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Fraz Labs Mechanical Flashlights (formerly QTC Non-Battery Crush)


Jun 23, 2003
central time

They did a custom color for me. The desk's dark colors are causing it to look darker than it is... light's a shade more toward rose than pink.

And I can do the cube. I set yearly goals for new stuff.
2020 rubik's cube
2021 lockpicking
2022 ???


Mar 3, 2021
Mine arrived too!! First thing I noticed is somehow I misjudged the size of the box it comes in


One thing I did not know and found peculiar is that the beam pattern is... interesting


But, as you would, I popped in a Nichia 219BT 4500K CRI92


And now my EDCL1-T has a little brother where CR123 batteries go to be sucked dry after main use!



Jan 18, 2014

They did a custom color for me. The desk's dark colors are causing it to look darker than it is... light's a shade more toward rose than pink.

And I can do the cube. I set yearly goals for new stuff.
2020 rubik's cube
2021 lockpicking
2022 ???
2022: 3x3 Ghost Cube


Newly Enlightened
Sep 12, 2019
Has it really been a month since anyone posted here? Seems unusual.
We are still here, though not quite as often as we once were!!
Fraz Labs Tiny Nugget QT. I put rubber grips on and a constrictor knot lanyard. Also a frosted optic and 2700K Nichia 219B. Pretty fun. The most compact nugget yet. Finish work could be a bit better but I'm impressed by the innovation and improvements from the first few runs. Definite improvements from previous generations.
Gunga, I'm so glad you like it!!
I too would like to get one of these innovative flashlights, and for the record; machining marks or any other 'imperfections' are totally OK with me. Seems like Fraz Lab would be better off completing flashlights rather than spending time with attempts at perfecting the looks of the surface.
We got the bead blaster in an attempt to hide the machining marks, but overall most folks seem okay with the level at which I am capable of machining on whatever machine we are using at the time. I am so glad that the design speaks for itself, but both will continue to get better as we go (although, probably not at the same pace). Thanks for your support, KB!!
I ran over mine with a 17k JLG telehandler, I don't care what it looks like as long as it holds up to that abuse
Aww, that's awesome BigB!! Glad she held steady, but if you ever have an issue just send it to us and it will come back to you all patched up.

We are so happy that y'all are all still here - one of us will be back in a bit to knock out some more of these responses.

The design keeps improving and we are BOTH still managing everything as best we can. I can see from the photos that some of y'all have received their latest shipment and noticed we have started a few new things - more on all that later!!

Thanks so much to all of you for continuing to follow along!!


Mar 3, 2021
We are still here, though not quite as often as we once were!!

Gunga, I'm so glad you like it!!

We got the bead blaster in an attempt to hide the machining marks, but overall most folks seem okay with the level at which I am capable of machining on whatever machine we are using at the time. I am so glad that the design speaks for itself, but both will continue to get better as we go (although, probably not at the same pace). Thanks for your support, KB!!

Aww, that's awesome BigB!! Glad she held steady, but if you ever have an issue just send it to us and it will come back to you all patched up.

We are so happy that y'all are all still here - one of us will be back in a bit to knock out some more of these responses.

The design keeps improving and we are BOTH still managing everything as best we can. I can see from the photos that some of y'all have received their latest shipment and noticed we have started a few new things - more on all that later!!

Thanks so much to all of you for continuing to follow along!!

I've read before that you had a lot of issues with the optics, being delivered bunched up and with dirt/fingerprints on it, did you manage to make any strides on that front?
Also how much variation is there in the optics? I know mine has a beam that would make a white wall hunter cry uncontrollably.


Mar 3, 2021
I just realized the Fenix PD36R pocket clip that fits the Malkoff MD21700 almost fits the Tiny Nugget. It was just a bit tight and was scraping when turning so I tried to bend it a bit to fit properly but did not succeed.
Does anyone have maybe a 21700 flashlight clip that you could try? I feel like I maybe onto something.


Newly Enlightened
Sep 12, 2019
I mean that's all and well, Jordy over at FocusWorks changes something in the machining or the materials all the time, but after two years of production refinement I would imagine there would be some goods available for purchase

then again, I'm no machinist, I'm just utterly confused
I'm sure that you can see the difference in our lights and Peak's lights now that you own a Tiny Nugget, and a quick look back through this thread will let you know the massive amount of changes done in the past four years (and there's even more that never made it to the photos). Also, most if not all the other companies you've mentioned have hired employees that help out with their day-to-day operation, while we are still a crew of only two (that still attempts to keeps the house clean, dogs and ourselves fed, yard kept, website going, social media and email answered, stay current on new LED tech, stay current on new battery tech, stay current on new machining technique as well as finishing techniques, yada yada yada...) and we haven't even gotten to the time it takes to actually manufacture, finish, and box them up for delivers (also still only the two of us).

Thankfully, folks seem to like our little creations, so they sell VERY quickly when we do drop them onto the site.

I have a Tiny Tank 18350 and it really lives up to its name as a tank.

I believe the production volume is limited by the shop being a two person operation. The closest equivalent I can think of is Grimsmo Knives where it's two brothers and a handful of employees. They're charging about $900 per knife. Fraz and Speckacuda are awesome people and make a great product for the price.
I love this comment, and you are correct about all of it (especially the part about the Tiny Tank - it's a beast). Thank you for understanding!!

I second the above, you will be updated when your package ships (I've always been) it just sometimes takes a week or two to get everything out the door.

Having done it myself for only a couple dozen people at a time, not only is is surprisingly time consuming, you also have to be sure, especially behind a brand you have created, that you aren't messing anything up..... it is quite embarrassing and an even more massive headache and time sink!
I also love and agree wholeheartedly with this comment - the two of us haven't sacrificed the last decade and put our name on these babies just to sling out the door like an Amazon package at the end. We catch a lot of little things right as we box them up, from cosmetic flaws to things that just feel off, and I think that helps ensure the person on the other end gets exactly what they're expecting (from the correct order itself to the function of the light). Thank you so much!!

Do you proceed with ordering a light that isn't in stock and it just ships to you when it does?

@fulee9999 did you luck up and find one in stock?
This is my actual nightmare - my heart and nervous system can't handle any more pre-orders!! It's just too stressful, and everything seems to be trying to break down or die when we do it. Fraz and I only take money for lights if they're already made and the customer knows exactly what they're going to get in the box. Turbodog is the only one who was surprised when his arrived, but he gave me permission beforehand to get wild with it.
😂😂 they do come in other colors. She's a tank man.
Fraz is more of the Henry Ford type with the colors, I like the dark arts though so I've been dabbling. The can come in other colors, but it never turns out like I think it will. Dan has my favorite light ever on earth that I've ever custom colored, Spring Fling. Colors at your own risk!!

I LOVE those. I actually looked to see if there were any available.Awesome score man!
Thank you for those kind words!! I have a page on the site that has a few examples, but I haven't listed more at this moment. There will probably be one for the 4th of July though... :grin2:

Fingers crossed, I've been waiting 10 years for the 3xAA version that was talked about back then. What awesome lights, love to see all the iterations and changes over the years. They had a vision and stuck with it, kudos!
The AA is still on the list, but we are trying to keep the efficiency train moving. That means we have to design while the parts are machined, and we try to make everything as modular as possible (Fraz is a minimalist at heart, and it shows in the designs) so most things fit together across the models. Right now, we are trying to get the SL converted over to the QT engine design because of its ease of assembly (which helps us greatly) and efficiency. The Lumenite is next to be converted over and refined after that.

I'll be back in a bit to answer more, and I still appreciate each and every one of you who took the time to comment here in the last few months. You are all a vital part to this story!!


Mar 3, 2021
I'm sure that you can see the difference in our lights and Peak's lights now that you own a Tiny Nugget, and a quick look back through this thread will let you know the massive amount of changes done in the past four years (and there's even more that never made it to the photos). Also, most if not all the other companies you've mentioned have hired employees that help out with their day-to-day operation, while we are still a crew of only two (that still attempts to keeps the house clean, dogs and ourselves fed, yard kept, website going, social media and email answered, stay current on new LED tech, stay current on new battery tech, stay current on new machining technique as well as finishing techniques, yada yada yada...) and we haven't even gotten to the time it takes to actually manufacture, finish, and box them up for delivers (also still only the two of us).

Thankfully, folks seem to like our little creations, so they sell VERY quickly when we do drop them onto the site.

I can see how that takes a Herculean effort, and I wish you nothing but the best, this is a great product at a competitive price.
I sincerely hope you will be able to ramp up production in the future so more people will be able to enjoy your products and keep us posted if you do a colored run again, I'm sure even people who already have a TinyNugget/Tank would love to get one ;)

Ps: I too love mine, to be honest I've using it almost everyday at home, with the Nichia 219BT this little tank seems to run forever!
PPs: One thing I realized would be an awesome addition is tritium slots... Just imagine!

thermal guy

Jan 28, 2007
"Dan has my favorite light ever on earth that I've ever custom colored, Spring Fling. Colors at your own risk!!"

she's a beauty! Sorry but you can't have it back😁 I have to hide it from my little one while I'm at work 😂😂


Mar 3, 2021
Not everyone is a super-hard-user requiring tritium slots though

fair enough, but it wouldn't really ruin the design as well, if done properly

- What are those little crevasses on the side?
- Uhm... cooling fins!
- Okay cool.

but seriously, for example in the LF SW01 tail, it's not that evident what the extra indents are for



Mar 3, 2021
As an extreme hard user trit slots will just weaken the integrity of the metal during my daily use, and give away my location

okay, so how about having it as an option? so hardcore ninjas can have their full bodied lights and other people can have their trit slots?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 24, 2021
okay, so how about having it as an option? so hardcore ninjas can have their full bodied lights and other people can have their trit slots?

Now a benefit to the open trit slots would be weight savings like flutes on a barrel.
That way I can keep my mobility for when retreating is the only option
Last edited:


Newly Enlightened
Sep 29, 2014
Awesome! The disco party crowd and the combat operators are on board too!! :ROFLMAO:
I fully understand, that taking involuntarily pre-orders puts a lot of stress in the process. Though to me personally, missing a drop again puts also a lot of stress on me. JK. I hope I make the next drop though.


Newly Enlightened
Mar 9, 2022
Thank you for those kind words!! I have a page on the site that has a few examples, but I haven't listed more at this moment. There will probably be one for the 4th of July though... :grin2:

Heads up! Have a safe weekend everyone!