for a law to be passed allowing doctors to bill the drug companies for the time they waste talking to patients who ask about some drug they saw an ad for. That would get the drug companies to voluntarily stop the ads, or face massive payouts to physicians.


Dec 16, 2007
Drifting off topic here a bit - prescription drugs could be a thread unto itself I imagine.


Aug 9, 2015
Dust in the Wind
If not for big pharma and big pharmacies we wouldn't be looking at two vaccines for covid-19 with a third one around the corner being dustributed by the millions already.
It seems the UK is on the verge of having yet another vaccine making it the fourth one.

Now I can't wait to read the fine print. "may cause drowiness, pain at the injection site, fever and in rare cases rash on the tongue, liver failure, heart failure, painful erection lasting for hours. If you notice these rare reactions speak to your doctor"……

Happy New Year


Newly Enlightened
Aug 19, 2008
Denver, Colorado
If you want a chance to get the vaccine early, search for a phase 3 trial of a vaccine near you and try to enter if you can, and they may even pay you to do it. I got in the Johnson and Johnson phase 3 trial and got the shot the end of November. I reacted to the shot so I know it wasn't the placebo, and I had pain at the injection site, was tired for a few day, and had some nerve pains mostly in my legs, but overall it hasn't been that bad. Still having some nerve sensation mostly at night, but again not that bad.

To start the process I had to answer questions online, then it told me I qualified and gave me an address where it would be done and that they would call me - but I called them and made an appointment. The first appointment was 3 to 4 hours, with lots of questions and explanations and forms, blood draw and nasal swab but the swab was shallow and not the deep painful one I've heard about. Then they gave me a shot of vaccine or placebo and made me wait 15 minutes to be sure I was ok to drive home.

They also gave me an app on my iPhone that I check in on Mondays and Thursdays to answer a question if I have had any Covid symptoms- if you answer no, that is all you enter so it is quick, if you answer yes then there are more questions and you start using the self testing equipment they give you - thermometer, pulse ox reader, and nasal swab test kits which they pick up at your home to analyze.

30 days latter I had my second appointment and they asked me a few questions and took a blood draw. It took about an hour. And they told me that I didn't have antibodies in my blood they took during my first appointment- which if I did you wouldn't think they would want me in the trial.

They say that 99% of those that get the vaccine have antibodies after 29 days. They were planning on enrolling 60,00o people from different countries but reduced that to 40,000 because there's so much virus circulation that they will get the exposures they need with 40,000 people. But they started a second trial to learn if the results will be better with two shots 30 days apart (my trial is one shot). I've got friends in both trials.

It has been a good experience for me and it is reassuring to know I probably have been vaccinated. I'm still careful and wear the mask and take the same precautions.

you can search at:

You can sign up for Johnson & Johnson trials at:!/
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Jun 23, 2003
central time
If you want a chance to get the vaccine early, search for a phase 3 trial of a vaccine near you and try to enter if you can, and they may even pay you to do it. I got in the Johnson and Johnson phase 3 trial and got the shot the end of November. I reacted to the shot so I know it wasn't the placebo, and I had pain at the injection site...

Super sneaky if they add something to the placebo to mimic those effects.


Jun 23, 2003
central time
I know different outlets might count differently so maybe you guys who are avid stats consumers can answer this question for me. When people report the death rate of C19 are they using the Case Fatality Rate or the Infection Fatality Rate? Since some reports say that actual infections might be eight times or so the confirmed cases, dividing # of deaths by that number rather than just confirmed positive cases would reduce the death rate vastly. Which one are we getting?

Some reading on these rates and the difficulty of calulating them that I was looking at.

I mix up the names, but we won't know the 'other' rate till it's over. We only have the 'right now' rate.


Newly Enlightened
Aug 19, 2008
Denver, Colorado
Covid Vaccine

If you want a chance to get the vaccine early, search for a phase 3 trial of a vaccine near you and try to enter if you can, and they may even pay you to do it. I got in the Johnson and Johnson phase 3 trial and got the shot the end of November. I reacted to the shot so I know it wasn't the placebo, and I had pain at the injection site, was tired for a few day, and had some nerve pains mostly in my legs, but overall it hasn't been that bad. Still having some nerve sensation mostly at night, but again not that bad.

To start the process I had to answer questions online, then it told me I qualified and gave me an address where it would be done and that they would call me - but I called them and made an appointment. The first appointment was 3 to 4 hours, with lots of questions and explanations and forms, blood draw and nasal swab but the swab was shallow and not the deep painful one I've heard about. Then they gave me a shot of vaccine or placebo and made me wait 15 minutes to be sure I was ok to drive home.

They also gave me an app on my iPhone that I check in on Mondays and Thursdays to answer a question if I have had any Covid symptoms- if you answer no, that is all you enter so it is quick, if you answer yes then there are more questions and you start using the self testing equipment they give you - thermometer, pulse ox reader, and nasal swab test kits which they pick up at your home to analyze.

30 days latter I had my second appointment and they asked me a few questions and took a blood draw. It took about an hour. And they told me that I didn't have antibodies in my blood they took during my first appointment- which if I did you wouldn't think they would want me in the trial.

They say that 99% of those that get the vaccine have antibodies after 29 days. They were planning on enrolling 60,00o people from different countries but reduced that to 40,000 because there's so much virus circulation that they will get the exposures they need with 40,000 people. But they started a second trial to learn if the results will be better with two shots 30 days apart (my trial is one shot). I've got friends in both trials.

It has been a good experience for me and it is reassuring to know I probably have been vaccinated. I'm still careful and wear the mask and take the same precautions.

you can search at:

You can sign up for Johnson & Johnson trials at:!/


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
Re: Covid Vaccine

im so old im waiting to the more valuble humans get it. ill be 50 this year


Jun 7, 2019
Re: Covid Vaccine

I'll wait... Just like I never buy the 1st gen of anything, but thanks for testing it out for us.

Sent from my SM-N976U using Tapatalk


Aug 10, 2015
Re: Covid Vaccine

Id like proper trials first. Though in international work, we may not have a choice to refuse.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 12, 2015
Re: Covid Vaccine

My wife got the first round of the Pfizer vaccine. No extra appendages have grown yet. She's almost ready for the second part of it. Will report back then


Newly Enlightened
Dec 19, 2020
Re: Covid Vaccine

There are plenty of people out there who don't want anything to do with this Vaccine.
Personally I will get it once most who want it have it. All I ask is they make it as easy
to get as a flu shot.

My point being, if you want it, don't complain about how hard it is just to get it,
just get it in a few weeks. If you don't want it, don't get it. I really doubt the Government
will make you get it.

I work for a large Farm that was hit by the Virus hard in the Fall.
The Father got it, had almost no symptoms, 75 years old with a worn out
hip that needs replaced.

His son got it, was home sick for 2 weeks, 52 years old with bad lungs but
got well on his own and lost over 10 lbs, changing him from Obese to normal.

Grandson with Asthma got it, had almost no symptoms, he is about 30 and weighs
320 lbs. 5 other farms workers got it ranging from 20 to 65 years old, no one was hospitalized
and no one is in a hurry to get this shot. All three people tested positive for the Virus.

This Vaccine is a great thing, we are on our way out of this mess.


Jun 23, 2003
central time
Re: Covid Vaccine

There are plenty of people out there who don't want anything to do with this Vaccine.
Personally I will get it once most who want it have it. All I ask is they make it as easy
to get as a flu shot.

My point being, if you want it, don't complain about how hard it is just to get it,
just get it in a few weeks. If you don't want it, don't get it. I really doubt the Government
will make you get it.

I work for a large Farm that was hit by the Virus hard in the Fall.
The Father got it, had almost no symptoms, 75 years old with a worn out
hip that needs replaced.

His son got it, was home sick for 2 weeks, 52 years old with bad lungs but
got well on his own and lost over 10 lbs, changing him from Obese to normal.

Grandson with Asthma got it, had almost no symptoms, he is about 30 and weighs
320 lbs. 5 other farms workers got it ranging from 20 to 65 years old, no one was hospitalized
and no one is in a hurry to get this shot. All three people tested positive for the Virus.

This Vaccine is a great thing, we are on our way out of this mess.

Glad they are made it through ok, but we are not anywhere on 'the way out'. Things are about to get much worse.


Newly Enlightened
Dec 19, 2020
Re: Covid Vaccine

Glad they are made it through ok, but we are not anywhere on 'the way out'. Things are about to get much worse.

Yes things may get a bit worse in Jan- Feb. But by March many people will
have been Vaccinated. Many others have already proven to be almost immune
to the Virus. Others have had the Virus, and believe they can beat it a second

We have already had the first wave of the Virus, and many of the weakest among
us have already been hit by this virus.

They lied about how many in China were hit by this Virus on the first wave.

The Media wants us to be locked down until at least the end of January.
Once the election is settled completely if Biden is in office it will be amazing
how the media will be ready for all surviving businesses to completely open.

Of course this is all conjecture at this point.

Almost half of all Americans have type O blood which means they are
less likely to be hit hard by this Virus. As these people continue to
get the virus and fight it off with less problems than the common flue
these people will feel better about being in public and things will get
better for them.

Everyone else needs to get the vaccine or develop immunity the hard way.
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