EDC - What's in Your Pocket(s)?? Second Edition

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Jun 14, 2007
Downeast Maine

XD45c in Comp-Tac holster
SOG Twitch XL
HDS 170T
HDS 100Ehc
Ipod Touch
Duluth Smallet
Jeep keys (and other various keys) with 4Sevens Mini123 spare battery carrier
Oakley SI Flak Jackets
Oceanus Ti 5-Motor Super Chronograph


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 8, 2009
Sonoran Desert ~ Scottsdale, AZ
---Quote (Originally by DHart)---
Added a couple of new carry lights... here's one of them. Some wonderful world-class tools here...


And here's the other


---End Quote---

Monocrom said:
Very nice Preon I w/ Preon II tailcap, DHart.

(Ironically, one of my favorite lights is a Preon II w/Preon I tailcap. Not chance of that sucker accidentally switching on in a back pocket, when I sit down.)
Hey buddy.... shortly after playing with the Preon I it struck me that I really should buy the AAx2 body to go with it! Or buy an entire Preon II. I have to wonder, though, don't you worry that sitting with the Preon II in your back pocket might bend or break the light? They can't be THAT strong! :huh:


BTW, somehow our posts disappeared, so I tried to reconstruct them as best I could.
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Aug 27, 2006
You did a good job quoting my vanished post above.

Also, no; not worried. I carried my hybrid Preon for two weeks. No issues at all with bending or deforming. :)

(I rotate various penlights as my secondary EDC light.)
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 8, 2009
Sonoran Desert ~ Scottsdale, AZ
I carried my hybrid Preon for two weeks. No issues at all with bending or deforming. :)

Wow... I'm impressed... I would be afraid to put such a long slim light in my back pocket and sit on it with any regularity. You're a gutsier man than I am in that regard. Glad to hear it has stood up to that just fine.

I've never been attracted to pen lights and now with this Preon I I'm suddenly awakened to how cool a Preon II must be. Gotta get that extra body ordered soon. And how wonderful of David to design the Preons like the Quarks so you can lego heads, bodies, and tails.... FANTASTIC! Smart man, it means many more sales for different parts, colors, etc. I have to think 4Sevens will reap major business benefits from developing their own lines of lights. David learned well from his years of experiences selling Fenix and Nitecore lights to this (CPF) audience... he listened well to the feedback and translated that collective wisdom directly to his own designs and manufacturing. Brilliant in more ways than one! ;)


Jan 17, 2007
Sydney, Australia
Brave Aussies with knives. My understanding is that the valid reason requirement also covers SAKs and multitools with blades. I used to carry one but decided the possible consequences are too severe.

We can't even fight this at the polls. As part of the recent elections, one major political party tried to entice votes by promising further knife bans. The other major political party responded by promising an even greater number of bans.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 8, 2009
Sonoran Desert ~ Scottsdale, AZ
We can't even fight this at the polls. As part of the recent elections, one major political party tried to entice votes by promising further knife bans. The other major political party responded by promising an even greater number of bans.

My God... you poor folks down under and in europe. They don't even want to allow you to carry knives? What are people so fearful of? It's politicians we should be fearful of. The truth is, authorities cannot be present to protect citizens. Self defense is a personal responsibility. Usually when someone is assaulted or killed the police arrive in time to put up yellow tape and write reports. They simply cannot be present to defend you when you're being assaulted. We're the only ones present when we're threatened, hence the only ones around to defend ourselves. Take away our tools of defense and the criminals have a field day. I believe there was a small rural town here in the USA that enacted an ordinance something to the effect that every home have a firearm of some sort... as I recall, break ins and home invasions pretty much dried up. An armed society is a polite society. If bad guys know their actions will be met with equal (or greater) force in defense, they tend to curtail their activities. The present administration here would love to take arms away from law abiding citizens throughout this entire country and go the direction of europe and australia... claiming it is the interest of public safety. It is not. Criminals will remain armed while law abiding citizens would be stripped of their ability to defend themselves. Of course all these politicians have special priviledges to be armed, they have escorts and bodyguards, etc. Just like politicians here vs. the health care deal. The health care programs they vote in for the masses are not what they are subject to... they're got their own special programs of entitlement that are far better than what they expect the masses to receive. Generally, I have a poor view of most politicians. They speak out of both sides of they're mouths in an effort to win power and influence. I don't trust them.
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May 10, 2010
Sydney, Australia
Brave Aussies with knives. My understanding is that the valid reason requirement also covers SAKs and multitools with blades. I used to carry one but decided the possible consequences are too severe.

We can't even fight this at the polls. As part of the recent elections, one major political party tried to entice votes by promising further knife bans. The other major political party responded by promising an even greater number of bans.

Well I Ride a bike to the train station most days, so that qualifies as a valid reason to have a multitool. I've been questioned by a cop on a train about it once, because I had it out and was cleaning the blade on the train, after using it to cut up my lunch. The cop questioned me about it, accepted my reasons, and told me some people might take offense at me cleaning the blade on the train.

As for that recent spate of election promises regarding knife bans, I just hope they will be as lazy implementing them as they are with their other election promises...

And finally, seeing as this is an EDC thread, The Aviator in my earlier picture received its onion ring upgrade today, now sporting amber LEDs, and my Ti Quark123T is in the mail still, but will probably get a place in my EDC rotation :party:


Aug 27, 2006
Wow... I'm impressed... I would be afraid to put such a long slim light in my back pocket and sit on it with any regularity. You're a gutsier man than I am in that regard. Glad to hear it has stood up to that just fine.

I don't baby my gear, but at the same time they never experience anything that could even remotely be called abuse. I carry my gear, I use it, if it fails; I have back-ups to deal with an immediate situation. And I never buy from that particular maker again. All of my penlights are aluminum. None have ever bent or deformed when carried in my back pocket. If they do, they're defective.

BTW, the place you're thinking of is Kennesaw Georgia.

Those ridiculous laws are slowly infecting parts of America. Here in NYC, a ridiculous interpretation of the old, vague as Hell Sullivan Act has basically made locking one-handers illegal. I was at one of my favorite places a few days ago. All they has in their Production knife case was Spyderco UK models, a handful of other slip-joints, and a few fixed blades. I was disgusted by what I saw. In a handful of years, NYC went from a place where you could carry a knife clipped to the top of your pants pocket, walk by officers on the street, not even being questioned about your knife to . . . Well, an even worse situation than what is happening in the UK.

If it wasn't for family obligations, I'd move out of this Hellhole of a city in a heartbeat.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 8, 2009
Sonoran Desert ~ Scottsdale, AZ
I don't baby my gear, but at the same time they never experience anything that could even remotely be called abuse. I carry my gear, I use it, if it fails; I have back-ups to deal with an immediate situation. And I never buy from that particular maker again. All of my penlights are aluminum. None have ever bent or deformed when carried in my back pocket. If they do, they're defective.

BTW, the place you're thinking of is Kennesaw Georgia.

Those ridiculous laws are slowly infecting parts of America. Here in NYC, a ridiculous interpretation of the old, vague as Hell Sullivan Act has basically made locking one-handers illegal. I was at one of my favorite places a few days ago. All they has in their Production knife case was Spyderco UK models, a handful of other slip-joints, and a few fixed blades. I was disgusted by what I saw. In a handful of years, NYC went from a place where you could carry a knife clipped to the top of your pants pocket, walk by officers on the street, not even being questioned about your knife to . . . Well, an even worse situation than what is happening in the UK.

If it wasn't for family obligations, I'd move out of this Hellhole of a city in a heartbeat.

Sheesh, man, that is terrible. There is no accounting for such ignorant thinking. Perhaps some day you will be able to move to more hospitable environs. There are many places in this country where the prevailing wisdom is to not trample on citizen's constitutional rights. These places are to be preserved! Fortunately many areas of the country are removing some restrictions and CCW permits are being granted in more and more places. We're fortunate for that but need to be ever wary of those who would take our rights and liberties from us.

Thanks for mentioning the name of that town... I want to look into that more.

Are you still carrying your E2e with the TLS head? Good little package, that!
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Aug 27, 2006
Thanks DHart.

I actually switched the head on my black E2E with the E2D tailcap. The TLS head was very good, but the Milky-modded KL1 head is even better. A great example of what the P4 emitter is truly capable of. No horrible blue tint, no weak output. Putting out the same lumens numbers as the TLS head. But the beam profile is quite a bit better.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 8, 2009
Sonoran Desert ~ Scottsdale, AZ
Thanks DHart.

I actually switched the head on my black E2E with the E2D tailcap. The TLS head was very good, but the Milky-modded KL1 head is even better. A great example of what the P4 emitter is truly capable of. No horrible blue tint, no weak output. Putting out the same lumens numbers as the TLS head. But the beam profile is quite a bit better.

I have an unused KL4 head I was thinking of selling. But perhaps I should mod it. What mod was done to your KL4?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 10, 2010
I haven't gone over this thread yet, but I guess I'll post:

Can't CC yet ;)
I'm also waiting on a 30mW 1xAAA green laser to put on the keychain, should get here soon.
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Aug 27, 2006
I have an unused KL4 head I was thinking of selling. But perhaps I should mod it. What mod was done to your KL4?

Check out the link below.

I bought it used. Previous owner had removed the tape. (What was he thinking?!) Due to the ridiculously Politically Correct nature of law enforcement here in NYC, I decided it would be best to put the head on my black E2E body, rather than leave it on the E2D body. "Executive" is far more P.C. than "Defender" in NYC. With the mentality here, anything with the word "Defender" on it is instantly associated with aggressive violence.


Toy Sun

Newly Enlightened
Sep 23, 2010

My 2nd post should have been my first. Following you crazy guys for a long time. Don't know if I'm going to have much to contribute, as y'all go DEEP, but here's my pockets:

Pants (front pockets) -
Keys - Utili-key Love it!

Momentum Dive Watch (cheap, but very tough and great glow)

Wedding Band - NOT the tactical model :)

Coat pockets -
Hand sanitizer, why don't more people carry this?
Clip on bike flasher (I don't bike, but out in the stroller with my kid alot)
Maratac AAA
Emotic in-ear headphones

I keep thinking I'll do a belt clip, man bag, always carry a shoulder bag or case of some kind, but I just never do....
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