Elzetta- The industry's best kept secret.

I striped the modern one with a glittery enamel to tell in low light conditions.
Glittery enamel(fingernail polish):poke::p or more like a model paint...
Good idea.

@modernflame: I'm embarrassed to say that i really haven't used my elzettas lately, because of my recent malkoff buying spree

I would say AVS flood, wildcat v6, and m91w all play a similar role with some overlap. However i like them all equally because they all have different tint colors.

The avs flood probably has the shortest range, so i can only imagine what an alpha flood lens would be like. Although i bet it would be very useful in small areas.

For the cost, it may be worth picking up the flood lens just to have and play with. Unless you know it would never get used.

I chose 2 avs, 1 flood, 1 regular for the same reasons as you
Does anyone use the Thrym Switchback with the Elzetta body? Supposedly, these things fit well enough that Elzetta sells them on their site, but I'm having trouble. Mine is the large size, not the little back up model. It comes with an O-ring, which is designed to sit in the neck of the flashlight and absorb the slack between the Swtichback and the body of the light. So I'm installing it....

1) I remove the tail cap.

2) I add the supplied O-ring to the "shelf" in the neck of the flashlight.

3) I install the Switchback.

4) I re-install the tail cap and tighten it.

The problem is that when I tighten the tail cap enough to actuate the high beam, the whole rig is so tight that the supplied O-ring squirts out of the side and down the body of the light. Now I've got the high beam, but no o-ring, so there's lots of slack and the Switchback spins around.

I remember being concerned about it when these were first released, but Elzetta assured me it would work with the high/low tail cap.

My Alpha 415 came and it is indeed more yellow with more throw.

I like both Alphas.

Or maybe i just wanted an excuse to use another Prometheus Ti clip.


My Alpha 415 came and it is indeed more yellow with more throw.

I like both Alphas.

Or maybe i just wanted an excuse to use another Prometheus Ti clip.


Good deal. Any reason to buy a nice belt clip is a good reason.

I like 'em both as well, but they are vastly different in output.
The 415 imo is an awesome backup to the Bones. If you've ever seen the beam from that I think you'll understand what I mean. Very similar tint, similar beam, just not the reach of those 700+ lumens.
This one is not copper, but copper covered. Having in mind copper is soft metal it is a shelf queen, not EDC beater. Would lose its bling in no time exposing the body aluminum.

There is this thing called "hard copper" as well. It's used in all kinds of stuff.
Flashlights have been made out of it for decades. If memory serves there's even a copper flashlight thread or two around here.
Pennies used to be made of 100% copper but it began to cost more than the face value of the coin itself to make it pure so now since 1988 they have a zinc core.

This has been EDC'd by somebody or other for nearly 40 years.
I just plucked it from my pocket change I carry everyday.

Lots of bling left on this copper coated zinc coin...

After 16 years or so....

Meanwhile back to our topic...
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Well, even though I owned a 315 lumen alpha and gave it away as a gift years ago. I just ordered the 415 and high/low alpha. These days I use my HDS primarily but I wanted a simple rugged single cell light. Surefire is a no go for me these days. Sad I must say but... curious to see if I like the updated alpha. Appears they upped the low output to 15 lumens? If so that's even better. 7 lumens is too low for me. 15 is just about right. Can anyone with a new alpha confirm the low is higher now? Resistor change in the tailcap I'm sure.